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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 301 - 320 of 1689
LAPD Arrests Skid Row Campers
(Los Angeles Times) posted 10/04/2006
... the last several months to make skid row a priority. The area has long had the largest concentration of homeless people in the western U.S. and is the site of about 20% o ...

New 'Caught Red-Handed' Report: GOP Congressmen Waste Billions of Local Taxpayer Dollars on Iraq Fiasco
(U.S. Newswire) posted 08/29/2006
... than $300 Billion on President Bush's failed policy. $18 billion has been awarded to Halliburton, much of which was in 'no bid' contracts and $9 billion is missing. ...

Detroit Keynesianism
(Mises Economics Blog) posted 05/15/2010
... fast break on this one. There could be a bubble in demolition company stocks coming. Is Halliburton in that business? ...

Thinking for Yourself is Now a Crime
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 01/06/2008
... who will be the inmates of the detention centers being built in the US by Halliburton under government contract. Who will be on the 'extremist ...

Soldiers Die, CEOs Prosper
(Boston Globe) posted 08/31/2006
... ($200 million), General Dynamics ($65 million), Lockheed Martin ($50 million), and Halliburton ($49 million). Other firms where CEO pay the last four years added up to $2 ...

Please Don’t Support My Troop
(Michael Gaddy) posted 10/12/2005
... to come clean, America: you do not in any way support troops by sending them to die for Halliburton and Bechtel’s bottom line. This is analogous to sending your teenager ...

Former soldier wins landmark case over Gulf War Syndrome
(The Independent) posted 11/01/2005
... Martin, 35, who has suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome, memory loss and impaired concentration since the 1991 conflict, will receive a disability award under the 'umb ...

Soy Linked to Low Sperm Count
(Health Day) posted 07/31/2008
... July 23 (HealthDay News) -- Eating half a serving of soy food a day lowers sperm concentrations and may play a role in male infertility, particularly in obese men, Harva ...

Trump: 'If You Hate Our Country, If You're Not Happy Here, You Can Leave'
(InformationLiberation) posted 07/15/2019
... Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 15, 2019 ....Detention facilities are not Concentration Camps! America has never been stronger than it is now – rebuilt Military ...

Beaver County Times Allegheny Times - Letter To The Editor - On the short list
(Beaver County Times Allegheny Times) posted 10/22/2006
... Ask the Japanese-Americans who were interned. This is a nice word for being put in a concentration camp during World War II. Their crime was being Americans of Japanese d ...

John Boehner Still Believes Saddam Was Tied To 9/11 And Had WMD
(Crooks and Liars) posted 09/28/2006
... was supporting the terrorists for 9/11 and was 'providing cover' for the training camps in Iraq. Matthews was in shockingly good form during this i ...

Folly of the Foley Pervert Scandal: Dangerous Times Straight Ahead
(Kurt Nimmo) posted 10/06/2006
... maw of Ministry of Homeland Security “detention camps,” freshly constructed by Halliburton-KBR. It should be noted that under the emergent fascism that awaits us, n ...

Wetlands Front Group Funded by Big Oil Wants Taxpayers to Foot the Bill for BP's Gulf Destruction
(Huffington Post) posted 08/02/2010
... devise and fully fund a plan to restore the Gulf. There is no mention that BP, Halliburton, Transocean, Cameron, or any other oil industry player 'be the one' to pay for ...

Zarqawi replaces Osama as terror world Numero Uno:
(NewKerala) posted 08/31/2005
... today reported that both al-Libbi and al-Zarqawi discussed setting up terror training camps in various parts of the Middle East, including Turkey, Syria, Lebanon or Jorda ...

Vitamin C jab could combat cancer
(Daily Mail) posted 09/13/2005
... by at least 99 per cent. The effective dose was less than four millimoles, a concentration much higher than an oral dose but easily achievable by intravenous infusio ...

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