VIDEOS: Ukrainian Soldiers Film Themselves Calling Up And Mocking The Families of Russian Soldiers KIA
InformationLiberationMar 28
Ukrainian soldiers filmed themselves calling up and mocking the families of Russian soldiers killed in action.
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Shock Video Allegedly Shows Ukrainians 'Shooting And Torturing Russian Prisoners Of War'
InformationLiberationMar 28
It appears as though Ukrainian officials' repeated announcements that they were going to start committing war crimes by torturing Russian prisoners of war wasn't just talk.
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Indy Journalist Interviews "Ukrainian Refugees" Seeking Asylum in Ireland
InformationLiberationMar 28
Independent journalist Philip Dwyer interviewed a group of "Ukrainian refugees" last week as they arrived in Dublin, Ireland and found a group of middle-aged men from Kashmir who appeared to lie about their age.
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USA Today: "Scientists Agree There Is No Sufficient Way To Clearly Define What Makes Someone A Woman"
InformationLiberationMar 28
"Scientists" no longer know what women are, according to USA Today.
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Ukraine's MoD Shares Fake Video Game Footage Of Army 'Skillfully Eliminating Four Russian Helicopters'
InformationLiberationMar 25
Just days after President Zelensky nationalized all TV media in order to "tell the truth about the war," the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense was caught sharing fake video game footage they claimed was the Ukrainian Army "skillfully eliminating" four Russian Ka-52 helicopters.
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ADL Defends Ukraine's Neo-Nazis: They "Don't Attack Jews or Jewish Institutions"
InformationLiberationMar 25
The Anti-Defamation League, the leading pro-Israel lobbying group in America, published a Q&A defending Ukraine's neo-Nazi groups on the grounds that they "don't attack Jews or Jewish institutions."
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ABC News Reporter Asks Biden If He Was Too Quick to Rule Out World War 3
InformationLiberationMar 25
ABC News reporter Cecilia Vega asked Joe Biden on Thursday if he was too quick to rule out World War 3 and "emboldened" Putin as a result.
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U.S. Navy Base at GITMO Honors Madeleine Albright by Flying McDonald's Flag At Half-Mast
InformationLiberationMar 25
I can think of no more fitting tribute.
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Kremlin Says Roman Abramovich Is Not Involved in Peace Talks, Only Took Part 'At The Initial Stage'
InformationLiberationMar 24
One day after the Wall Street Journal reported that Volodymyr Zelensky quietly lobbied Joe Biden to keep Russian-Israeli oligarch Roman Abramovich off Washington's sanctions list because he was helping "facilitate peace talks," the Kremlin announced he is not involved in peace talks and only took part "at the initial stage."
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WSJ: Zelensky Lobbied U.S. to Keep Russian-Israeli Oligarch Roman Abramovich OFF Sanctions List
InformationLiberationMar 24
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky quietly and successfully lobbied Joe Biden to keep billionaire Russian-Israeli oligarch Roman Abramovich off Washington's sanctions list, according to a bombshell new report from the Wall Street Journal.
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Polls Find Most Americans Oppose Arming Ukraine, Instituting No-Fly Zone And Sanctioning Russia When Consequences Explained
InformationLiberationMar 24
Americans' support for intervening in Ukraine collapses when pollsters inform respondents that US intervention could trigger a greater war between the US and Russia and lead to further economic hardship at home.
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Belarus Grants Refugee Status to Jan 6 Capitol Stormer
InformationLiberationMar 23
Belarus has officially granted refugee status to Evan Newman, an American citizen who was facing potentially decades in prison for taking part in a rowdy protest at the Capitol on Jan 6.
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Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Jackson Says She Can't Define What A Woman Is: "I'm Not A Biologist"
InformationLiberationMar 23
This one exchange alone should completely disqualify social justice activist Ketanji Jackson from sitting on the Supreme Court.
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Linda Frickey, RIP: 73-Yr-Old Grandmother 'Carjacked, Beat And Lynched' by Four 'Teens' in New Orleans
InformationLiberationMar 22
Grandmother Linda Frickey, 73, was allegedly carjacked, beat and lynched in broad daylight by a group of four "teens" on Monday in New Orleans.
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UPDATE: Teen Accused in Lynching Death Had Prior Carjacking Charge DROPPED by Orleans Parish District Attorney Jason Williams...

