It's Called Recovery, but Where's the Beef?
Robert HiggsFeb 19

How Truly Free Markets Help the Poor
Mises InstituteFeb 16

U.S. Government Debt Is Now at a Once-Unimaginable Level
The BeaconFeb 13
Earlier today I was looking through some old records, and I came across a flyer for a symposium in which I participated at Seattle University early in 1990. The flyer announced the symposium topic by asking: “A $3 Trillion National Debt: Does It Matter? What Can We Do About It?” The topic seemed timely enough, given that the gross federal debt has just passed the $3 trillion mark for the first time and was rising at a brisk pace. Back then, $3 trillion seemed like “real money,” so some people we... (more)

Ross Ulbricht, Martyr for Progress, and the Rise of Darkcoin
Jeffrey TuckerFeb 12
Convicted on all counts, said the jury in the case of Ross Ulbricht, the man who built the original Silk Road website. He faces a minimum of 30 years in prison and a maximum of life.

Never mind that the online drug-distribution market is bigger than ever, and that there are dozens of newer and more polished versions of the Silk Road. It is inconceivable that they will ever go away in this digital age. And the administrators have learned from this trial. They will be more careful
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Do We Need the State to License Professionals?
The FreemanFeb 12
Economics columnist Eduardo Porter gave fans of economic freedom a pleasant surprise when he recently praised Uber in the New York Times. He even wondered whether other occupations besides taxis suffered from artificial state restrictions. As welcome as this analysis was, Porter still conceded the basic premise of occupational licensing and made a smart-aleck remark about the bad ... (more)

$386M Allegedly Missing, As Investors Fear Bitcoin Ponzi
CNBCFeb 11

The World's Email Encryption Software Relies on One Guy, Who is Going Broke
ProPublicaFeb 06
Right after this came out the internet delivered and he's now rolling in dough, good for him. - Chris

Katy Perry Sics Lawyers On Left Shark Vendor
CNNFeb 06

Red Light Camera Profits Continue To Tumble
TheNewspaperFeb 06

How Government Helped Create the Coming Doctor Shortage
Mises InstituteFeb 04
For the last five years, attempts to reform America’s health care system have focused primarily on the demand side of the market, and specifically on the market for insurance. Yet, these reforms have not achieved significant improvements in health care outcomes, nor reductions in cost. As health care specialist John C. Goodman has pointed out in Forbes, the slowed growth of health care spending in the United States is a trend that correlates most closely with supply side reforms suc... (more)

Gallup CEO: 5.6% Unemployment Is One Big Lie
GallupFeb 04

White House: Deficit Will Increase 20% This Year (Despite Record Tax Revenue)
CNS NewsFeb 04

Video: Obamacare Supporters Sign Petition to Extend Obamacare to Pets
InfowarsFeb 02

Beachgoers in San Diego expressed support for extending Obamacare to cover pets, signing a petition that would make people who earn over $80,000 dollars a year pay for the cost of other people’s veterinarian bills.

The stunt was the latest effort from Mark Dice and again underscores how many Americans will blithely go along with virtually anyth
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How Much Longer Can the U.S. Economy Bear the Burdens?
Robert HiggsJan 30
Ordinary people, and sometimes experts as well, tend to overreact to short-term economic changes. The current economic malaise in the United States and Europe has brought forth a bevy of commentators convinced that this time the economy has taken a permanent turn for the worse. Never again, they declare, will we enjoy growing prosperity as we did in days of yore. Some of these Chicken Littles do see a possible means of escape from the impending doom, but only if the government carries out an ext... (more)

Realtor: 'Paranoia' Driving Wealthy to Buy Homes in New Zealand
InfowarsJan 30
“Paranoia” is one of the primary factors motivating the wealthy to purchase secret getaways in New Zealand, according to one realtor, with concerns about personal safety and global crises driving the search to acquire a safe haven in a remote location.

