Zarqawi replaces Osama as terror world Numero Uno:

Aug. 31, 2005

New York: Iraqi separatist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi seems to have overshadowed al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, as far as the world most wanted terrorist is concerned.

Quoting US intelligence officials interrogating al Qaeda deputy Abu Faraj al-Libbi, who was captured in May in Pakistan, the New York Post today reported that both al-Libbi and al-Zarqawi discussed setting up terror training camps in various parts of the Middle East, including Turkey, Syria, Lebanon or Jordan.

Besides the usual weapons training, those attending would also learn European languages, presumably to help them hide among the local populations, the paper added.

Quoting a Time magazine report, the paper said that European intelligence sources believe that for several months al-Zarqawi had been overseeing preparations for a massive terror attack on Europe .

The New York-based daily quoted French terror expert Roland Jacquard as telling the magazine that the fear is we ll see those disparate, relatively inexperienced groups around Europe hook up with Afghan-trained terror cells, all under the influence of Zarqawi. That could reverse the atomization of cells and networks that occurred after the invasion of Afghanistan.

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