Wall Street adviser: Actual unemployment is 37.2%, 'misery index' worst in 40 years
WashingtonExaminer.comJan 22

Porn industry moves from LA to Vegas due to condom requirement
YouTubeJan 21

Hollywood has long been known for its movie stars... and its porn stars. But now the porn industry is flocking to a new location with less restrictions: Las Vegas. California voters approved a new law that requires adult film actors to wear protection during intercourse, but there is no such requirement in Nevada. RT's Meghan Lopez talks to Chanel Preston, an adult film per
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Germany Has Recovered A Paltry 5 Tons Of Gold From The NY Fed After One Year
Zero HedgeJan 20

Hacking expert David Kennedy says he cracked HealthCare.gov in 4 minutes
Washington TimesJan 20

The Level Of Economic Freedom In The United States Is At An All-Time Low
Michael SnyderJan 15
Americans have never had less economic freedom than they do right now.  The 2014 Index of Economic Freedom has just been released, and it turns out that the level of economic freedom in the United States has now fallen for seven consecutive years.  But of course none of us need a report or a survey to tell us that.  All we have to do is open our eyes and look around.  At this point our entire society is completely dominated by control freaks and bureaucrats.  Our economy is literally being suffo... (more)

3 Absurd Reasons for Banning Drugs
LearnLibertyJan 15

Did you know the war on drugs is founded on racist principles? Prof. Stephen Davies shows the historical thought process behind banning drugs. One of the main reasons drugs were banned initially is because people were concerned drug use would lead to interracial relationships. Can you imagine someone making that argument today? Yet it was a principle reason for some
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Marc Faber Warns "The Bubble Could Burst Any Day"; Prefers Physical Gold To Bitcoin
Zero HedgeJan 15
"The Fed's policies have actually led to a lot of problems around the world," Marc Faber begins his discussion with Bloomberg TV's Trish Regan, especially "people in the lower income groups [who] spend say 30% of their income on energy, transportation, and so forth, electricity and gasoline." The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report author goes on to discuss everything ... (more)

Planned Parenthood Got $540.6 Million in Government Grants in FY 2013
CNS NewsJan 15

"Taxes Are Expropriation": Hans Hoppe Interviewed In Leading German Business-Weekly
HansHoppe.comJan 13
Below is an English translation of Professor Hoppe's interview by "Wirtschaftswoche", Germany's leading business-weekly. The interview covers various topics, including the business cycle, the nature of the state, anarcho-capitalism, taxation as expropriation, and the like.


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U.S. War on Poverty Failed While Global Poverty Declined 80%: Economic Liberalization Begets Prosperity and Equality
Mary TherouxJan 10
50 years after LBJ declared a “War on Poverty,” the U.S. would do well to take a page from the global playbook--whereby economic liberalization and more open trade has resulted in an 80% decline in abject poverty since 1976.

The graphs below, taken from the National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, “Parametric Estimations of the World Distribution of Income,” surely ought to impress even the most avid central-planner:
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Saxo Bank CEO Warns of Collapse Into "Totalitarian" Society
InfowarsJan 09
Saxo Bank CEO Lars Seier Christensen warns that excessive government regulation, overtaxation and a coming economic collapse are all setting the stage for a slide into an overtly “totalitarian” society.

In a blog post entitled, What is the broader relevance of Ayn Rand for society?, Christensen adeptly describes how the predictions of the author, most famous for her 1957 dystopian classic 
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Claim: 927 People Own Half Of All Bitcoins
Business InsiderJan 09

Does a Minimum Wage Reduce Poverty?
The Circle BastiatJan 08
In a long and seemingly technical blog post on the Washington Post “wonkblog,” Roosevelt Institute fellow Mike Konczal suggests that raising the minimum wage will reduce poverty. He primarily relies on one meta study (Dube 2013, unpublished) to show that economists “do agree” “that raising the minimum wage would reduce poverty.”

Quickly reading throug
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Too Big to Pop
Peter SchiffJan 07
Most economic observers are predicting that 2014 will be the year in which the United States finally shrugs off the persistent malaise of the Great Recession. As we embark on this sunny new chapter, we may ask what wisdom the five-year trauma has delivered. Some big thinkers have declared that the episode has forever tarnished freewheeling American capitalism and the myth of Wall Street invincibility. In contrast, I believe that the episode has, for the moment, established supreme confidence in ... (more)

China Destroys 6 Tons of Ivory in Landmark Move (Which Will In Turn Skyrocket The Price And Create An Even Greater Demand)
ABC NewsJan 07

Is Colorado Pot Overtaxed and Over-Regulated Already?
ReasonJan 07

On New Year's Day, 2014, Coloradans lined up to purchase marijuana for recreational use. Legally.

