Secret Walmart Survey Shows Inflation Already Here
CNBCNov 13
There might not have been a second round of quantitative easing, if Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke shopped at Walmart.

A new pricing survey of products sold at the world’s largest retailer showed a 0.6 percent price increase in just the last two months, according to MKM Partners. At that rate, prices would be close to four percent higher a year from now, double the Fed’s mandate.
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Quantitative Easing Explained
YouTubeNov 13

The Gold Standard Never Dies
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.Nov 12
John Maynard Keynes thought he had pretty well killed gold as a monetary standard back in the 1930s. Governments of the world did their best to help him. It took longer than they thought. Gold in the money survived all the way to Nixon, and it was he who finally drove the stake in once and for all. That was supposed to be the end of it, and the beginning of the glorious new age of paper prosperity.

It didn’t work out as they thought. The 1970s was
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Suffocated By Red Tape -- 12 Ridiculous Regulations That Are Almost Too Bizarre To Believe
The Economic CollapseNov 12
Even with all of the massive economic problems that the United States is facing, if the government would just get off our backs most of us would do okay.  In America today, it is rapidly getting to the point where it is nearly impossible to start or to operate a small business.  The federal government, the state governments and local governments are cramming thousands upon thousands of new ridiculous regulations down our throats each year.  It would take a full team of lawyers just to even try t... (more)

Peter Thiel on Facebook, Technology, and the Higher Education Bubble
YouTubeNov 12

Entrepreneur and venture capitalist Peter Thiel co-founded PayPal, was an
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Talks about how it's becoming more difficult to leave the US...

US Treasuries or Asian Stocks? An Interview with Dr. Marc Faber, Part II
YouTubeNov 12

US Treasuries or Asian Stocks? In the second part of this intervi
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Jim Cramer Pushing Gold
YouTubeNov 12

Airtime: Thurs. Nov. 11 2010 | 6:00 PM ET
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Decent correction right after his recommendation. Another small dollar rally is probably in the cue.

US Won't Weaken Dollar to Spur Growth: Geithner
YouTubeNov 12

The United States will not weaken the dollar as a tool to gain co
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If you tell a lie, make it a big one and people are more likely to believe it.

Doug Casey on Gold's New High, the Fed, and the Greater Depression
Casey ResearchNov 12
L: Good evening Doug. The Fed's new $600 billion liquidity injection pushed gold to new records, at least in current dollars, topping our $1400 target for this year. Our gold stocks are up even more. Even the World Bank is suggesting that a return to some sort of gold standard might be worth considering. Does the market feel "toppy" to you? What do you make of the latest numbers?

Doug: Well, first, it's fascinating that the head of the World Bank is actually talking about gold. Th
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Marc Faber says QE2 will not work precisely because excessive monetary growth caused the crisis
Business Intelligence MENov 12

Gold: The Market's Global Currency
Robert P. MurphyNov 11
World Bank president Robert Zoellick has stirred up a hornet's nest with his recent call for a return to a gold anchor[1] in the global financial system.

The usual suspects immediately denounced him, with Keynesian Brad DeLong anointing Zoellick the "Stupidest Man Alive."

In the present article I'll explain the resurging interest in the yellow metal.
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15 Reasons Why Barack Obama’s Debt Commission Is An Exercise In Futility – The U.S. Government Will Never Have A Balanced Budget Ever Again
The Economic CollapseNov 11
In a surprise move, the co-chairs of Barack Obama's national debt commission released their preliminary proposals to the media on Wednesday.  The proposals are actually quite modest - they recommend that nothing be implemented until 2012 because of the weak economy, and their plan would not balance the federal budget until 2037 - but almost as soon as it was released Democrats and Republicans both started screaming bloody murder about how they would not support it.  The truth is that virtually n... (more)

Not Too Big For Fraud
Euro Pacific CapitalNov 11
As a mortgage broker during the manic years of the housing boom, I witnessed reckless financial practices on a wide scale. As a result, I was not surprised by the “robo-signing” mess that now threatens the mortgage sector. Unfortunately, the scandal is only a small tip of the iceberg that threatens to take down the entire US banking system.

