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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 621 - 640 of 1689
VIDEO: Migrants Attack Calais Residents, Throw Bricks
(Infowars) posted 01/28/2016
... Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said the 3,000 individuals living in the Calais migrant camps should be allowed to enter Britain and claim asylum. The full video below sh ...

'Silent policy' of torture addressed in ACLU talk
(Worcester Telegram & Gazette) posted 11/12/2006
... who manipulate public fear of evil enemies in far-off lands, to justify a perpetual concentration of wartime power” as well as by some professors, he said. If Pre ...

Controversial US company wins US$ 700m South Sudan contract
(Afrol News) posted 10/16/2006
... the US dependency Iraq. In contrast to controversial US companies involved in Iraq, like Halliburton, Louis Berger is not known to be politically connected to the Bush ad ...

Nazi-Style Denunciation Campaign Urges Americans To Report Each Other
(Prison Planet) posted 08/07/2009
... consequences for the victims would be – families torn apart, torture and internment in concentration camps, and ultimately in many cases death – but they still did it w ...

Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts 9/11 Commission Vice Chair Lee Hamilton on 'Angel Is Next' Threat Against Air Force One
(9/11 Blogger ) posted 12/13/2007
... ISG biography. Also Lawrence Eagleburger of the ISG was previously a board member of Halliburton. The night began with James A. Baker III speaking about his ...

No Fluoride for Infants, Say Dentists
(PRNewswire) posted 11/14/2006
... However, adverse effects occur upon ingestion. Further, the CDC admits enamel fluoride concentration isn't inversely related to cavities. The Environmental Protectio ...

CIA Helped Nazi Eichmann Hide
(Spiegel) posted 09/05/2006
... to have organized the 'final solution' --the deportation of Jews to ghettos and death camps -- to rid Germany of its Jewish population during World War II. Timothy N ...

War Without End
(Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.) posted 08/25/2007
... but he did claim that the reason for the bloodshed in Cambodia, and the prison camps in Vietnam following withdrawal, was not the war itself, but the failur ...

No 10 scientist urges brain pills for all
(The Sunday Times) posted 06/06/2006
... Donepezil has a “remarkable impact” on a wide range of functions, including memory, concentration and the ability to learn. “The potential for these drugs is enormou ...

9/11 survivor's toxic clothing sparks cancer fear
(UK Mirror) posted 04/18/2006
... to RJ Lee Group laboratories. Forensic testing has revealed that parts contain a concentration of chrysotile asbestos about 93,000 times higher than the average foun ...

Fake CIA Agent For FOX News Has Spewed Horse S**t For 12 Years, and Americans Were Eating It Up
(The Free Thought Project) posted 10/17/2015
... Simmons erroneously asserted earlier this year that 19 paramilitary Islamic training camps were operating in the U.S. According to, Simmons has been list ...

Reconquista: Neocon Malkin Gets it Wrong
(Kurt Nimmo) posted 04/03/2006
Michelle Malkin, neocon pundit and concentration camp advocate, made an appearance on the Bill O’Reilly show last week and asserted the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlá ...

FCC Adviser Backs 'Public Media' as 'Filter' and 'Megaphone' for Govt-Funded Internet Journalism
( posted 03/31/2010
... “the market did not support,” focusing on investigative journalism and acting as “base camps” for government-sponsored reporters. “Public media was meant to provide ...

Putin on Brexit: "Some Don't Want to Dissolve National Borders"
(InformationLiberation) posted 06/24/2016
... (via RT): President Putin linked the results of the British referendum to the high concentration of power within the EU structure. “The percentage of mandatory dec ...

Bin Laden's friend Jihad Jack freed by Australian judges
(The Telegraph) posted 08/19/2006
... was accused of being an al-Qa'eda sleeper agent who visited the network's training camps in Afghanistan. He was the first person convicted under tough anti-terror laws in ...

VIDEO: 'Refugee' Threatens to Throw BABY At Police in Greece
(Infowars) posted 04/07/2016
Shocking video footage shows the moment when a 'refugee' threatens to throw a baby at police officers in Greece because they refuse to allow him to continue his journey to the ...

Study Confirms Google's Rigged Algorithms Overwhelmingly Favor CNN, NYT and WashPo
(InformationLiberation) posted 05/13/2019
... The New York Times, and The Washington Post. These statistics underscore the degree of concentration of attention to a relatively narrow slice of news sources. Of cou ...

A Tunisian in Guantánamo
(Andy Worthington) posted 06/22/2007
... groups while also actively recruiting for Osama bin Laden-sponsored training camps in Afghanistan.' It was also noted that he 'frequented elements of th ...

FBI 'gave prior warning to Britain about 7/7 bomber'
(The Scotsman) posted 02/08/2006
... He said Hamza sent dozens of people from Finsbury Park mosque to terror training camps in Afghanistan. He said: 'We thought it would have been necessary to take acti ...

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