Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts 9/11 Commission Vice Chair Lee Hamilton on 'Angel Is Next' Threat Against Air Force One

9/11 Blogger
Dec. 13, 2007

On the evening of December 6th, 2007, the one-year anniversary of the Iraq Study Group (ISG) Report, 9/11 Commissioner Lee H. Hamilton and former Secretary of State James A. Baker III spoke at the Lowe’s Hotel where they were honored for their work on the ISG. The Iraq Study Group has been scrutinized because of its membership that consists of individuals with questionable bias towards the war. One such member is Vernon Jordan Jr. who admits frequently attending Bilderberg conferences in his ISG biography. Also Lawrence Eagleburger of the ISG was previously a board member of Halliburton.

The night began with James A. Baker III speaking about his unsuccessful campaign for the State Attorney General of Texas in 1978. He joked about an encounter with a gentleman at the grocery store during his campaign that changed his outlook on the electoral process. As the story went according to Baker, the man approached him in the parking lot and said, “Hey, anybody ever tell you that you look like Jim Baker?” Baker replied, “Yeah I get that a lot.” The man then sneered, “Doesn’t that piss you off?” From this experience Baker claims to have gleaned that being elected is far more difficult than being appointed. Indeed this is the case evident from Baker’s speech in which he boasted about his political career that includes being Reagan’s Chief of Staff as well as Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of State under George H.W. Bush. Baker’s more recent activities include overseeing the 2000 Florida recount, acting as Chief Legal Advisor in George W. Bush’s 2000 election campaign, and serving as senior counsel to the Carlyle Group in 2005.

Baker was then followed by Lee Hamilton who, like Baker, began his speech with a series of comedic anecdotes followed by a serious presentation of current world affairs. After Hamilton's speech, the duo were honored with crystal awards for their work on the ISG. Members of Philly 9/11 Truth sat patiently waiting to question Hamilton on the relevance of the now infamous ‘Angel is Next’ call received by Air Force One on the morning of 9/11 in which top secret code words were used. Mainstream media outlets such as CBS, and the Washington Post reported the incident, yet the White House shortly after 9/11 rescinded that such a call took place. Was it just an unimportant event from a day that produced so much confusion and conjecture? If it was an insignificant threat then why did the pilot admit taking evasive action after receiving the communiqué by increasing Air Force One’s altitude considerably above that of commercial air traffic? Why did he ask for armed guards to patrol the cockpit door? Why was the identity of all persons onboard Air Force One double-checked?

Philly 9/11 Truth sought answers from Vice Chair of the 9/11 Commission himself. After both Baker and Hamilton spoke there was a brief question and answer session in which only three questions were fielded. The chances of questioning Hamilton had all but diminished, however a brief opportunity unexpectedly became available in the hallway after the event. Reporter Nicholas Carangi questioned the Commissioner about the threat assessment given to Air Force One under the code words ‘Angel is Next’. Fellow journalist Nicholas Falcone surreptitiously captured the footage from the exchange as Hamilton attempted to recall this issue from recesses of the 9/11 Commission. Carangi asserted the importance of the issue by proclaiming that al Qaeda could not have accessed these extremely high clearance code words. Hamilton responded that it sounded unfamiliar but that this did not mean the incident didn’t take place. After Hamilton recited most of the president’s movements that day, he apologized for not being able to help and turned to another person eager to speak with him.

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