Bitcoin Sales Now Prohibited In the State of New Hampshire
Dinbits NewsDec 08

French Traditionalists Praise Warning From Prince Charles That Artisanal Cheese Could Disappear
The TelegraphDec 07

Black Friday Sets Records for Gun Background Checks
NY Daily NewsDec 03

Young White People Are Losing Their Faith in The American Dream
Washington PostDec 02

Can The US Dollar Face Down The Chinese Yuan?
James G. RickardsDec 01

Good News: Law Schools In Decline, Bar Passage Rates Plummeting
InformationLiberationNov 26
Here's some more good news for a change. Law schools have been in decline lately as their graduates can't get any jobs, so they decided to accept pretty much anyone willing to pay them. Now, those same students are failing their bar exams en masse.

From Business Insider:
Bar-passage rates have plummeted in several big states, the National Law Journ... (more)

Google Deems Bernie Sanders' Economic Plan a 'Phishing Scam'
Washington TimesNov 26

Singapore: The Power of Economic Freedom
Cato @ LibertyNov 25
The Telegraph ran a fascinating collection of photos from different statges of development of the Asian city state of Singapore. The first photo is from 1900, the second is from the 1970s and the last photo is contemporary. The incredible transformation of Singapore from a sleepy outpost of the British Empire t... (more)

Chatham House Think-Tank Calls For Meat Tax
BreitbartNov 25

The Good Ol' Days: When Tax Rates Were 90 Percent
Mises InstituteNov 24

UK: Young 'to be Poorer than Parents at Every Stage of Life'
BBC NewsNov 24

More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to The U.S.
Pew Research CenterNov 23
...but the economy is doing great!

The Beginning of The End For The Affordable Care Act? Largest US Health Insurer May Exit Obamacare
ZeroHedgeNov 20

Nouriel Roubini: "Positive Impacts of Paris Attacks Modest Unless More Attacks Follow"
Mich ShedlockNov 19

Hackers: Isis Terrorists Linked to Paris Attacks Had Bitcoin Funding
Network WorldNov 19

Record High Taxes and Fees On Wireless Consumers in 2015
Tax FoundationNov 17

Schiff: The Shadow Rate Casts Gloom
Peter SchiffNov 16
Nearly 92% of economists surveyed this week by the Wall Street Journal expect that our eight-year experiment with unprecedented monetary easing from the Federal Reserve will come to an end at the next Fed meeting in December. Since we have had the monetary wind at our back for so many years, at least a few have begun to question our ability to make economic and financial gains against actual headwinds. But in reality, the tightening cycle that the forecasters are waiting for actually started las... (more)

Neil Cavuto Embarrasses Student Who Wants Free College and Has No Idea How to Pay For It
Free BeaconNov 13

A painful exchange with a young student who's organizing for free public colleges, cancellation of all student debt and $15/hour minimum wage for all campus employees. She doesn't really know how to pay for it, unfortunately.

No, The Military Has Not Withered Away Under Obama
Mises InstituteNov 13

California and New York Are Poorer Than You Think
Mises InstituteNov 13

Dear Striking Fast-Food Workers: Meet The Machine That Just Put You Out of a Job
ZeroHedgeNov 11
These are undoubtedly ridiculously expensive contraptions only created due to the government's driving up labor costs. - Chris

Pocketbook Pain: The Rapidly Rising Cost of Living Is Absolutely Killing The Middle Class in America
The American DreamNov 10
All over America, the middle class is dying and poverty is on the rise.  One of the primary reasons for this is the rapidly rising cost of living in the United States.  The cost of just about everything that average families shell out money for on a regular basis – food, rent, health insurance, etc. – is rising much faster than wages are.  In a previous art... (more)

The Three Industries That Love The TPP: Hollywood, Big Pharma & Wall St.
TechdirtNov 10
Tons of people seem (quite rightly) concerned about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. As we pointed out last week after the final text was finally, released, the agreement has a lot of really big problems. But if you want to understand just how bad the agreement is, perhaps you should just look at the industries that like it. Vox notes that Big Pharma and... (more)

FDNY Insider: Black Female Firefighter Allowed to Graduate Academy Despite Failing Strength and Running Tests
The Daily CallerNov 10

The Relative Value of $100 in Each State
Tax FoundationNov 10
An interesting take for those seeking greener pastures. - Chris

Sexist Markets - 77 Cents On The Dollar?
Austrian MarketsNov 09

Do women make 77 cents on the dollar? Should there be a law to fix it? Do you hate women? Remember, Men working = Wage Slavery - Women Working = Liberation

... (more)

Houston Defeats Bathroom Ordinance
Mike HolmesNov 06

Labor Force Participation Remains At 38-Year Low; 94,513,000 Not in Labor Force; Unemployment Ticks Down to 5.0%
CNS NewsNov 06

Former Reagan Administration Official Warns That Financial Disaster Is Dead Ahead
The Economic CollapseNov 05
Why won't the American people listen to the warnings?  David Stockman was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1977 to 1981, and he served as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan from 1981 to 1985.  These days, he is running a website called "Contra Corner" which I highly recommend that you check out.  Stockman believes that a global "debt super-cycle" that has been building for decades is now bursting, and he is convinced that t... (more)

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