QE's Creeping Communism
Peter SchiffNov 04
Most economists and investors readily acknowledge that the current period of central bank activism, characterized by extended bouts of quantitative easing and zero percent interest rates, is a newly-blazed trail in economic history. And while these policies strike some as counterintuitive, open-ended, and unimaginably expensive, most express comfort that our extremely educated, data-dependent, central bankers have a pretty good idea as to where the trail is going and how to keep the wagons toget... (more)

Peter Schiff on Fox Business: Cost of Government Is Not What It Taxes, But What It Spends
YouTubeNov 04

Poverty Does Not Cause Obesity
Mises InstituteNov 04

Go Ahead, Have a Lasik!
Cato @ LibertyNov 03
This morning, I saw a TV ad for Lasik eye surgery and that got me wondering, “What’s happened to the price of Lasik since I had my procedure 10 years ago?” We hear a lot about the rising cost of healthcare. (By the way, how is that Obamacare working out for you?) But, what about medical procedures that patients pay for themselves? And so I called the ophthalmologist who performed my Lasik operation (with superb results, I might add) to find out the details.

Back in 2005, he char
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Why We Need Private Property to Deal With Scarce Resources
Mises InstituteNov 02
Scarcity of resources exists in many forms and is the problem in economics. If resources were not scarce, there would be no need to economize. The existence of scarcity is true of all resources (such as time, human energy, and natural resources). However, it is not necessarily intuitive that allowing scarce resources to be owned privately is the solution to this problem.

Consequently, socialism appears attractive to many and they turn to having all resources owned collectively for
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The Ghost Cities Finally Died: For China's Steel Industry "The Outlook Is The Worst Ever Amid Unprecedented Losses"
ZeroHedgeOct 30

Runaway Surveillance Blimp Deflates Raytheon’s Hopes to Sell More
The InterceptOct 30

The World Bank Threatens Free Markets in Peru
Mises InstituteOct 30

Ben Carson: "Get Rid of All Government Subsidies"
InformationLiberationOct 29

This was the most radical statement in the entirety of last night's republican debate, yet the media has completely ignored it.

Ben Carson said he was previously wrong on calling for subsidies for the oil industry to be shifted to ethanol producers, and said instead he now wants to get rid of ALL government subsidies, which would literally be
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Americans Renouncing US Citizenship Soars to Yet Another Record High
Simon BlackOct 28
1,426. That’s the number of Americans who renounced their US citizenship last quarter according to the US government’s report just released this morning.

That’s a record high for a single quarter, easily beating the last record high set earlier this year, which beat the previous record high set in 2013.

This is clearly a trend on the rise, and it certainly raises the question: why?

What is it about the United States that drives so many citizens to le
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The U.S. Government Is Spending 400,000 Dollars On a Single Helmet
The Economic CollapseOct 28
Would you pay $400,000 for a single helmet?  Of course you wouldn't – but that is precisely what the U.S. government is doing.  Just the helmet for the pilot of the new F-35 Lightning II is going to cost taxpayers nearly half a million dollars.  And since we are going to need 2,400 of those helmets, the total bill is going to end up approaching a ... (more)

Why Are Half Of All 25-Year-Olds Living With Their Parents? The Federal Reserve Answers
ZeroHedgeOct 28

Millennials: 70% Want To Be Debt Free, 66% Refuse To "Gamble" In The Stock Market
ZeroHedgeOct 28

The War On Cars Is a War On Workers and The Poor
Mises InstituteOct 28

Why Is The Rent Too Damn High? Because We Ignore The Real Problem
Cato @ LibertyOct 27
Rising home prices and apartment rents have been in the news lately, but almost no one is looking at the real causes behind these problems. Instead, they are proposing band-aid solutions that will do little to help most people afford housing but will greatly benefit special interest groups.