While drug reformers across the nation are celebrating the beginning of the end of marijuana prohibition (Washington state also has legalized recreational marijuana and several other states are likely to legalize weed in the next few years), Coloradans ar
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Beanie Baby Founder Facing Prison Because He Only Paid Some $1 Billion In Taxes, Should Have Paid $1.0055 Billion
InformationLiberationJan 03
Ty Warner, the man behind the beanie baby phenomenon who made headlines last year for gifting a woman seeking a stem cell treatment $20,000 after she gave him directions when he was lost, managed to dodge some $5.5 million in taxes by hiding a portion of his income in a Swiss bank account.

After being ratted out, the U.S. government now wants to imprison him for some 46
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UK: Young people 'feel they have nothing to live for,' third have contemplated suicide
BBC NewsJan 03
As many as three quarters of a million young people in the UK may feel that they have nothing to live for, a study for the Prince's Trust charity claims.

The trust says almost a third of long-term unemployed young people have contemplated taking their own lives.

Urgent action must be taken to prevent the young jobless becoming the young hopeless, it says.

The government commented that it was doing "everything possible" to help young people find work.<
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Title should read: Young people in the fascistic totalitarian collapsing west 'feel they have nothing to live for.'

The youth in China are extremely optimistic, %93 said they think their county's best days are still head. Only %41 of western Europeans said the same, and only %47 in North America. See this excellent speech on China's bright future for more.

Note the UK government's "solution" to this problem is more welfare. ...because if at first you don't succeed... - Chris

70% Of Americans Have "No Faith" In Government
InfowarsJan 03
As we move into 2014, a new poll finds that a whopping 70 percent of Americans have absolutely “no faith” in government to make progress on key issues.

The Associated Press/NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey found that 7 in 10 voters do not have any confidence in the government "to make progress on the important problems and issues facing the country in 2014."
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They have no faith in it--and yet they still want it to solve all their problems. This is a logical fallacy. Government is institutionalized mob violence, the idea people need "rulers" to own them and tell them what to do must be discarded just as the idea witch doctors controlled the weather or sacrificing virgins gave you a bountiful harvest. Believing government can solve problems should be viewed equal in logic to believing raping virgins will cure you of AIDS. - Chris, InfoLib

Marc Faber 'Congratulates' Ben: "Well Done, Mr. Bernanke!"
Zero HedgeJan 02

In a little under four minutes, Marc Faber explains to Fox Business' Dagen McDowell all that is wrong with the Central Planners 'current plan'. From a re-bubbled housing 'recovery' pricing real buyers out of the market ("homes do not offer a great opportunity today") to forced-renters paying increasing amounts of their stagnant wages, and the small percenta
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Legal Marijuana No Simple Matter for Colorado Retailers
StoptheDrugWar.orgJan 01
Starting January 1, any person in Colorado over the age of 21 can walk into a retail marijuana facility and purchase marijuana with just a show of ID. While the process should be simple for those who choose to imbibe legally, things have not been so simple for the dispensary owners who have made the choice to sell retail marijuana. Luke Ramirez is one of these owners. His store, Walking Raven, sits on one of Denver’s busiest streets.

For Ramirez, planning for retail marijuana sale
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Is The NSA In Your Bank Account?
The Dollar VigilanteDec 31
Has the National Security Administration (NSA) been changing the amounts held in the financial accounts of people it targets?

The question would seem absurd if it were not for a 308-page report on the NSA that was released on December 12 by an Official White House Panel. Recommendation 31, “Institutional Measures for Cyberspace,” on page 37 and repeated on page 221 reads:
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Ron Paul: How Government Policies Hurt Low-Wage Workers
Ron PaulDec 31
Fast-food workers across the county have recently held a number of high profile protests to agitate for higher wages. These protests have been accompanied by efforts to increase the wages mandated by state and local minimum wage laws, as well as a renewed push in some states and localities to pass “living wage” laws. President Obama has proposed raising the federal minimum wage to ten dollars an hour.

Raising minimum wages by government decree appeals to those who do not understan
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Police Falling To Their Own Excesses
InformationLiberationDec 29
How would you like to work for only 30 years, then retire at 50 with a pension that's 90 percent of your salary for life? That's the sweetheart deal police in towns all over California receive, and it's driving city after city into bankruptcy.

From the New York Times:
The city, Desert Hot Springs, population 27,000, is slowly edging toward ban... (more)

Colombia Plans Raid to Seize FARC Rebels' Tungsten Mine
BloomergDec 29

Many consumers in the dark about rising lighting standards
CNET ReviewsDec 29

Keynesian Economist Paul Krugman on the Irrelevance of the Internet - 1998 [Pic]
r/LibertarianDec 29

The Times of India: 'Almost Every Passenger on a Flight from Dubai to Calicut Was Found Carrying 1kg of Gold'
Liberty BlitzkriegDec 25

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