Conservative Media Silent On Devon Dontray Dunham Getting Away With Murder Of Ernest Martin Stevens
InformationLiberationJun 01
The silence from conservative media on confessed killer Devon Dontray Dunham getting away with the murder of Ernest Martin Stevens last week in South Carolina is deafening!
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Israel to Request Additional $1 Billion From U.S. Taxpayers For 'Emergency Military Aid'
InformationLiberationJun 01
America only exists to do "More For Israel," according to our sold-out political class.
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South Carolina Jury Find Black Man Who Confessed to Killing White Man Not Guilty of Murder, Spend Less Than 2 Hrs In Deliberations
InformationLiberationMay 31
Devon Dontray Dunham has been found not guilty of murder in the shooting death of unarmed former volunteer fire chief Ernest Martin Stevens, 77, despite his confession and 19 witnesses taking the stand against him.
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Lindsey Graham Visits Benjamin Netanyahu, Holds Sign Demanding U.S. Give 'More For Israel'
InformationLiberationMay 31
South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham (R) visited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday to demand the US give "More For Israel" in addition to the $40 billion Congress just agreed to give them and the $735 million in precision-guided missiles the Biden regime has agreed to sell them.
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Conservatives Are Leaving The Pro-Israel Plantation
InformationLiberationMay 28
Conservatives and Christians are leaving the Republican Party's pro-Israel plantation and Ben Shapiro is struggling to wrangle them back in.
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Media Admits People Who Get COVID Will 'Probably Make Antibodies For A Lifetime'
InformationLiberationMay 27
The media is finally admitting after 15 months of spreading wild hysteria and misinformation that people who catch the coronavirus are probably immune for years if not for life, at least for similar strains.
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Biden ATF Nominee David Chipman Says He Supports Banning AR-15s
InformationLiberationMay 26
David Chipman, a former ATF agent who was reportedly involved in the massacres at Waco and Ruby Ridge before cashing in as an anti-gun lobbyist for billionaire Michael Bloomberg, said Wednesday he supports banning the most popular rifle in America.
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U.S. Embassies Fly BLM Flags In Greece, Spain, Cambodia And Bosnia After Push From State Dept Head Antony Blinken
InformationLiberationMay 25
US embassies in Greece, Spain, Cambodia and Bosnia have put up Black Lives Matter flags after being encouraged to show support for the movement in a secret memo from State Department head Antony Blinken.
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WATCH: Nick Fuentes Debates Robert Barnes On Israel, Post-Debate Callers Go Off...

WATCH: Mob Filmed Jumping On Occupied Police Cruiser In St Louis
InformationLiberationMay 25
Please keep in mind as you watch this video that black folx are literally terrified that white police will shoot them at any moment for any reason without the slightest provocation.
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First Man to Get COVID Vaccine Dies of a Stroke
InformationLiberationMay 25
The first man in the world to take Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID mRNA vaccine after it was approved for emergency use has died of a stroke.
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George Floyd Day Kicks Off With Shooting at George Floyd Square in Minneapolis on Live TV
InformationLiberationMay 25
America's first annual George Floyd Day kicked off on Tuesday with a shooting at George Floyd Square in Minneapolis with the scene partially captured on live TV.
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Canada: Pop-Up Clinic Offers Kids Free Ice Cream To Get Covid Vaccine, No Parental Permission Required
InformationLiberationMay 24
Children in Canada as young as 12 are being given free ice cream to take Pfizer's experimental mRNA therapy "vaccine," with no parental permission required.
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Federal Court Rules Georgia's Anti-BDS Law Forcing Americans to Pledge Allegiance to Israel is Unconstitutional
InformationLiberationMay 24
Filmmaker Abby Martin secured a major victory for free speech on Monday after a federal court ruled that her First Amendment rights were violated when she was blocked from speaking at Georgia Southern University in 2016 for refusing to "sign a contractual pledge to not boycott Israel" in compliance with Georgia's anti-Boycott, Divest and Sanctions law.
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VICE Interviews American-Israeli Settler Jacob Fauci Of "If I Don't Steal It Someone Else Is Going To" Fame
InformationLiberationMay 24
VICE has managed to snag an interview with Jacob Fauci, a Jewish New Yorker from Long Island who went viral for telling a Palestinian woman complaining about him stealing her home that "If I don't steal it someone else is going to steal it."
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OSHA Pulls Guidance Stating Employers May Be Held Liable For 'Adverse Reactions' If They Mandate Vaxx
InformationLiberationMay 23
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration threw workers under the bus over the weekend by pulling their new guidance which stated that employers may be held liable for "any adverse reactions" if they mandate employees take COVID-19 vaccines "as a condition of their employment."
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Biden to Replenish Israel's Iron Dome Missile Supply in Addition to Sending $735M in Arms
InformationLiberationMay 21
Joe Biden has agreed to arm Israel to the teeth and replenish their Iron Dome missile supply as "Israel has the right to defend itself" but indicated the people of Gaza will only get US aid if they give up their right to defend themselves and accept being conquered.
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Tulsi Gabbard Calls For Mayor Lightfoot to Resign Over Her 'Blatant Anti-White Racism'
InformationLiberationMay 21
Former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D) on Friday called for Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot to resign due to her "blatant anti-white racism."
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Greenwald: The Squad Enables Pelosi's Massive Capitol Police Spending Bill While Cynically Feigning Opposition
Glenn GreenwaldMay 21

