Alaska Man Travels to Mexico for Cheaper Dentist, Saves $32,000
The Hamilton SpectatorAug 20

Don’t Be Fooled By Our Current Price Stability
Mises InstituteAug 20

Sex Doesn't Sell After All, Study Says
BloombergAug 19

Ron Paul: Fed May Not Hike Because 'Everything Is Vulnerable'
CNBCAug 18

The Slow-Motion Financial Suicide of the Roman Empire
The FreemanAug 17
More than 2,000 years before America's bailouts and entitlement programs, the ancient Romans experimented with similar schemes. The Roman government rescued failing institutions, canceled personal debts, and spent huge sums on welfare programs. The result wasn't pretty.

Roman politicians picked winners and losers, generally favoring the politically well connected -- a practice that's central to the welfare state of modern times, too. As numerous writers have noted, these expensiv
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The Shot Not Heard Around the World
Peter SchiffAug 17
China’s recent move to devalue the yuan has sent shock waves through the global financial markets and has convinced most observers that a new front in the global currency wars has begun. The move has caused many observes to envision a new round of competitive devaluations around the globe in which the race to the bottom will intensify. In this scenario they envision that the U.S. dollar will solidify its standing as the only strong currency. This misses the point entirely.

In the
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American Malls In Meltdown - The Economic Recovery Is Complete & Utter Fraud
ZeroHedgeAug 17

Australia Orders More Foreign Homeowners to Sell
WSJAug 17

70% of Rich Families Lose Their Wealth by the Second Generation
TIMEAug 17
...and yet we "need" inheritance taxes "to prevent dynasties!" - Chris

Schiff: Don't Worry About China's Currency When US Dollar Will Collapse
NewsmaxAug 13

$2,672,414,000,000: Federal Taxes Set Record Through July; $17,955 Per Worker--Feds Still Run $465.5B Deficit
CNS NewsAug 13

12 Signs That An Imminent Global Financial Crash Has Become Even More Likely
The Economic CollapseAug 12
Did you see what just happened?  The devaluation of the yuan by China triggered the largest one day drop for that currency in the modern era.  This caused other global currencies to crash relative to the U.S. dollar, the price of oil hit a six year low, and stock markets all over the world were rattled.  The Dow fell 212 points on Tuesday, and Apple stock plummeted another 5 percent.  As we hurtle toward the absolutely critical months of September and October, the unraveling of the global fi... (more)

Worker Participation Rate Falls to 37-Year Low in July
Ryan McMakenAug 12
From Mises Wire:

The conservative media (specifically Breitbart and CNS) are reporting that labor participation rates are at a 38 year low:
A record 93,770,000 Americans were not in the American labor force last month, and the labor force participati... (more)

What Happened When One Company Set a Minimum Wage of $70,000
Mises InstituteAug 11
Dan Price, the CEO of Gravity Payments, took a $930,000 pay cut to raise the minimum salary of his employees to $70,000. The plan was announced in April 2015, and set to be completed over the course of three years. Both his employees (especially the ones with a larger pay increase) and proponents of income equality celebrated the move. It garnered considerable publicity and rippled through social media, with mostly positive but some negative reactions.

In the New York Times piece<
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"They'll Blame Physical Gold Holders For The Failure Of Monetary Policies" Marc Faber Explains Everything
Marcopolis.netAug 10

Four Economic Myths that Perpetuate the Euro Crisis
Mises InstituteAug 10

What Kind of "Improvement" Does the Fed Want?
Peter SchiffAug 09
Over the past few years observing changes in Federal Reserve interest rate policy has been a little like watching paint dry or grass grow...only not as exciting. That's because the Fed has not changed its benchmark Fed Funds rate since 2008 (Federal Reserve, FOMC). So with nothing else to talk about, Fed observers have focused on the minute changes in language that are included in Fed Policy statements. The minuscule revision in the July statement was the inclusion of the word "additional" to th... (more)

Donald Trump's Plan to Significantly Reduce Income Taxes
InfowarsAug 07
Frontrunner Donald Trump's plan to radically reduce income taxes will bolster his popularity with the American people.

In his book, "Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again," published in 2011, and updated for the 2016 campaign, Trump put forward a plan to transform the government's expropriation of income and wealth.
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SeaWorld Sees Profits Plunge 84% as Customers Desert Controversial Park
The GuardianAug 07

The Federal Reserve's War on Drugs
Cato @ LibertyAug 06
That’s right: the Federal Reserve is now in the business of enforcing the U.S. government’s drug laws, even if that means making a mockery of both state governments' right to set their own drug policies and the Fed’s own governing statutes.

The Fed’s involvement in drug prohibition became official last month, when the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City informed Denver’s Fourth Corner Credit Union -- a non-profit cooperative formed by Colorado’s state-licensed cannabis manufactu
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Venezuelan Inflation Soars to 800%
PanamPostAug 05

Why The US Dollar Will Collapse | Peter Schiff and Stefan Molyneux
YouTubeAug 04

Is the United States economy recovering - or are we being lied to by the mainstream establishment? Why has Gold recently hit a five year low despite long term predictions of it's rise in value? Are the government statistics on inflation accurate? What does the future hold for the US Dollar? Why has the Dollar strengthened and how will this play out in the long
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Puerto Rico Triggers Historic Default As Austerity Spiral Deepens
The TelegraphAug 04

Greek Stocks Plunge 22.87% After 5 Weeks Of Closure
Business InsiderAug 03

Atlas Shrugs
The BeaconAug 02
Three months ago, the CEO of Gravity Payments, a Seattle credit card processing firm, announced that all of the firm’s employees would be paid a minimum of $70,000 a year, according to this story. Now, the firm has fallen on hard times, and some of the firm’s “higher valued” employees have quit. One employee who quit said, "He gave raises to people who ha... (more)

Mt. Gox Head Arrested Over Loss of 650,000 Bitcoins
Ars TechnicaAug 02

Ex-NBA Star Went From $108 Million to Bankruptcy
CNNAug 02
Classic example of a high time preference. See this talk from Hans-Hermann Hoppe.

Kim Dotcom & Mega Trade Barbs Over Hostile Takeover Claims
TorrentFreakJul 31

The Euro Isn't Dead
Peter SchiffJul 30
While the world can count dozens of important currencies, when it comes to top line financial and investment discussions, the currency marketplace really comes down to a one-on-one cage match between the two top contenders: the U.S. Dollar and the Euro.

In recent years the contest has become a blowout, with the Dollar pummeling the Euro into apparent submission. Based on the turmoil created by the European Debt Crisis and the continuing problems in Greece and other overly indebted
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Los Angeles Union Wants To Be Exempt From $15 Minimum Wage It Fought For
The GuardianJul 30

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