Video: Florida Man Finds $1 Million In Gold From Shipwrecked Spanish Fleet
InformationLiberationJul 29

A Florida man searching for treasure from a Spanish fleet of ships which shipwrecked off the coast of Florida in 1715 found 1$ million worth of gold coins and chains on the ocean seabed.

Evidently, the rights to
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Warner Music's Response To Evidence Of Happy Birthday In The Public Domain: Who Really Knows Anything, Really?
TechdirtJul 29
Earlier this week, we wrote about fairly damning new evidence that almost certainly shows that the song "Happy Birthday" is in the public domain, and not, as Warner Music's Warner/Chappell claims, still covered by a copyright that it holds (and ruthlessly enforces). The evidence was in the form of a 1922 songbook that ... (more)

Liberals Sign Petition to Impose 10% "Male Privilege Tax"
InfowarsJul 27

Liberals signed a petition to address “income inequality” by imposing a 10% “male privilege tax” on all men in the latest Mark Dice ‘man on the street’ video which illustrates how much leftists are divorced from reality.

Asked to support an additional 10% tax on men’s income, one woman responded, “I’ll definitely sign for that,” before adding,
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Community Reaches Out to Homeless Man and his Dog to Begin New Life
Examiner.comJul 27

Jim Grant On Gold's Liquidation Sale: A "Vexing But Wonderful Opportunity"
ZeroHedgeJul 24
Don’t tell Jim Grant, the publisher of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, that gold is a hedge.

The author and publisher said the metal is much more dynamic; providing a trifecta of price, value and sentiment, and investors should have exposure to it.
“[G]old is an investment in monetary and financial disorder – not a hedge. You look around the world and you see exchange rates are properly disorderly, when you look around the world of lending and borrowing -... (more)

Currencies Depend on Faith, Gold Doesn't
Peter SchiffJul 23
In his July 17th Blog, Let's Get Real About Gold, author and Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Zweig likened investor interest in gold with the "Pet Rock" craze of the 1970's, when consumers became convinced that a rock in a box would provide continuous companionship, elevate their social standing, and give them something hip to talk about at parties. Zweig asserts that investor faith in gold, which he... (more)

Gold, Precious Metals Flash Crash Following $2.7 Billion Notional Dump
ZeroHedgeJul 20

China Increases Gold Holdings By 57% "In One Month" In First Official Update Since 2009
ZeroHedgeJul 17

How Socialism Destroyed Puerto Rico, and How Capitalism Can Save It
Peter Schiff Jul 16
While Greece is now dominating the debt default stage, the real tragedy is playing out much closer to home, with the downward spiral of Puerto Rico. As in Greece, the Puerto Rican economy has been destroyed by its participation in an unrealistic monetary system that it does not control and the failure of domestic politicians to confront their own insolvency. But the damage done to the Puerto Rican economy by the United States has been far more debilitating than whatever damage the European Union... (more)

How Student Loans Create Demand for Useless Degrees
Mises InstituteJul 16

Peter Schiff On The Real Reason Greece Folded... And What They'd Do If They Were Actually Smart
Peter SchiffJul 14

Peter Schiff: The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost
YouTubeJul 10

What In The World Just Happened To The New York Stock Exchange?
The Economic CollapseJul 09
Do you believe that the New York Stock Exchange shut down because of a “technical glitch” on Wednesday?  At 11:32 AM on Wednesday morning, trading on the New York Stock Exchange was halted due to “internal technical issues”, and it did not resume until 3:10 PM.  Officials insist that there is no evidence that a cyberattack caused the technical problems even though hactivists had hinted that something may happen the night before.  Adding to the suspicion is the fact that United Airlines and t... (more)

China Soars Most Since 2009 After Government Threatens Short Sellers With Arrest, Global Stocks Surge
ZeroHedgeJul 09

Lenin and Marx: Sound Money Advocates?
Mises InstituteJul 09

Video: Americans Choose Free Hershey Bar Over Silver Bar Worth $150
InfowarsJul 08

Given the choice between a free Hershey bar and a silver bar worth $150, people on the streets of San Diego chose the chocolate bar – another jaw-dropping illustration of how ignorant Americans are when it comes to precious metals.