According to the news, Boston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Portland, San Francisco-Oakland, San Jose, Seattle, and Washington, DC, among other major u
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If Sweden and Germany Became US States, They Would Be Among The Poorest States
Mises InstituteOct 27

The Fed Can't Raise Rates, But Must Pretend It Will
Mises InstituteOct 26

Overstock Holds 3 Months Of Food, $10 Million In Gold For Employees In Preparation For The Next Collapse
Zero HedgeOct 26

What The Washington Post Gets Wrong About Free Markets
Cato @ LibertyOct 23
This morning, the Washington Post ran an article titled, "How free markets make us fatter, poorer and less happy." Actually, the data suggest the exact opposite: free markets make us healthier, richer and happier.

Free markets make us healthier

First, the authors argue that free markets result in an abundance of temptations, such as cand
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Desperate Financial Regulators Turn to... 100% Reserves
Mises InstituteOct 23
100 percent-reserve banking is being introduced through the backdoor by U.S. regulators who remain queasy about banks runs in a future crisis. Under rules instituted in September 2014 by the Fed and other financial regulators, banks are mandated to hold only high-grade liquid assets against risky large demand deposits in order to cover estimated deposit losses for 30 days. These so-calle... (more)

The Cascading Collapse of Obamacare's COOPs
The BeaconOct 23
One piece of Obamacare is already collapsing: The COOPs (cooperative insurers) that the federal government propped up with loans to compete in exchanges. Many are now closing down under pressure from state insurance departments, as they are threatened with insolvency because they charge premiums in the Obamacare exchanges that do not cover costs.

The administration is desperate to stave off the day of reckoning, going so far as to insist the federal loans be categorized as "assets
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Reflections On Venezuela's "Economic Miracle"
Mises InstituteOct 23
Back in 2013, Salon took a quick break from criticizing a caricature of libertarianism to let David Sirota write an embarrassing article praising socialism in what turns out to be a fantastic case study in both the dangers of socialist economics and of course, speaking to soon.

The article was titled “Hugo Chavez’s Economic Miracle” and it was certainly not the only one of its kind to come out at the time. It may seem like twenty-twenty hindsight to criticize such foolishn
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There's Now a $1-a-Pill Competitor to Pharma CEO Martin Shkreli's $750-a-Pill Drug
Business InsiderOct 23

COLAS Reveal The True Nature of Social Security
Laurence M. VanceOct 23

YouTube Will Completely Remove Videos Of Creators Who Don't Sign Its Red Subscription Deal
TechCrunchOct 23

Depression-Era Laws Threaten The Sharing Economy
The FreemanOct 22
Imagine you're driving for Uber or Lyft. As an independent contractor, you enjoy setting your own work hours, picking up people you like chatting with (well, for the most part), learning about new parts of town, and earning back some of the investment in your car. Then, one day, an email from your ride-sharing service informs you that some bureaucrats you've never heard of have decided that Uber is now your employer. You have to work a certain number of hours and within prescribed times, and the... (more)

The Nightmare of Living in The Past
The FreemanOct 21
Swedish doctor Hans Rosling loads a washing machine with laundry on stage at the beginning of his TED talk. When his talk is over, he returns to the washer and pulls out ... books.

His presentation, "The Magic Washing Machine," is about how this one example of consumer technology is far more than a convenience. By mechanizing the arduous process of doing the household laundry, the washing machine gav
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Finnish Police Ask Public to Report Cheap Pizzas
The Nano NewsOct 20

Warmist Prof. Alice Bows-Larkin Calls For 'Planned Recessions' to Fight 'Global Warming': 'Economic Growth Needs to Be Exchanged' For 'Planned Austerity' -- 'Whole System Change'
Climate DepotOct 20

Will Ohio Legalize Marijuana Next Month?
StopTheDrugWar.orgOct 19
It's now less than three weeks until Buckeye State voters head to the polls in an off-year election, and they make make Ohio the first Midwestern state to legalize marijuana. A poll this week that asked specifically if respondents supported the initiative on the ballot had 56% saying yes.

They will be voting on Issue 3, a controversial proposal sponsored
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