The True Cost of the Homeownership Obsession
Mises InstituteJan 16

Puerto Rico Dumps Traffic Cameras, Orders Refunds
TheNewspaperJan 16
The public in Puerto Rico complained so loudly about the photo enforcement program that the territory's government listened. Red light cameras went up at three intersections in October dealing out $250 tickets for making rolling right turns, speeding or having a recently expired vehicle registration. On Thursday, Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla (D) had his transportation department refund every ticket issued.

"Since this was a pilot project, as we've always said, it was subject
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There's No Such Thing as an Unregulated Market
The FreemanJan 15
A big economic problem the world faces is semantic. That is, “regulation” has come to mean “government regulation.” We don’t seem to be aware of the alternative: regulation by market forces. That’s a problem because it leads us to accept so much government meddling that we would be better off without.

We want the aims of regulation — regularity and predictability in markets, decent quality and reasonable prices for the goods and services we buy — and thinking that government regu
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Bitcoin Revealed: A Ponzi Scheme for Redistributing Wealth from One Libertarian to Another
Washington PostJan 15

Free Trade: The Engine of Revolution
Wendy McElroyJan 13

'Silk Road Reloaded' Just Launched on a Network More Secret than Tor
MotherboardJan 12

Venezuelans Throng Grocery Stores Under Military Protection
BloombergJan 10

Bitcoin Jesus Denied Entry To U.S. After Renouncing Citizenship
Wendy McElroyJan 09
Roger Ver is a virtual currency millionaire who has been dubbed the Bitcoin Jesus because of his avid advocacy of the blockchain money, which includes his seeding many businesses that use it. Last year, the libertarian-anarchist became a citizen of the Caribbean nation of St. Kitts and Nevis and renounced his American citizenship. Ver may be a bellwether of how the US plans to treat those who renounce their citizenship or who are otherwise inconvenient expats.

A frequent speaker
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Australia Raw Milk Producers Forced to 'Spoil' Their Own Milk for Sale
Activist PostJan 09
Flashback: The Chemist's War: The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition with deadly consequences.

Obama Admin. Unleashes 300 Regulations In The First Week Of 2015
The Daily CallerJan 09

Styrofoam to Be Banned in New York City Beginning July 1
Entrepreneur.comJan 09

Let There Be Money
Robert P. MurphyJan 08

Oil Falls Below 50 As Global Financial Markets Begin To Unravel
The Economic CollapseJan 06
On Monday, the price of oil fell below $50 for the first time since April 2009, and the Dow dropped 331 points.  Meanwhile, the stock market declines over in Europe were even larger on a percentage basis, and the euro sank to a fresh nine year low on concerns that the anti-austerity Syriza party will be victorious in the upcoming election in Greece.  These are precisely the kinds of things that we would expect to see happen if a global financial crash was coming in 2015.  Just prior to the f... (more)

Receive an Obamacare Subsidy? Surprise! You May Owe Money to the IRS
The Daily SheepleJan 06
Remember those Obamacare subsidies, the ones that were supposed to make healthcare “affordable” for Americans?

6.8 MILLION people received those subsidies under the ACA in 2014.

A nasty surprise is in store for about half of those people – an estimated 3.4 million Americans – when
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11 Predictions Of Economic Disaster In 2015 From Top Experts All Over The Globe
The Economic CollapseJan 05
Will 2015 be a year of financial crashes, economic chaos and the start of the next great worldwide depression?  Over the past couple of years, we have all watched as global financial bubbles have gotten larger and larger.  Despite predictions that they could burst at any time, they have just continued to expand.  But just like we witnessed in 2001 and 2008, all financial bubbles come to an end at some point, and when they do implode the pain can be extreme.  Personally, I am entirely convinced t... (more)

Total National Security Spending Is Much Greater than the Pentagon's Base Budget
The BeaconJan 05
In a recent publication of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, "Defense Spending Extends Beyond the Pentagon's Budget," Veronique de Rugy presents a valuable compilation of data for fiscal year 2013, showing how much of the government's national security spending appears not in the base budget of the Department of Defense, but elsewhere in the government's budget. This point is important be... (more)

What True Health Care Reform Would Look Like
Mises InstituteJan 05

Salary Info Shows Strength of Union Muscle
ReasonJan 02

Government Spending Does Not Help the Economy
Mises InstituteDec 31

Marc Faber: Expect Surprises in 2015
BloombergDec 30

Dec. 29 -- Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, talks about global financial markets, oil and investment strategy.

Expats, Here's the Best Country for You
Wall Street JournalDec 24

Cuban Cigars Among Goods Travelers Get OK To Import
USA TodayDec 18

Man Can't Challenge $280K Tax Bill He Probably Doesn't Really Owe, Pa. Court Says
PennLive.comDec 15
"Once, I remember, I ran across the case of a boy who had been sentenced to prison, a poor, scared little brat, who had intended something no worse than mischief, and it turned out to be a crime. The judge said he disliked to sentence the lad; it seemed the wrong thing to do; but the law left him no option. I was struck by this. The judge, then, was doing something as an official that he would not dream of doing as a man; and he could do it without any sense of responsibility, or discomfort, simply because he was acting as an official and not as a man. On this principle of action, it seemed to me that one could commit almost any kind of crime without getting into trouble with one's conscience.

Clearly, a great crime had been committed against this boy; yet nobody who had had a hand in it — the judge, the jury, the prosecutor, the complaining witness, the policemen and jailers — felt any responsibility about it, because they were not acting as men, but as officials. Clearly, too, the public did not regard them as criminals, but rather as upright and conscientious men.

The idea came to me then, vaguely but unmistakably, that if the primary intention of government was not to abolish crime but merely to monopolize crime, no better device could be found for doing it than the inculcation of precisely this frame of mind in the officials and in the public; for the effect of this was to exempt both from any allegiance to those sanctions of humanity or decency which anyone of either class, acting as an individual, would have felt himself bound to respect — nay, would have wished to respect. This idea was vague at the moment, as I say, and I did not work it out for some years, but I think I never quite lost track of it from that time." - Albert Jay Nock, "Anarchist's Progress", The American Mercury (1927); § III : To Abolish Crime or to Monopolize It?

Say Goodbye to the Nation State, This is How the New System Will Look Like
Soverign ManDec 13

$404,155,000,000: Taxes Set Record in First 2 Months of FY15--Deficit Still $179B
CNS NewsDec 11

E-mails Reveal Obama's Morality Police Are Targeting Lawful Businesses
The New AmericanDec 11

Professor Gruber Strikes Again
The BeaconDec 09
According to a recent post by Scott Vorse on Brietbart's "Big Government" website, MIT economics professor Jonathan Gruber, already in hot water for saying that "the stupidity of the American voter" was politically indispensable in getting Congress to pass the Affordable Care Act, previously had advised former NYC mayor Michael Blo... (more)

Income Inequality Is a Statistical Artifact
Robert HiggsDec 02
The past year or so has witnessed a tremendous outpouring of commentary about income inequality. Pundits and politicians have huffed and puffed about it, mainly about its alleged evils and what governments should do to diminish it. Mainstream economists have devoted a great deal of attention to dissecting French economist Thomas Piketty’s book Capital in the Twenty-First Century, a book focused on income inequality—and also a book whose shoddy craftsmanship would have repelled such attention... (more)

Ponzi: Treasury Issues $1T in New Debt in 8 Weeks--To Pay Old Debt
CNS NewsNov 30

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