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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 641 - 660 of 1689
Israel Detonated a Radioactive Bunker Buster Bomb in Lebanon
(RAI News) posted 11/14/2006
... in a soil fragment. Yet, looking inside, estremely small bubbles can be found with high concentration of iron. Further testing will clarify the origin of these structures ...

New Al Qaeda Leader Planning Attack Against U.S.
(ABC News) posted 03/05/2006
... said Rehman helped train thousands of fellow Pakistani militants at al Qaeda training camps during the late 1990s. As pressure from the United States and its allies ...

Text of Bradley Manning's Letter to President Obama
(Global Research) posted 08/22/2013
... of Tears, the Dred Scott decision, McCarthyism, and the Japanese-American internment camps -- to mention a few. I am confident that many of the actions since 9/11 will on ...

Sheriff Candidate Believes Crime Is Terrorism
(Lee Rogers) posted 04/30/2008
... don't like what they are doing of being terrorists and haul them away to FEMA run death camps. Below is a photo of one of Mr. Stewart's campaign signs a reader sent ...

War: The Health of the State, not so Healthy for Human Beings
(Thomas L. Knapp) posted 03/13/2012
... connected corporate players. To wit, the stockholders of Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, KBR, Halliburton, et. al. As former Marine general Smedley put it, 'war is a racket.' ...

General Wesley Clark: Some WWII-Style Internment Camps Are Just The Thing We Need To Fight Domestic Radicalization
(Techdirt) posted 07/20/2015
... most notably, the forced incarceration of US citizens of Japanese descent in internment camps. Most people look back at this with disgust -- an example of what not t ...

Trump 'Delays' ICE Deportation Raids, DHS Head Accused Of Leaking Raid Locations to WashPo
(InformationLiberation) posted 06/22/2019
... Though the media is acting like Trump is some sort of fascist throwing children in 'concentration camps,' he's actually deporting much less illegals than Obama and ende ...

NASA discovers interstellar 'chocolate'
(CSMonitor) posted 10/27/2005
... The Deep Impact probe that smashed into the comet Tempel 1 on July 4 revealed a high concentration of organic chemicals beneath the comet's surface. Studies such as tho ...

'Naked' scanners may increase cancer risk
( posted 05/20/2010
... Brenner, the head of Columbia University’s Centre for Radiological Research, says the concentration on the skin – one of the most radiation-sensitive organs of the body – ...

State Department Designates Anti-Israel Nordic Resistance Movement a 'Terrorist Organization'
(InformationLiberation) posted 06/15/2024
... of State, but also as a Jew. My grandfather…fled pogroms... My stepfather…survived concentration camps. So...I understand...the harrowing echoes that Hamas’ massacres car ...

Brzezinski, Kissinger, et al, Shill Global Slave Plantation
(Kurt Nimmo) posted 07/08/2007
... window for skilled workers, that would suppress the skilled-wage level and end the concentration of income.” Greenspan, of course, is not talking about the “concent ...

Rights Abusers Elected to UN Council
(Epoch Times) posted 05/17/2006
... in that report including the immediate abolition of all 're-education through labour' camps. The full membership of the Human Rights Council is as follows: Af ...

Currency War
posted 01/22/2006
... to them if they followed Saddam’s lead. Of course, once occupied by the US-UK-Halliburton coalition, Iraqi oil sales were once again denominated in petrodollars. ...

US military finds soldiers' blogs too close for comfort
(London Telegraph) posted 12/29/2005
... from the battlefield. The phenomenon, helped by internet cafes at almost all US camps to permit soldiers regular contact with home, has for the first time allowed pe ...

Media Goes Mad For The New Jeff Gannon
(Infowars) posted 03/10/2007
... elite of the country was never properly investigated. After Dyncorp and Halliburton contractors were exposed as having operated child prostitutio ...

Health fears lead schools to dismantle wireless networks
(The Times) posted 01/02/2007
... of microwave radiation emitted by the transmitters could be harmful, causing loss of concentration, headaches, fatigue, memory and behavioural problems and possibly cance ...

GMO Seeds: 'MNCs Gaining Total Control Over Farming'
(IPS News) posted 12/13/2007
... seeds are now focussed on soybeans, maize, cotton and oilseed rape (canola). Such concentration of market control in a few firms has been driven by large research-ba ...

Slicing Away Liberty: 1933 Germany, 2006 America
(Bernard Weiner) posted 02/22/2006
... unruly analysts on the internet, are still to be dealt with. (FEMA has contracted with Halliburton and others to build several hundred detention camps around the country, ...

Owning the Torture Society
(Ted Rall) posted 11/25/2006
... It's farce. Newly leaked audiotapes of military tribunals held at Guantánamo Bay concentration camp shared the eerie quality of the Soviet show trials of the 1930s. ...

Oil for Sale: Iraq Study Group Recommends Privatization
(AlterNet) posted 12/07/2006
... Exxon and Texaco. The family law firm, Baker Botts, has represented Texaco, Exxon, Halliburton and Conoco Phillips, among other companies, in some cases since 1914 and in ...

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