Sheriff Candidate Believes Crime Is Terrorism

Lee Rogers
Apr. 30, 2008

The blurring of lines between crime and terrorism continues. According to section 802 of the Patriot Act, minor criminal offenses can be interpreted as terrorism by government officials. The recent implementation of Operation Sudden Impact in Memphis and surrounding areas had various people from federal, state and local law enforcement agencies go on a fishing expedition searching for terrorists. The operation resulted in the issuance of several traffic tickets, the confiscation of a small amount of drugs but failed to catch any terrorists. It was nothing more than a martial law training operation because the real terrorists are actually funded by high level government black operations. The U.S. House of Representatives last year passed HR 1955 the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 which if gets signed into law will give the government a blank check to potentially classify certain belief systems as terrorism. As horrible as all of these things are, we now have a candidate running for Sheriff in Florida's Orange County using the slogan "Crime is Terrorism". Malone Stewart proudly displays this slogan on his web site and in his campaign signs. There is no question that the lines between criminality and terrorism are quickly being erased and if this continues the government will just accuse people who don't like what they are doing of being terrorists and haul them away to FEMA run death camps.

Below is a photo of one of Mr. Stewart's campaign signs a reader sent to us which shows clearly that he is running his campaign using the slogan "Crime is Terrorism".

Obviously crime is not terrorism, but if we have people in positions of authority that buy into the terror war fraud and believe that crime is terrorism, we are in a great deal of trouble. The Military Commissions Act which was passed into law in 2006 allows the government to strip people of their citizenship and hold them indefinitely with no due process if they are accused of being a terrorist. What better way to hold American citizens who are protesting against the government than by utilizing the powers in the Military Commissions Act combined with what's in the Patriot Act and eventually with what's in HR 1955. Assuming HR 1955 gets passed, the government will literally have the power to jail American citizens indefinitely for having a belief system that the government disapproves of.

Mr. Stewart's campaign slogan automatically disqualifies him from being taken seriously as a candidate for Sheriff. The war on terror is a fraud designed to setup a police state and to get everybody spying on one another with the notion that everybody is a potential terrorist. It is clear that Mr. Stewart has bought into this idea with this ridiculous campaign slogan. If anybody reading this resides in Florida's Orange County we encourage you not to support this man for Sheriff. Crime is not terrorism.

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