Schiff: Unbelievable Liberal Reaction To My Walmart Video
YouTubeDec 25

The reaction from the left to my recent Walmart video does more to expose liberal intolerance and hypocrisy than my video itself. It's actually so bad that no explanation can come close to doing it justice. In this video I claim that I never received hate mail before. I should have said that I never received true hate mail. I have received emails over the years from people
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When Asked, Vast Majority of Businesses Say IP is Not Important
Gabriel J. MichaelDec 24
Last year, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office released a widely cited report entitled “Intellectual Property and the U.S. Economy: Industries in Focus.” This report played up the importance of IP, claiming “the entire U.S. economy relies on some form of IP,” and estimated that “IP-intensive industries” accounted for 40 million American jobs and 35% of the U.S. GDP in 2010.

While many pro-IP groups hail
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A Spoonful of Sugar
Peter SchiffDec 24
The press has framed Ben Bernanke's valedictory press conference last week in heroic terms. It's as if a veteran quarterback engineered a stunning come-from-behind drive in his final game, and graciously bowed out of the game with the ball sitting on the opponent's one-yard line. In reality, Bernanke has merely completed a five-yard pass from his own end zone, and has left Janet Yellen to come off the bench down by three touchdowns, with no credible deep threats, and very little time left on the... (more)

Last light: Final phaseout of incandescent bulbs coming Jan. 1
Fox NewsDec 19

Schiff: Will Walmart Shoppers Support "Every Day High Wages?"
YouTubeDec 17

Walmart touts "Everyday Low Prices," but we asked its customers to support 'Everyday High Wages" instead. We posed as representatives of "15 for 15," a make-believe organization advocating that Walmart raise prices by 15% and use the extra cash to pay its low-skilled workers $15 dollars per hour. Not surprisingly few shoppers supported our cause. Even those who felt W
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Harvard study finds ‘striking’ rejection of Obamacare by young Americans
Watchdog.orgDec 17

Bitcoin Tumbles After PBOC Rumors Confirmed
Zero HedgeDec 17

They Bravely Chickened Out
Peter SchiffDec 16
Today, Congress tried to show that it is capable of tackling our chronic and dangerous debt problems. Despite the great fanfare I believe they have accomplished almost nothing. Supporters say that the budget truce created by Republican Representative Paul Ryan and Democratic Senator Patty Murray will provide the economy with badly needed certainty. But I think the only surety this feeble and fictitious deal offers is that Washington will never make any real moves to change the trajectory of our ... (more)

The IMF Disagrees With Zero Hedge
Zero HedgeDec 16

JPMorgan's "Bitcoin-Alternative" Patent Rejected (175 Times)
Zero HedgeDec 16

Why Are Obamacare Exchange Policies So Bad?
Mises InstituteDec 13
As millions of people began to lose their old medical insurance policies, President Obama and other Obamacare supporters replied that the new exchange policies were better. This was another lie.

Obamacare exchange medical insurance policies are much worse than previous private policies. They not only restrict access to hospitals and doctors more severely than ever before. They also pay doctors much less, in some cases 50 percent less.

In the past, private insurance
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Are We About to Face a Severe Doctor Shortage?
John C. GoodmanDec 13
"No, there won't be a doctor shortage," wrote Zeke Emanuel and Scott Gottlieb in the New York Times the other day.

Obamacare will weather that challenge just fine. How? Nurses and other paramedic personnel can substitute for physicians, and new technology is making remote monitoring of patients easier than ever before.

All that is true.
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The IMF Wants You To Pay 71% Income Tax
Soverign ManDec 13

New Bubbles, Short Memories
Douglas FrenchDec 12
No other price pops during a boom like that of condominiums. The common view among savvy real estate types is condos are the last to jump and the first to crash. A decade ago, Bernanke’s post-Sept. 11 easy money fueled condo prices and in turn high-rise residential construction from coast to coast.

In downtown Miami, 22,200 condo units were built in the 2003-08 boom. Many sat empty as prices plunged 60%. Now, just five years after the crash, a new condo boom is underway in the Sun
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It's Official: The Top 40% of Income Earners Pay More Than 100% of Federal Income Taxes
Randall HolcombeDec 12
The Congressional Budget Office has just published a study, The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010, which shows that the top 40% of income earners paid 106.2% of total federal income taxes, while the bottom 40% paid -9.1%. This isn’t the study’s headline, so you have to dig a bit to get that information, but look at Table 3 on page 13 of the study to find that information.

The Table shows that the top 20% of income earners paid 92.9% of total income taxes
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Chase-ing Bitcoin: Is JPM Preparing To Unveil Its Own Electronic Currency?
Zero HedgeDec 11

St. Louis Church Ordered To Stop Handing Out Hot Meals To The Homeless
ThinkProgressDec 11

37 Reasons Why "The Economic Recovery Of 2013" Is A Giant Lie
The Economic CollapseDec 09
"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it."  Sadly, that appears to be the approach that the Obama administration and the mainstream media are taking with the U.S. economy.  They seem to believe that if they just keep telling the American people over and over that things are getting better, eventually the American people will believe that it is actually true.  On Friday, it was announced that the unemployment rate had fallen to "7 percent", and the mainstream media responded ... (more)

Obamacare mandates are set to shutter THOUSANDS of volunteer fire departments
The Daily MailDec 09

Bank of America report on Bitcoin...
Cryptome.orgDec 09

Congressman Pushes $27 Billion Tax Hike On Drivers
TheNewspaperDec 05

CNN Pundit Shrugs Off Obama's Lie: 'Every President Is Going to Lie to You'
NewsBusters.orgDec 05

Chief asks to be paid in Bitcoin, city approves
The Hazard HeraldDec 05

Bitcoin: Segway, Cigarette, or Gold Doubloon?
Douglas FrenchDec 04
The market has selected different things as money throughout history. Some of these items have served as money in isolated places for specific periods of time — for instance, cigarettes in prisoner-of-war camps. Cigarettes continue to be a currency in prisons if allowed, but if not, according to Wikipedia, “postage stamps have become a more common currency item, along with any inexpensive, popular item that has a round number price, such as 25 or 50 cents. Mylar foil packets of mackerel fish, or... (more)

Gold Drops Below Cash Cost, Approaches Marginal Production Costs
Zero HedgeDec 04

There's a £60m Bitcoin heist going down right now, and you can watch in real-time
The New StatesmanDec 04

Is Bitcoin Money: What Economists Have To Say
EconPolicyJournalDec 04

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