New York Apartments, Art Top Gold as Stores of Wealth, Says Fink
BloombergApr 22

Traders Think 'Flash Crash' Arrest Is A Joke
Business InsiderApr 22

The Unconventional Ideas Of Marc Faber
ForbesApr 21

Just before the Songkran festival marking the Thai new year, I met 69-year-old Marc Faber in his museum-like home office in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

After a brief greeting, as I was about to walk around inside the architectural masterpiece filled with Communism and Maoist artifacts, Faber asked me to take off my shoes.

“We ARE in Tha
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EPA and CA Drought: State Flushed Over 1.2M Acre-Feet Of Water Into SF Bay To Help 'Endangered' Fish
CNS NewsApr 20
From CNS News:
Since California Democratic Governor Jerry Brown imposed water restrictions on the state’s residents on April 1, people have suddenly become interested in what government officials have described as “one of the most severe drou... (more)

California Prepares For Historic Mandatory Cutbacks On Water
Yahoo NewsApr 20

The Tax Code Grows Bigger
MyGovCostApr 20

The Other 4/20: Peeking Through The Smoke Of America's Pot Industry
ZeroHedgeApr 20

There Is No Real Increase In Insured Under Obamacare
The BeaconApr 17
Gallup has released the full results of its first-quarter survey of health insurance. It concludes that the proportion of uninsured Americans has collapsed to the lowest level ever: 11.9 percent.

Only the people who have employer-based benefits can be said to be paying for their o
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Fee to Be Charged for Video of South Carolina Shooting, Publicist Says
The New York TimesApr 17

Americans Will Spend More On Taxes In 2015 Than They Will On Housing, Food, and Clothes [Pic]
r/Anarcho_CapitalismApr 16

Land of the free...

Self-Interest Is Not Selfishness
Mises InstituteApr 15

Employers Do Not Systematically and Persistently Pay Women Less than Men for Equally Valuable Work
The BeaconApr 15

The Six Too Big To Fail Banks In The U.S. Have 278 TRILLION Dollars Of Exposure To Derivatives
The Economic CollapseApr 14
The very same people that caused the last economic crisis have created a 278 TRILLION dollar derivatives time bomb that could go off at any moment. When this absolutely colossal bubble does implode, we are going to be faced with the worst economic crash in the history of the United States. During the last financial crisis, our politicians promised us that they would make sure that “too big to fail” would never be a problem again. Instead, as you will see below, those banks ha... (more)

FCC's Net Neutrality Rules Open Door To New Fee On Internet Service
LA TimesApr 13

Ben Bernanke's Latest Defense of the Fed's Failures
Mises InstituteApr 13

Bernanke's Courage To Print
Austrian MarketsApr 10

Ben Bernanke has a new book coming out and it turns out he saved the day after all.
Here's two other equally courageous political acts:

A. Calling 'Merica the "greatest country on earth."
B. Refusing to "apologize for Er'merica."

How Piketty Manufactured Rising Inequality in 6 Easy Steps
The FreemanApr 10

The Costs of Hysteria: How Economists Are Misleading The Public On Climate-Change Policy
The FreemanApr 09
Suppose the scientific consensus on climate change is right. Let’s also stipulate, for the sake of argument, that the computer projections used by the United Nations and the US government are correct, and that economists are able to translate those data into meaningful projections about costs and benefits to people living in the future with climate change.

Despite what the public has been led to believe, the situation is not a crisis at all — and certainly not something that deman
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The Fed Has No Intention To Raise Rates -- Marc Faber
Kitco NewsApr 09

With the U.S. economic recovery being doubted by weaker economic data, and more and more market watchers expecting the Federal Reserve to make a move on rates at a later date, Kitco News speaks with Marc Faber, editor of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report, to find out what he has to say about it. "Given the dollar strength and that most recent economic statistics in
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The Gender Wage Gap—A Myth that Just Won't Die
The BeaconApr 08
This past year I was on the academic job market, applying for faculty positions at a variety of colleges and universities. As a woman making a critical career move, I've been up to my eyeballs in cover letters, resumes, statistics about cost of living, state income taxes, health insurance, and, of course, salary information.

Chances are you've heard the statistic on numerous occasions, "women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns--for exactly the same work." I certainly heard
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Venezuela Reaches the Final Stage of Socialism: No Toilet Paper
Cato @ LibertyApr 07
In 1990 I went to a Cato Institute conference in what was then still the Soviet Union. We were told to bring our own toilet paper, which was in fact useful advice. Now, after only 16 years of Chavista rule, Venezuela has demonstrated that "Socialism of the 21st Century" is pretty much like socialism in the 20th century. Fusion reports: ... (more)

The Truth About Jobs In America (2015)
Austrian MarketsApr 07

This is a sick & completely backwards labor market. An in depth look at some data about the us labor force.

Does California Need Rain, Rationing, or Prices?
The FreemanApr 01
California is in the midst of a crisis. Its gorgeous weather has turned against it as its fourth year of drought drags on. Looming water shortages are leading to calls for rationing and restrictions on water use. The state has one year of water left, and 35-year megadroughts ahead of it. The New York Times bleats, “Reservoirs are low. Landscapes are parched and blighted with field... (more)

Related: For First Time In History, California Governor Orders Mandatory Water Cuts Amid "Unprecedented, Dangerous Situation"

Access to Health Care Unchanged after Obamacare's First Year
The BeaconApr 01
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released early estimates of health insurance and access to health care for January through September 2014. The National Health Insurance Survey (NHIS) is the most effective survey of health insurance, because it asks people three different but important questions: Are they uninsured at the time of the survey? Have they been uninsured for at least part of the year? Have they been... (more)

Our Current Illusion of Prosperity
Mises InstituteApr 01
President Obama and Fed Chair Janet Yellen have been crowing about improving economic conditions in the US. Unemployment is down to 5.5 percent and growth in 2014 hit 2.2 percent.

Journalists and economists point to this improvement as proof that quantitative easing was effective.

Pile on More Debt

Unfortunately, this latest boom is artificial and has been built by adding debt on top of debt. Total household debt increased 2.5 pe... (more)

The Stock Market In 2015 Is Starting To Look Remarkably Similar To The Stock Market In 2008
The Economic CollapseApr 01
Are we watching a replay of the last financial crisis?  Over the past six months, the price of oil has collapsed, the U.S. dollar has soared, and a whole bunch of other patterns that we witnessed just before the stock market crash of 2008 are repeating once aga... (more)

Eric Holder Issues New Asset Forfeiture Restrictions for Structuring Offenses
Cato @ LibertyApr 01
Today Attorney General Eric Holder issued new guidelines to federal prosecutors tightening the rules for seizing assets for so-called "structuring" offenses.

Under the Bank Secrecy Act, structuring occurs when someone is suspected of arranging their financial transactions as to avoid triggering a report to the federal government by the financ
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Americans Must Work Jan. 1 Through April 24 Just to Pay Taxes
CNS NewsMar 31

Picking Piketty Apart: The Superstar French Economist Tortures the Data to Fit His Narrative
The FreemanMar 31

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