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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 341 - 360 of 1689
The spin from the News of the World: the British army does not have a long history of using torture?
(Aangirfan) posted 02/13/2006
... died in traffic accidents in the capital city, Nairobi. Kenyans were forced into concentration camps and routinely tortured. Some 150,000 Africans died as a dir ...

Body parts exhibition raises concerns over missing dissidents
(London Telegraph) posted 04/12/2006
... natural causes without next of kin. But it is believed that there are three prison camps near Dalian and human rights groups suspect they may be the source of some o ...

Wars, Debt and Outsourcing: The World is Uniting Against the Bush Imperium
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 04/25/2006
... and infrastructure destruction in Iraq, along with the torture of detainees in concentration camps and an ever-changing excuse for the war have destroyed the soft power a ...

Planned-Opolis: Elitist Agenda For Eco-Enslavement
(Prison Planet) posted 01/06/2011
... accessing high speed transport or the Internet. In a chilling throwback to the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, the propaganda piece chillingly invokes the not ...

Falun Gong Demonstrator Speaks Out On Chinese Government's Ghoulish Organ Harvesting
(Prison Planet) posted 04/25/2006
... going on,' said Wenyi, bringing attention to Falun Gong practitioners being abducted to concentration camps and having their organs harvested. 'I said that if you co ...

Obama to Use EPA to Declare CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant
(Infowars) posted 12/07/2009
... for atmospheric CO2. These plants largely evolved at a time when the atmospheric CO2 concentration was many times what it is today. Indeed, numerous studies indicate th ...

Our Masters See Us As Cattle -- Or Guinea Pigs
(Will Grigg) posted 10/12/2012
... EPA of conducting experiments in which human beings were exposed to potentially lethal concentrations of diesel exhaust. Participants were paid $12 an hour to breathe in ...

Now That You Could be Labeled an Enemy Combatant...
(Common Dreams) posted 10/05/2006
... stateside internment camps, and accordingly, in January 2006 the US government awarded a Halliburton subsidiary $385 million to build detention centers to be used for, 'a ...

Afghanistan’s opium crop at an all-time high
(Online Journal) posted 12/07/2006
... Mike takes the next step . . . From Medellin To Moscow With Brown & Root “Halliburton Corporation's Brown & Root is one of the major components of the Bush-Che ...

Ayman al-Zawahiri, Covert Op Poet
(Kurt Nimmo) posted 01/22/2006
... arm of the CIA-MI6 penetrated Muslim Brotherhood. His brother, Zaiman, ran terrorist camps under NATO protection in the U.S. zone in Kosovo (it’s a family affair). You’d ...

'The Color Purple' Author Targeted For Destruction For Saying She Read David Icke Book
(InformationLiberation) posted 12/18/2018
... after it published an article questioning some of the official stories of the Nazi concentration camps?' he also writes. [...]This is not Walker's first time endorsi ...

Germany considers tougher anti-terror laws
(UPI) posted 12/17/2005
... newspaper. 'We could, for example, punish those who have undergone training in terrorist camps in Afghanistan or elsewhere.' For the FIFA World Cup finals, w ...

Martial Law: Police State America - We're So Close Now.
(Infowars) posted 09/27/2005
... The Road to Tyranny Alex Jones presents footage of troops training to put Americans into Concentration Camps. This footage includes interrogations and a retired Marine ad ...

Sen. Graham Introduces Amendment to End Habeas for Detainees
( posted 11/10/2005
... well as any future litigation on behalf of those imprisoned at the CIA secret detention camps. This bill is intended to have retroactive application. Please call you ...

Russia Approves Terror Law in Second Reading
(MosNews) posted 02/22/2006
... hijacked and if its flight path poses a threat to vital targets or sites with a high concentration of people. It also states that Russia reserves a right to preempti ...

Trayvon Martin Awarded Posthumous Degree In Aeronautical Science
(InformationLiberation) posted 05/04/2017
... will confer upon TRAYVON MARTIN a posthumous degree in Aeronautical Science with a concentration in Flight Education, in honor of the steps he took during his young life ...

The Government's Tax on Peace of Mind
(The Beacon) posted 09/01/2015
... So far as the logic of the situation is concerned, I can’t help but think of the concentration camp in the film Schindler’s List, whose commandant used the Jews confined ...

Lebanon’s Expendable People
(Mike Whitney) posted 07/20/2006
... will be rebuilt by loans from the World Bank and IMF and the work will be contracted by Halliburton and Bechtel. We’ve seen it all before; the utter destruction of a soci ...

Inventor of Web: Facebook and Google May Need to Be Broken Up
(Zero Hedge) posted 11/02/2018
... breaking things up,' said the 63-year-old Berners-Lee, adding that 'There is a danger of concentration.' They may not need to be broken up, however, if user prefere ...

War Criminal Nation: Murdering More 'Ragheads'
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 06/09/2006
... crimes are an American right. And you had better shut up or those Haliburton-built concentration camps will be your new home. _______________ Dr. Roberts is Chai ...

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