China may be bigger economy than US within two years
The TelegraphNov 11

Ron Paul on The Dylan Ratigan Show
YouTubeNov 11

Congressman Ron Paul discusses the deficit, the financial
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The Death Of The Dollar? 11 Signs That We Could Be On The Verge Of A Global Currency Crisis
End of the American DreamNov 10
Over the past several decades, the U.S. dollar and other major currencies around the globe have been continually devalued, but they have still remained stable enough for trade to flourish and for the world to enjoy an unprecedented era of prosperity.  However, that all may now be changing.  Many analysts now fear that the new $600 billion program of quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve may set off a round of "competitive devaluations" across the globe that could precipitate a global c... (more)

Marc Faber on CNBC 11/09/10
YouTubeNov 10

Discussing the real cause of the financial crisis, with Frank Ber
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Chinese firm downgrades US credit rating
XinhuaNov 10

Fake Recovery: The S&P 500 Priced In Gold
Business InsiderNov 10

There Was a Fed Chairman Who Swallowed a Fly
Peter SchiffNov 09
While it’s true that history repeats itself, the patterns should always be separated by a generation or two to keep things respectable. Unfortunately, in today’s economic world, it seems the cycle can be counted in months.

On July 24, 2009, just as the Federal Reserve unleashed its first quantitative easing campaign (now called “QE1” – an echo of the reclassification of the Great War after still more destructive subsequent developments), Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke wrote an opinio
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Barack Obama And Ben Bernanke Continue To Defend Quantitative Easing, But For The Rest Of The World The Verdict Is In: They Hate It
The Economic CollapseNov 09
Even as Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke publicly defend the Federal Reserve's new $600 billion quantitative easing program, top finance officials around the globe are expressing alarm and outrage.  But what did Obama and Bernanke expect?  "Quantitative easing" is little more than legalized cheating.  For a moment, imagine that the global economy is a giant game of Monopoly.  Essentially what Bernanke has done is that he has just reached under the table and has slipped another $600 billion on to hi... (more)

World Bank's Trial Balloon Pops
The New AmericanNov 09
Before the Internet, Robert Zoellick’s brief outline of suggested topics for the G20 meeting this week in Seoul, Korea, might have been considered just an interoffice memo. It appeared in London’s Financial Times, contained obscure references to arcane subjects that would be of interest only to international bankers determined to push their agenda for a world currency, and was written ... (more)

Ron Paul: Bernanke and Krugman are Destroying the Dollar
YouTubeNov 09

Inflation vs Deflation! Peter Schiff Debates Robert Prechter
Schiff RadioNov 09
Listen Here!

This whole show is excellent, Schiff Radio might be the best radio show going. The interview starts halfway or so through.

Peter Schiff & Judge Napolitano on FOX Business News
YouTubeNov 09

Peter Schiff was right 2006-2007 - CNBC edition
YouTubeNov 09

Peter Schiff was right 2006-2007 - CNBC edition

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Your cellphone and laptop are evil, says Story of Stuff
Jeffrey TuckerNov 09
Some years ago, I was watching and listening to a communist poetry/rap group in a public park and rather enjoying the spirited rhythmic presentation. Hundreds of people were enjoying it too. The message was goofy but harmless in some way, essentially a bunch of tuneful hectoring on how we need to come together and share and be one, etc. At some point, the lead singer said that the best path to utopia was a direct one. We should throw away our cell phones! Well, at that point, the crowds lost int... (more)

An Inflationary Death Spiral
Euro Pacific CapitalNov 08
It seems the Fed has given up on the idea that the country can build a viable and stable economy through the conventional means. Instead, our central bank has resorted to once again growing GDP and increasing employment by the creation of asset bubbles. This is a dangerous game that no one, least of all the Fed, knows how to play.

We learned this past Wednesday that the FOMC decided to increase its purchases of longer-dated Treasuries by $600 billion within the next eight months.
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