Israeli PM Netanyahu Stabs 'The Most Pro-Israel President In History' In The Back
InformationLiberationNov 08
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stabbed President Donald Trump in the back on Saturday night by rushing to congratulate Joe Biden after he was prematurely declared president by the media amid a host of recount efforts and legal challenges.
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Mexican President Says He Won't Congratulate Biden Until Election Legal Issues Are Resolved
InformationLiberationNov 08
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who was once robbed of an election himself, said Saturday night he will not be congratulating either of the US' presidential "candidates" until all legal issues are resolved and vote tallies are officially certified.
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Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Karl Rove & Bill Kristol Rush to Congratulate Joe Biden After Media Calls Race
InformationLiberationNov 07
The neocon scum of the earth rushed to congratulate Joe Biden after the media prematurely declared him the projected winner of the presidential election on Saturday.
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AP, FOX Call Election For Joe Biden; President Trump Not Conceding, Pictured Playing Golf
InformationLiberationNov 07
The Associated Press projected Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential election on Saturday at 11:28 AM and Fox News and then the rest of the media followed shortly thereafter.
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Google Trends: Searches For 'Election Fraud Punishment' Surged In MI, PA And AZ Before Election
InformationLiberationNov 07
Google Trends indicate that searches for "Election Fraud Punishment" surged specifically in the crucial swing-states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona in the weeks before the election.
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Twitter Censors Pres. Trump's Tweets On Democrats' 'Illegal' Voting Shenanigans
InformationLiberationNov 07
Twitter on Saturday censored all of President Trump's tweets speaking out against Democrats' blocking GOP poll watchers and warning that "illegal" and "bad things" took place behind the scenes.
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Rahm Emanuel: Biden White House Should Tell Laid-Off Retail Workers to Learn to Code
InformationLiberationNov 07
Former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said Friday on ABC that a Biden White House should tell folks laid off from retail stores like JC Penney to learn to code.
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'Astounding': Biden Scores Insane Advantage In Mail-In Ballots In Michigan And Pennsylvania
InformationLiberationNov 06
Joe Biden got a shocking 60-point advantage over Donald Trump in absentee mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania and 38-point advantage in Michigan according to data compiled on Thursday but received no similar massive advantage in other swing states like Ohio, North Carolina, Florida or Minnesota.
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Biden Takes Lead In Georgia At 4AM From Mail-In Ballots, Three Days After Election
InformationLiberationNov 06
Joe Biden took the lead over President Donald Trump in Georgia at around 4:16AM early Friday morning with greater than 99 percent of the vote in.
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Michigan Issues Non-Denial Denial Of Dead Voter Rolls Claim
InformationLiberationNov 06
Michigan's Department of State on Thursday issued a non-denial denial of the reports that dead people are listed as having voted on Michigan's voting status database.
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CIA Democrat House Rep. Takes Lead Over GOP Challenger After 14,616 Votes Found On 'Memory Stick'
InformationLiberationNov 05
Democratic incumbent Abigail Spanberger, a "former" CIA operations officer, took the lead over her Republican challenger Nick Freitas in Virginia's 7th Congressional District by 5,134 votes on Wednesday and swiftly declared victory after "14,616 central absentee votes" were found on a "mislabeled memory stick."
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VIDEO: Windows Covered Up At Detroit Absentee Ballot Counting Center
InformationLiberationNov 05
This is what a free and fair election looks like!
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Georgia Adds 25-35k Uncounted Ballots Early Thursday, May Be Just Enough to Make Trump Lose
InformationLiberationNov 05
Early Thursday morning, it was looking like President Trump was going to narrowly secure a win in Georgia with under 25,000 uncounted ballots remaining but then between 6:00AM and 8:30AM the number of uncounted ballots was shifted to 50,000-60,000.
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Michigan Voter Database Indicates Dead People Returned Absentee Ballots
InformationLiberationNov 05
Folks are searching through Michigan's voting status database and are reportedly finding dead people who are anywhere from 118 to 120 years old returned absentee ballots.
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Pres. Trump May Be On Track to Win Arizona
InformationLiberationNov 05
President Trump may be on track to win Arizona if he continues to win significant enough margins from the last few batches of outstanding votes.
