Scary: Krugman's Idea of ObamaCare Success Story
(Robert P. Murphy) posted 04/17/2014 Paul Krugman has made another installment in his campaign to promote the wonders of ObamaCare. In this post, Krugman laments that New Yorkers of all people don’t recognize how ... Will Paul Krugman be Shamed Into Debating an Austrian Economics Wunderkind? (CNBC) posted 10/26/2010 ... frustrated by what they view as the lack of engagement by arch-Keynesian Paul Krugman with their arguments have come up with a clever ploy: they're promising to donate $1 ... Paul Krugman Gives Up (American Thinker) posted 08/04/2010 A marvelous thing happened over on Paul Krugman's blog at the New York Times last week. Krugman effectively conceded defeat on a range of economic debates. Who defeated him? P ... Paul Krugman's Welfare-State Fallacies (Jacob G. Hornberger) posted 05/20/2010 A recent op-ed entitled “We’re Not Greece” by Paul Krugman in the New York Times encapsulates everything that is wrong with liberals when it comes to economics. ... Krugman: Death Panels, VAT Will Fix Debt Crisis (Newsmax) posted 11/14/2010 Economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman says the only way the U.S. will get its debt crisis under control is by the use of 'death panels' and a national sales tax ... My Debate Challenge to Paul Krugman (Mises Institute) posted 10/28/2010 ... School are joining the campaign, because they realize the wonderful corner into which Krugman would be painted. He will either have to debate Austrian business-cycle theo ... Ron Paul Debates Arch-Statist Paul Krugman (InformationLiberation) posted 05/01/2012 Finally an Austrian gets to debate arch-statist Paul Krugman. Ron successfully shows Krugman to be a complete idiot (not that we need any more evidence). First, he ... The Evil Paul Krugman Attacks Ron Paul (Economic Policy Journal) posted 12/20/2010 ... The year is not quite up yet, but I'm pretty sure this post alone will result in Krugman getting this year's Gene Callahan Award for Absurd Argumentative Style. ... Krugman turns to his babysitter again (The Circle Bastiat) posted 02/05/2013 In today’s column on “Money, Wealth, and Models,” Paul Krugman lashes out “the Austrianish horde” for being critical of his view “that you can create real wealth by printing m ... Paul Krugman in 1998: Internet will have no Greater Econ Impact than FaxMachines by 2005 (DailyPaul) posted 04/02/2013 Gerald Celente-esque Trends Forecaster, Krugman definitely is not: Fearless Krugman Forecasts (1998 Edition) In 1988, Paul Krugman stepped up to the plate and told ... Krugman Scolds Jon Stewart for Trillion Dollar Coin Coverage (ABC OTUS News) posted 01/14/2013 ... Week' web exclusive, New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman sounded off on Comedy Central host Jon Stewart's dismissive take on minting a ... Krugman: Election 'Rigged' Because Middle-American 'Whiter' States Have Equal Representation (InformationLiberation) posted 11/06/2018 New York Times columnist Paul Krugman said Tuesday that the election is 'effectively rigged' because 'less educated' and 'much whiter' states like Wyoming get an equal amount ... LIAR: Paul Krugman Says FED Policy Does Not Effect Food & Oil Prices, The Dollar Hasn't Gone Down (Federal Jack) posted 05/03/2012 (FEDERALJACK) Paul Krugman says FED policy does not effect food & oil prices, the dollar hasn’t gone down, inflation is good for workers. EPIC FAIL Paul. ... Krugman Whines Over Ron Paul Debate (Paul Krugman) posted 05/02/2012 A bit of meta on my “debate” with Ron Paul; I think it’s a perfect illustration of a point I’ve thought about a lot, the uselessness of face-to-face debates. Think about ... Bernanke Takes On Krugman’s Criticism Ignoring Own Advice (Bloomberg) posted 04/27/2012 Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke took on Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman yesterday and called his advice to reduce unemployment by boosting inflation “reckl ... List of Austrian economists who publicly predicted the housing bubble and collapse (Reddit) posted 10/06/2010 ... Hans F. Sennholz In contrast, here are 9 (pre-collapse) articles from Paul Krugman, calling for ever lower interest rates, as well as explicitly advocating for ... Keynesian Economist Paul Krugman on the Irrelevance of the Internet - 1998 [Pic] (r/Libertarian) posted 12/29/2013 ... The Most Evil Column Ever (Jeffrey Tucker) posted 08/08/2011 I don’t often read Paul Krugman but because the NYT was hyping his new column as the most emailed I had to see what was going on. He begins by trashing the S&P for its downgra ... Paul Krugman Touts New Book on 'White Rural Rage' by Paul Waldman and Tom Schaller (InformationLiberation) posted 02/28/2024 The New York Times' Paul Krugman wrote a column on Tuesday touting a new book from Paul Waldman and Tom Schaller titled 'White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy' bu ... Krugman: We Need $8-10 Trillion Worth of Quantitative Easing (InformationLiberation) posted 11/03/2010 Krugman says we need $8-10 trillion in QE to help the economy, says China is evil for not wanting their currency devalued. Video from October 14, 2010. ... |