Poll: Being Vaxxed And Boosted Associated With Wanting to Risk WW3 Over Ukraine
InformationLiberationMar 22
Vaxxies are eager to risk World War 3 over Ukraine, according to a new poll from EKOS shared with the Toronto Star.
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The America First Movement has a Sean Hannity Problem...

Assad: 'What is This Democratic West in Which Hundreds of Millions of People Live But Which Has Only One Opinion?'
InformationLiberationMar 22
UNDEFEATED Syrian President Bashar al-Assad DESTROYS CANCEL CULTURE, leaves libtards SHOOK!!!
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Rafael Nadal: "When I Try to Breathe, It's Painful... It's Like A Needle All The Time Inside"
InformationLiberationMar 21
Nothing to see here, folks!
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In Speech to Israel, Zelensky Invokes Holocaust, Demands Arms to Prevent Putin's 'Final Solution'
InformationLiberationMar 20
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky's comedy tour visited the Israeli Knesset on Sunday with the comedian and actor-turned master statesman invoking the Holocaust to demand Israel send military aid to prevent Putin's "final solution" to the "Ukrainian question."
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Zelensky Bans Opposition Parties, Nationalizes All TV Outlets in The Name of Fighting 'Misinformation'
InformationLiberationMar 21
We're hitting levels of "liberal democracy" never before thought possible!
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Ukrainian Ambulance Corps Head Says He 'Gave Strict Orders to Castrate All Wounded Russians' Because They're 'Cockroaches, Not People'
InformationLiberationMar 20
Gennadiy Druzenko, the head of a Ukrainian ambulance corps, boasted on Ukraine's Channel 24 that he "gave strict orders to castrate all the wounded" Russians "because they are cockroaches, not humans."
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Let Them Eat Lentils
InformationLiberationMar 20
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg's propaganda outlet wants Americans hurt by inflation to know they can start eating lentils instead of meat.
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"These Storms Will Contribute to Russia's Glory": Putin Holds Giant Rally in Packed Moscow Stadium
InformationLiberationMar 19
Vladimir Putin spoke during a concert celebrating eight years since Crimea's reunification with Russia at the Luzhniki Sports Centre in Moscow on Friday.
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Putin: Russia is 'Detoxifying' Itself of 'Fifth Column' of 'National Traitors' And Will Only Become Stronger
InformationLiberationMar 18
Vladimir Putin appeared to denounce the Russian oligarchs fleeing to Israel as a "fifth column" of "national traitors" who see themselves as a "superior race" and "cannot make do without foie gras, oysters or gender freedom as they call it."
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Zelensky Tells German Parliament They're to Blame For Another Holocaust in Ukraine
InformationLiberationMar 17
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky's comedy tour stopped by the German parliament on Thursday with the actor and comedian-turned master statesman claiming they were responsible for another holocaust in Ukraine because they buy Russian oil.
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'We Will Never Forget Who Bombed Our Embassy in Yugoslavia': China Pushes Back Against NATO's Moralizing On Ukraine
InformationLiberationMar 17
China responded to NATO's demand that they condemn Russia's "brutal invasion" in Ukraine by saying they'll "never forget" NATO's deadly bombing of their embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999 and they don't need a "lecture on justice" from an "abuser of international law."
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House Passes 'Russia Sanctions Bill' Giving President Authority to 'Sanction Virtually Anyone, Anywhere In The World'
InformationLiberationMar 17
The House just voted to give the President "broad authority to sanction virtually anyone, anywhere in the world, whether they are connected to Russia or not," Rep Thomas Massie (KY-R) reports.
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Billions More of Americans' Tax Money to go to Israel...

Hate Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Let Out of Prison Just 6 Days Into 150-Day Sentence
InformationLiberationMar 16
This is what real privilege looks like.
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Zelensky Delivers His Funniest Performance Yet in Speech Before U.S. Congress
InformationLiberationMar 16
Ukraine's comedian president Volodymyr Zelensky showed off his comedic chops on Wednesday during his testimony to Congress.
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U.S. Sending Suicide Drones to Ukraine
InformationLiberationMar 16
Neocon Iraq war architect Eliot A Cohen last week called for the US to send suicide drones to Ukraine to foment an "insurgency" and it only took one week for Congress and the Biden regime to follow through.
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Ukrainian TV Broadcaster Calls For Genocide of Russian Children
InformationLiberationMar 15
Ukrainian Channel 24 TV host Fahruddin Sharafmal over the weekend quoted Adolf Eichmann while issuing a call for the genocide of Russian children.
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