Folly of the Foley Pervert Scandal: Dangerous Times Straight Ahead

Kurt Nimmo
Oct. 06, 2006

How disgustingly typical. “Hastert said he had no thoughts of resigning” for his complicity and lying in the cover up the Mark Foley pervert scandal, “and he blamed ABC News and Democratic operatives for the mushrooming scandal that threatens his tenure as speaker and Republicans’ hold on power in the House,” reports the Baltimore Sun.

Of course, it matters not if a neocon Republican or neocon Democrat party controls the House of Corporate Whores, and all the attention to this story obscures and blots out the real scandal—the neocons in Congress have dealt a death blow to the Bill of Rights and few give a whit, especially our glorious suck-up corporate media. It also blind-sides the danger that lies immediately ahead.

On occasion, however, a diamond in the rough will surface from the propaganda cesspool of the corporate media, for instance the Baltimore Chronicle posting an op-ed by Paul Craig Roberts.

“President Bush, Vice President Cheney and a variety of neoconservative and Republican writers are attempting to broaden the definition of terrorist to include truthful critics of Bush’s Iraq war. On September 29, for example, the Associated Press reported that Bush said that critics who claim the Iraq war has made America less safe embrace ‘the enemy’s propaganda,’” Roberts writes. “If Bush can accuse the CIA of ‘embracing terrorist propaganda,’ any columnist or reporter who reports truthfully can be put in the ‘against us’ camp and interred for giving ‘aid and comfort to the enemy.’” Add to this any critic of the neocons, including political activists and even bloggers.

A Google News search returns a fair number of results on the so-called detainee bill—although the most recent appear on alternative web sites, not on corporate media web sites, as the stenographic media is finished with this particular “news item” documenting the murder of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is simply breath-taking how rapidly and effortlessly the corporate media swept this act of judicial homicide under the rug and replaced it with a story about a pervert chasing around congressional pages.

It is too late to do anything significant about the loss of our rights. Even if a million people marched on Washington in protest tomorrow—a completely unlikely scenario, considering the bovine mindset of the average citizen—the chances are high there would be another Bonus Army incident (on July 28, 1932, the 12th Infantry Regiment and the 3rd Cavalry Regiment under the command of George S. Patton invaded the “Hooverville” encampment of World War I veterans amassed in Washington demanding payment of a “bonus” granted by the Adjusted Service Certificate Law of 1924—Patton’s goons shot to death two veterans, asphyxiated to death two infants with tear gas, and wounded over 1,000 people, including reporters and ambulance drivers).

As history repeatedly demonstrates, when faced with vigorous opposition (or, in many cases, not so vigorous opposition), government invariably reacts with uninhibited violence. The violent suppression of the Tiananmen Square protest in 1989 was not an exception, but rather the rule.

Finally, the Folly of the Foley pervert scandal indicates danger immediately ahead. Between now and the midterm election a mere month away, the neocon Republicans may pull a bloody rabbit out of their hat, lest they go down in flames to the neocon Democrats.

Is it possible the Bush neocons will adjust the schedule and shift their shock and awe campaign against Iran into high gear?

In order to be effective, such may necessitate a “homegrown” terrorist attack, complete with an exercise of the newly spawned detainee bill and the disappearance of malcontents into the nightmarish maw of Ministry of Homeland Security “detention camps,” freshly constructed by Halliburton-KBR.

It should be noted that under the emergent fascism that awaits us, not only will the obvious malcontents disappear, but so will the less obvious—for instance, the editors and scriveners of the New York Times, et al, as authoritarians historically trust nobody, not even those in the outer circle of their consorts and compatriots, as Nazi Ernst Röhm and the SA learned all too late.

Trundling along in “rendition” black vans and train cars toward the torture dungeons, no doubt a few of these formerly aloof careerists, who believed they were immune, will kick themselves for having not complained a bit more over the depredations of the fascist Bush neocons.

Of course, it will be too late for them—and the rest of us as well.

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