Pentagon Aims to Partner With ADL And SPLC, Spy On Military Members For 'Extremism'
InformationLiberationMay 20
The Pentagon under Biden-appointed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is working to partner with the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League and spy on members of the military for signs of "extremism," according to documents leaked to The Intercept.
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Is The Washington Free Beacon Spying On AOC Because She Criticized Israel?
InformationLiberationMay 20
The Washington Free Beacon, a neocon outlet funded by pro-Israel billionaire Paul Singer that hired Fusion GPS to spy on Donald Trump in 2015, may now be spying on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because she dared to criticize Israel.
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Five Rural Oregon Counties Vote to Secede to Idaho
InformationLiberationMay 20
Five rural counties have voted in favor of taking steps to secede from Democrat-controlled Oregon to join Greater Idaho.
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Politifact Pulls 'Fact-Check' 'Debunking' The 'Conspiracy Theory' That COVID-19 Was Made In A Lab
InformationLiberationMay 20
Partisan propaganda outlet Politifact on Monday pulled a "fact-check" purportedly "debunking" the "conspiracy theory" that COVID-19 was "created in a lab."
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Greenwald: Biden, Reversing Trump, Permits A Key Putin Goal - A New Russian Natural Gas Pipeline to Germany
Glenn GreenwaldMay 20

Mark McCloskey Announces Senate Run in Missouri: 'People Are Tired Of Cancel Culture, The Poison Of Critical Race Theory & The Big Lie Of Systemic Racism'
InformationLiberationMay 19
The heroic Mark McCloskey on Tuesday announced he's running for Senate in Missouri and released what may be the greatest political ad in decades.
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World Economic Forum: 'Get Your COVID-19 Jab - Or You Could Face Consequences From Your Employer'
InformationLiberationMay 19
The masterminds behind the so-called "Great Reset" are threatening workers that they "could face consequences" if they refuse to take Big Pharma's experimental mRNA vaccines.
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Video Shows Moment Murdered 4-Yr-Old Cash Gernon Was Snatched From His Bed by Darriynn Brown
InformationLiberationMay 18
Newly released video shows the moment that four-year-old Cash Gernon was snatched from his bed in a Dallas suburb by 18-year-old Darriyn Brown, just two hours before Cash was found stabbed to death and dumped on the street.
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Ex-Space Force Commander: Dept. Of Defense Teaching That 'Whites Are Inherently Evil'
InformationLiberationMay 18
Former Space Force Commander Matthew Lohmeier, who was demoted last week for speaking out against critical race theory infiltrating the US military, told Sean Hannity on Monday that the Department of Defense under Lloyd Austin is teaching that "whites are inherently evil."
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Cash Gernon, RIP: Black Suspect Accused of Snatching 4yo Boy Out of Dallas Home, Stabbing Him to Death & Dumping His Body On Street
InformationLiberationMay 18
Darriynn Brown, 18, allegedly broke into a Dallas family's home, snatched a four-year-old boy out of his bed, stabbed him to death with an "edged weapon" and dumped his body in the street -- all while wearing an ankle monitor due to a prior charge for evading arrest.
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Biden Approves Sale Of $735M In Missiles to Israel, Including Same Type Used to Strike Gaza Tower
InformationLiberationMay 18
The Biden regime has signed off on the sale of $735 million in precision-guide missiles to Israel, including the exact type used to blow up a civilian tower housing international media outlets and others in Gaza.
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Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Cops Cannot Enter Homes to Seize Guns Without A Warrant
InformationLiberationMay 18
Cops cannot enter people's homes to seize their guns without a warrant under "community caretaking" exceptions, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday.
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