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Trump Wins Maine's 2nd Congressional District; Sen. Susan Collins Wins Reelection, GOP May Hold Senate
InformationLiberationNov 04
President Trump won Maine's 2nd Congressional District and secured the district's single Electoral College vote, the AP reported Wednesday afternoon.
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Graphs Show Late-Night Biden Mail-In Ballot Bailout In Wisconsin And Michigan [UPDATED]
InformationLiberationNov 04
Nothing to see here folks, just a free and fair election in a Democrat(ic) country that's definitely not controlled by a corrupt and criminal ruling class, crooked intelligence agencies and Silicon Valley oligarchs!
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WATCH: Trump Highlights Huge Vote Leads, Demands Democrats Stop Trying to Steal The Election
InformationLiberationNov 04
President Donald Trump fought back against Joe Biden attempting to declare himself our "new leader" on Tuesday night by giving a speech around 2AM demanding Democrats stop trying to "disenfranchise" the American people and highlighting his strong voting leads in Georgia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.
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Joe Biden 'Addresses Nation As New Leader'; Trump Accuses Dems Of Trying to Steal Election, Twitter Censors
InformationLiberationNov 03
Axios' report that Joe Biden was planning to address the nation as our "new leader" was confirmed late Tuesday night with Biden giving a bizarre statement acting as though he's winning the election but Donald Trump quickly countered by announcing he's going to deliver a statement of his own and accused Democrats of trying to steal the election.
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California Set to Keep Ban On Affirmative Action
InformationLiberationNov 04
Californians appear to have strongly rejected a Democrat proposition to do away with the state's ban on affirmative action.
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Dems Start Panicking, Yuan Tanks, Betting Markets Flip For Trump - But Still Anyone's Game!
InformationLiberationNov 03
This election is going to be a wild ride.

It started with Democrats melting down but then Fox News called Arizona for Biden with only 73 percent of the vote in and most Election Day results (favoring GOP) not even counted -- only to "debate" retracting the call hours later!
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BitChute 'Deplatformed' On Election Day As Big Tech Move to Silence All Opposition [UPDATE: Back Online!]
InformationLiberationNov 03
The rapidly-expanding YouTube alternative BitChute, which has been surging in popularity as a result of YouTube banishing nearly all right-wing dissidents off their platform ahead of the election, has been kicked offline on election day.
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Dems Caught Cheating In Philly? Poll Watchers 'Blocked,' Philly GOP Raises Alarm [UPDATED]
InformationLiberationNov 03
Within minutes of polls opening in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania, Democrats were accused of illegal electioneering, handing out Democrat voting guides to voters who were in line to vote and blocking GOP poll watchers in the notoriously corrupt city of Philadelphia.
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Joe Biden Introduces Granddaughter As His Deceased Son: 'This Is My Son, Beau Biden'
InformationLiberationNov 03
What the Democrats are doing to Joe Biden is elder abuse.
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Report: Joe Biden Plans to Address Nation As New Leader If Media Declare Him Winner
InformationLiberationNov 03
Joe Biden is planning to "address the nation as its new leader" if news organizations preemptively declare him as the winner even if President Trump is fighting the results in court, Axios reports.
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Get Out And Vote For Donald Trump!
InformationLiberationNov 03
I voted to reelect President Donald Trump for four more years on Monday and I urge all readers to get out immediately to the polls today and do the same.
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WATCH: Trump Hosts Historic Campaign Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan
InformationLiberationNov 03
President Donald Trump hosted five separate rallies before massive crowds on Monday, starting in Fayetteville, North Carolina and ending in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
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WATCH: Biden Advisor 'Admits Their Strategy Was to Keep Joe Biden In His Basement'
InformationLiberationNov 03
Joe Biden campaign advisor Symone Sanders on PBS Monday appeared to admit their strategy was to keep Joe Biden hidin' in his basement and bragged about how it appears to be working.
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Tucker: A Vote For Trump Is A Vote Against Our Ruling Class
InformationLiberationNov 03
Tucker Carlson on Monday night highlighted the massive crowd of forgotten men and women President Trump drew to his rally in the former industrial town of Butler, Pennsylvania and argued a vote for Trump is a vote against our "disgusting" ruling class.
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Kamala Pushes 'Full-On Marxism,' Biden Bashes White People In Final Get-Out-The-Vote Effort
InformationLiberationNov 02
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tried to appeal to their base on Twitter by promising "full-on Marxism" and "racial equity" by knocking whitey down a peg.
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