Conservative Media Silent On Devon Dontray Dunham Getting Away With Murder Of Ernest Martin Stevens

Chris Menahan
Jun. 01, 2021

The silence from conservative media on confessed killer Devon Dontray Dunham getting away with the murder of Ernest Martin Stevens last week in South Carolina is deafening!

Murder was effectively legalized in South Carolina (depending on the skin color of those involved) and they don't have a word to say about it!

Google News only has four stories on the killing over the past week, three of which were from The Island Packet, the sole news organization which covered the case in any detail. WTGS carried a three line story on the case with none of the shocking details which they should be ashamed to have even published.

There has been total silence from Fox News, WSJ, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, The Daily Wire, Newsmax, PJ Media, WND and The Washington Times.

As is to be expected, the case was also ignored by CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times.

South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham said nothing about the case as he spent Memorial Day weekend in Israel demanding the US give them billions of dollars and precision-guided missiles!

For contrast, the Tulsa riot of 1921 that happened a century ago garnered around 140 news stories that were indexed by Google News in just the past week (on top of wall-to-wall TV coverage and a speech from Biden).

If Ernest Martin Stevens was black and Devon Dontray Dunham was white it would not only be the top story in the country for weeks if not months but the top story globally with headlines in Australia, the UK, New Zealand and so on!

Every paper would have their pictures along with headlines such as:
"White Man Who Confessed to Killing Black Volunteer Firefighter Gets Away With Murder In South Carolina After Racist Jury Deliberates For Less Than 2 Hours"

"White On Black Murder Legalized In Racist 'Former' Slave State Of Jim Crow South Carolina"

"Racial Terror Lynchings Are Alive And Well In White Supremacist America"
There would be endless calls for Merrick Garland to bring federal charges as he's done with Derek Chauvin (if he didn't do it himself within minutes)!

As Stevens was white and Dunham was black, not only are none of our leaders calling for federal charges, they're not even talking about the case and even conservative media won't even report on it!

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