Ayman al-Zawahiri, Covert Op Poet

Kurt Nimmo
Jan. 22, 2006

In Langley, Virginia, the CIA is burning the midnight oil. “The Central Intelligence Agency confirmed today that the voice on [an] 18-minute audiotape, posted on an Internet forum that has carried Al Qaeda communiqués before, was Mr. Zawahiri’s,” reports the New York Times. “He read a poem honoring the ‘martyrs of jihad,’ or holy war, and dedicated it to ‘Muslim brothers everywhere, to the mujahedeen brothers in Islam’s fortified borderlines against the Zionist-Crusader campaign in Palestine and Iraq, Afghanistan and Chechnya and to the lions chasing the crusaders’ gangs and hired hands in Afghanistan’s mountains and valleys and its wounded capital, Kabul,’” in other words far-flung places where various “intelligence agencies” run covert fake terror operations.

It’s also possible al-Zawahiri wrote the poem and passed it on to the CIA, since he is no stranger to the snoop organization. Ayman al-Zawahiri headed up the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the “covert-overt” militant arm of the CIA-MI6 penetrated Muslim Brotherhood. His brother, Zaiman, ran terrorist camps under NATO protection in the U.S. zone in Kosovo (it’s a family affair). You’d think no self-respecting hater of the Great Satan would live in America, and yet al-Zawahiri, according to January 2000 U.S. Congressional testimony, was granted U.S. residence by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, something almost impossible for many legitimate immigrants to obtain (unless they enjoy CIA clearance).

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