Mark Dice’s previous video showed him attempting to sell the 10oz silver bullion for as little as 99 cents, wi
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European Stocks, Chinese Stocks And Commodities Are All Crashing - Are U.S. Stocks Next?
The Economic CollapseJul 08
A global stock market crash has begun.  European stocks are crashing, Chinese stocks are crashing, and commodities are crashing.  And guess what?  All of those things happened before U.S. stocks crashed in the fall of 2008 too.  In so many ways, it se... (more)

Marc Faber: Likelihood of Greek Contagion Is Very High
BloombergJul 08

July 6 -- Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, talks about the contagion risk posed by the Greek debt crisis and the prospects for a resolution. Faber, speaking with Olivia Sterns and Matt Miller on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg Markets," also discusses the Chines stock market.

Hawaii Just Became The First State To Ban Plastic Bags At Grocery Checkouts
Huffington PostJul 07

China $159 Billion State Pension Fund Ordered Not to Sell Local Shares
AFR.comJul 07

Peter Schiff: The Big Picture
Peter SchiffJul 06

What’s Driving Bolivia’s Booming Economy
Mises InstituteJul 03

Chicago Institutes New "Amusement Tax" On Netflix, Streaming Services
InformationLiberationJul 02
Chicago has just expanded their 20-year-old "amusement tax" law -- yes they have a tax on amusement -- to apply to streaming services like Netflix and Spotify, but according to the mayor's spokeswoman, this expansion of the law is not an expansion of the law, it's just a clarification of the law in the name of "fairness."

From the Chicago Tribune:
Chicagoans who pay to stream movies and music from services like Netflix and Spotify will now need to fork over... (more)

Record 93.6 Million People Not in American Labor Force, Highest Since 1977
The Daily SheepleJul 02
While the White House again is smiling through its teeth and claiming, “the strongest two-year job growth since 2000,” a record-setting 93,626,000 Americans did not even participate in the nation's labor force at all in June 2015.

That means that 93.6 million Americans age 16 or older who were not in the military or institutionalized did not hold down a job and didn’t try to find one
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Barack Obama Promises That Events In Greece And Puerto Rico Will Not Cause A Global Financial Crisis
The American DreamJul 01
Barack Obama says that we shouldn’t be alarmed by what is happening over in Greece.  On Tuesday, he told reporters that this “is an issue primarily of concern to Europe” and that “I think the markets have properly factored in the risks involved“.  And apparently Obama is not too concerned abou... (more)

Economic Stagnation and the Global Bubble
David StockmanJul 01

Oregon Legalizes Pot this Week -- But Thanks to the Liquor Control Commission, You Can't Buy It
The Free Thought ProjectJun 29
Oregon — While marijuana legalization activists are cheering on the states end to pot prohibition this Wednesday, the way the law is set up has many shaking their heads.

Thanks to the 56 percent of Oregon residents voting in favor of Measure 91 last November, come this Wednesday, all residents 21 and older will legally be allowed to possess and use recreational reefer. There is, however, a catch, no one can sell it or buy it.

If Oregonians want to partake in the pot
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Greek Banks And Stock Exchange In Shutdown
SKY NewsJun 28

Greece Illustrates 150 Years of Socialist Failure in Europe
Mises CanadaJun 25
Greece cannot pay its debts…ever. Nor can several other members of the European Union. That’s why Europe’s elite are loath to place Greece in default. If Greece is allowed to abrogate its debts, why should any of the other debtor members of the EU pay up? The financial consequences of massive default by most of the EU members is hard to predict, but it won’t be pretty. Europe has built a financial house of cards, and the slightest loss of confidence will bring it crashing down.

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