Court Order Forbids 'Poor Pirate' To Use BitTorrent
TorrentFreakMay 26

Why Do We Celebrate Rising Home Prices?
Mises InstituteMay 24

George Soros Warns "No Exaggeration" That China-US On "Threshold Of World War 3"
ZeroHedgeMay 22

Uber Faces Potentially Devastating Court Ruling
Mises InstituteMay 20
Uber, Lyft, and similar rideshare companies represent a direct threat to state-controlled taxi cartels and their (increasingly unsellable) medallions. Now a class action lawsuit against Uber has been cleared for a federal court jury in California, alleging that its drivers should be classified as employees rather than independent contractors. If so, Uber potentially could owe mi... (more)

The Forgotten Depression
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.May 19
As the financial crisis of 2008 took shape, the policy recommendations were not slow in coming: why, economic stability and American prosperity demand fiscal and monetary stimulus to jump-start the sick economy back to life. And so we got fiscal stimulus, as well as a program of monetary expansion without precedent in US history.

David Stockman recently noted that we have in effect had fifteen solid years of stimulus -- not just the high-profile programs like the $700 billion TARP
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Supreme Court: Two states can't tax the same income
USA TodayMay 19

Once A Sure Bet, Taxi Medallions Becoming Unsellable
USA TodayMay 18

What Peter Schiff Said To Ben Bernanke
ZeroHedgeMay 14
Last week, a photo of the oddest couple in finance, Peter Schiff and Ben Bernanke together "celebrating the economic recovery", promptly went viral.

As it turns out there was more to the story.

On his Friday podcast, Peter Schiff told the story of his encounter with Ben Bern
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Report: Cost of Federal Regulation Reached $1.88 Trillion in 2014
Free BeaconMay 13

Jeffrey Tucker Talks Bitcoin On Fox Business
Fox BusinessMay 13

Feds Spend $471,770 Observing Pregnant Women Walking Around
Free BeaconMay 12

Americans Living Abroad Set Record for Giving Up Citizenship
BloombergMay 09

Seven Changes Needed in Baltimore and Ferguson Right Now
Mises InstituteMay 08

New Gold Backed Cryptocurrency Has Been Announced
The Daily SheepleMay 07
The most legitimate argument against Bitcoin, is the fact that it isn’t backed by anything tangible. While it does use math and cryptography to create scarcity, at the end of the day bitcoins are still just digits on a screen. In that regard, they’re aren’t that different from fiat currencies. Their value is dictated by confidence and belief, rather than real world value.

But that may be about to change. Not for bitcoin, but for digital currencies in general. The gold storage comp
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The High Cost of Centrally Planning the Global Climate
Ryan McMakenMay 07
Since I'm not a person who follows the climate-change debate or climate science in detail, I don't get involved in discussions over temperature readings or climate trends. On the other hand, I find it's a very bad idea to leave the science of economics and political economy up to climate scientists and their friends in politics who tend to be woefully deficient in their knowledge of how economies work or how scarce goods and amenities can be preserved, obtained, or manufactured.

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Snapchat CEO On FB, Twitter, & The Tech Bubble
Austrian MarketsMay 07

Leaked emails from snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel explain the tech bubble. Have FB & Twitter peaked?

The Embarrassment of Transparency
Peter SchiffMay 07

Financial Warfare and the Declining Dollar
Mises InstituteMay 07

California Assembly Moves Forward With Idiotic Plan To Make All Bitcoin Startups Apply For A License
TechdirtMay 02
Back in March, we wrote about a really bad bill that had been proposed in California by Assemblymember Matt Dababneh, called AB 1326. As we noted, it would basically destroy the ability of new startups in the Bitcoin space to build their businesses in California. Specifically, it would require any startup in the bro... (more)

Marc Faber: Stocks Will Drop '30 to 40 Percent at Minimum' as Bubble Bursts
NewsmaxMay 02

George Soros May Face $7 Billion Tax Bill
BloombergMay 01
Demands high taxes for us slaves, does everything possible to avoid paying them himself.

Study: 21 Percent Of US Millennial Parents In Poverty
CBS DCApr 30

Venezuela Rations Electricity, Blames Climate Change
BreitbartApr 30

The "Living Wage" Mistake
Mises InstituteApr 27

Tax Freedom Day, 2015
The BeaconApr 24
The Tax Foundation announces "Tax Freedom Day" every year to mark the date on which the average U.S. taxpayer has earned enough income to pay in full all federal, state and local taxes owed. The date this year is today, Friday, April 24, 2015.

"Tax Freedom Day" is determined by taking the ratio of the estimated total tax burden imposed by governments at all levels ($4.8 trillion) to national income. Tha
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PayPal Now Allows Its Merchants to Accept Bitcoin Payments
CoinSpeakerApr 24

The Bankster War on Cash; JPMorganChase Begins to Prohibit the Storage of Cash in Its Safety Deposit Boxes
Economic Policy JournalApr 23
Letters are apparently going out to some JPMoragnChase customers announcing that cash will be prohibited from being stored in the bank’s safety deposit boxes.

At the Collectors Universe message board, a commenter reports:
My mother has a SDB at a Chase branch with one of my siblings as co-signers. Last week they got a letter outlining a number of changes to the lease agreement, includin... (more)

Fourth MSNBC Host, Touré Owes 60k In Back Taxes
National Review OnlineApr 23

Covered California Shows ObamaCare Is Failure and Deception, All the Way Down
BreitbartApr 23

Faber: The Biggest Bubble Is Belief In Central Bankers
LewRockwell.comApr 23

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