During the Davos Economic Forum, economist Robert Johnson made headlines when he revealed that “hedge fund managers all over the world….are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a get
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The Death Of The American Dream In 22 Numbers
Michael SnyderJan 30
We are the generation that gets to witness the end of the American Dream.  The numbers that you are about to see tell a story.  They tell a story of a once mighty economy that is dying.  For decades, the rest of the planet has regarded the United States as “the land of opportunity” where almost anyone can be successful if they are willing to work hard.  And when I was growing up, it seemed like almost everyone was living the American Dream.  I lived on a “middle class” street and I went to a sch... (more)

Why Has Day Care Become So Unaffordable?
The FreemanJan 29
Social democrats want to nationalize childhood by having government fund and manage universal day care. Social conservatives want the family to be the day care, which is a lovely idea when it’s affordable. Libertarians don’t seem much interested in the subject at all. That leaves virtually no one to tell the truth about the only solution to the shortage and high price of day care: complete deregulation.

Let’s start the discussion right now.

The Obama administrati
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America's Best-Selling Cars And Trucks Are Built On Lies: The Rise Of Fake Engine Noise
Washington PostJan 27

We're No. 12! Report: U.S. Not Among Top Nations for Economic Freedom
CNS NewsJan 27

Huge Blow to Irish Import Stores in U.S. as Cadbury is Banned
IrishCentral.comJan 27

Obamacare Program Costs $50,000 For Every American Who Gets Health Insurance
The Daily MailJan 26
It will cost the federal government – taxpayers, that is – $50,000 for every person who gets health insurance under the Obamacare law, the Congressional Budget Office revealed on Monday.

The number comes from figures buried in a 15-page section of the nonpartisan organization's new ten-year budget outlook.

The best-case scenario described by the CBO would result in 'between 24 million and 27 million' fewer Americans being uninsured in 2025, compared to the year bef
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Radical Leftists Win Election In Greece - Future Of Eurozone In Serious Jeopardy
Michael SnyderJan 26
Radical leftists have been catapulted to power in Greece, and that means that the European financial crisis has just entered a dangerous new phase.  Syriza, which is actually an acronym for “Coalition of the Radical Left” in Greek, has 36 percent of the total vote with approximately 80 percent of the polling stations reporting.  The current governing party, New Democracy, only has 28 percent of the vote.  Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras is promising to roll back a whole host of austerity measures t... (more)

Are Falling Prices a Bad Thing?
The BeaconJan 23
Popular opinion seems to be that falling prices–or even stable prices–are bad for the economy, but I’ve never seen any good arguments about why. I’ve just read another article about this, that gives six clearly numbered reasons, so let’s look at what the article says to see if they hold up.

First, the article says, “When shoppers see persistent price declines, they hold ou
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London Mayor to Pay 'Six-Figure' American Tax Bill
The TelegraphJan 22
Boris Johnson has finally agreed to pay a huge tax bill to the US government ahead of his visit to America, despite previously insisting he would not bow to the “absolutely outrageous" demand.

The London mayor, who was born in New York and holds a US as well as a British passport, has said he will pay the unsettled capital gains tax bill, thought to be in the region of £100,000.

His decision will ensure that his visit to Boston, New York and Washington next month -
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Why Should the Government Deliver Mail?
Jacob G. HornbergerJan 21

Let’s Secede from the American Monetary Union
Mises InstituteJan 21

Marc Faber: "The Only Way To Short Central Banks Is To Be Long Gold"
Zero HedgeJan 20

Honduras to Unveil First ZEDE in March
Panam PostJan 20

Peter Schiff: Swiss Surrender Wins Currency War
Peter SchiffJan 16
By ending its three year currency peg to the weakening euro Switzerland has become the first major economy to surrender in the international currency war, and in so doing has given a long-delayed victory to the Swiss people. Contrary to the indignant reaction by the media and financial establishment, the decision is not a disaster for Switzerland. A continuance of an open-ended peg to the euro could have ultimately ruined the country. Its surprise move, perhaps prompted by the European Central B... (more)
Schiff Podcast on the move...

What In The World Just Happened In Switzerland?
The Economic CollapseJan 16
Central banks lie.  That is what they do.  Not too long ago, the Swiss National Bank promised that it would defend the euro/Swiss franc currency peg with the “utmost determination”.  But on Thursday, the central bank shocked the financial world by abruptly abandoning it.  More than three years ago, the Swiss National Bank announced that it would not allow the Swiss franc to fall below 1.20 to the euro, and it has spent a mountain of money defending that peg.  But now that it looks like the EU is... (more)

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