IRS Wants More Penalties
ForbesOct 18

Goldman Reports Massive $0.84 Loss Per Share, Prop Trading Loss Of $2.5 Billion, Comp Accrual Of $358,713 Per Employee
Zero HedgeOct 18

How To Silence A Nobel Prize Winning Economist: Ask Him About The Economy
YouTubeOct 17

U.S. weighs issuing floating-rate notes
MarketWatchOct 17
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The Treasury Department on Friday indicated that it is seriously thinking about issuing floating-rate notes for the first time.

Treasury separated floating-rate notes from the pack and asked dealers for more specifics. The request came in the latest series of quarterly questions for a meeting of the advisory committee that coincides with the large bond and note auctions known as the quarterly refunding.

A senior Treasury official, speakin
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This is the end.... this is the end, my friend...

Molyneux Interviews Rick Rule: The Most Liquid Lie in the World is the U.S. Dollar
YouTubeOct 17

At the Casey Research/Sprott Summit When Money Dies, Rick Rule spoke with Stefan Molyneux about energy and gold investments and his outlook for the near-future market overall.

Why the State Demands Control of Money
Hans-Hermann HoppeOct 14
Imagine you are in command of the state, defined as an institution that possesses a territorial monopoly of ultimate decision making in every case of conflict, including conflicts involving the state and its agents itself, and, by implication, the right to tax, i.e., to unilaterally determine the price that your subjects must pay you to perform the task of ultimate decision making.

To act under these constraints — or rather, lack of constraints — is what constitutes politics and p
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Herman Cain vs. Ron Paul On Predicting The Economic Collapse
YouTubeOct 14

For Cain on the housing bubble, see Herman Cain, "The Media Say the Economy Is Horrible, So It Must Be True."

For Cain on the economy in 2006, see Herman Cain, "More Economic Bull from Media Bears."
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Keynesian Economics In Under 1 Minute
YouTubeOct 14

Yahoo Dumps US Chamber Of Commerce Over Its Extremist Position On PROTECT IP
TechdirtOct 14

Congress passes 3 free trade agreements
Oct 14
With the exception of lower tariffs, nothing about this is free trade.

Peter Schiff on China Currency Bill
YouTubeOct 13

Peter Schiff on Sun News Network's Charles Adler show talking about the recently passed China Currency bill.

How Not to Transport Your Gold Internationally: Jailed in Mexico
International ManOct 13
I was reading this earlier and thinking, "oh my god, thank god I'm not in Mexico!"

Then I read today's news about the SWAT flash-banging a grandmother because they thought she might have drugs in her house. - Chris

Marc Faber To America: "Listen You Lazy Bugger, You Need To Tighten Your Belts, You Need To Work More For Lower Salaries"
Zero HedgeOct 12
Once again, the latest fire and brimstone sermon by Marc Faber is absolutely spot on, starting and ending with his "policy" recommendation for what the US needs: "I will tell you what the US needs. The US needs a Lee Kwan Yew who stands in front of the US and tells them, listen you lazy bugger, now you have to tighten your belts, you have to save more, work more for lower salaries and only through that will we get out of the current dilemma that essentially prevents the economy fr... (more)

Jim Rogers on QE3: The Fed is Already Doing QE3, They're Just LYING About It!
YouTubeOct 12

"They're already in QE... [Bernanke's] already in the market, he's lying about it!"

Top Currency Forecasters Say Best Over for Dollar as Fed Embraces Easing
BloombergOct 12
The most accurate foreign-exchange forecasters say the dollar’s best quarterly rally since 2008 has no chance of continuing to year-end as a slow economy spurs the Federal Reserve to flood the world with more U.S. currency.

Led by JPMorgan Chase & Co., the five best strategists as measured by Bloomberg News in the six quarters through September see the currency averaging $1.34 per euro in the final three months of 2011, from $1.3387 on Sept. 30. They estimate it will average 76.6
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Goldman Sachs Earnings Collapse Seen as Wells Fargo Heads for Record Year
BloombergOct 12
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), whose shares have fallen 43 percent this year, may report its lowest quarterly profit since the 2008 financial crisis. Far from Wall Street, Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC) is headed for record earnings.

Third-quarter U.S. bank earnings, which kick off with JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) on Oct. 13, will show that investment- banking businesses such as bond trading and merger advice declined, while retail operations like mortgage lending prospered, according to
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Republican Candidates' Own Words: Ron Paul
BloombergOct 12

Funny clip!

Greenspan: Govt. should buy houses & destroy them to keep prices high
YouTubeOct 11

Peter Schiff responds to Greenspan's latest idiocy.

'We may need to print even MORE money', Bank of England economist warns just days after £75billion cashflow is sanctioned
The Daily MailOct 11
One of the Bank of England’s leading economists has warned it may need to print even more money to bolster the sickly economy.

In a sign of growing fears over a double-dip recession, Dr Martin Weale signalled that it will step up its money-printing scheme if growth does not pick up soon.

The warning came before the Bank has even begun distributing the extra £75billion it set aside for its quantitative easing (QE) programme just days ago.

[...]Dr Weale
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Marc Faber's October Outlook: Forget EU Debt Crisis, A China Meltdown Is The Real Threat
Black Swan InsightsOct 09
Marc Faber is out with the latest issue of his famous Gloom, Boom and Doom Report, which is always a must read for serious investors. Unlike most of the other talking heads, Faber has an excellent track record. He correctly predicted the top in the equity markets in Nov. 2007, and caught the bottom in March 2009, making his subscribers a lot of money. Here is a summary of his October 2011 report:

Stocks--Yes, stocks are very oversold, but that does not mean they cannot go
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> Marc Faber Bullish On U.S. Dollar For Next 6 Months
> Marc Faber releases Gloom Boom Doom Report

Obama's "Millionaire Tax" Collected Over Next Ten Years Will Plug 4 Months Worth Of Deficit
ZeroHedgeOct 09
In order to keep the ongoing class warfare waged by the administration in perspective, today the CBO was kind enough to score the revenue impact of the proposed and much debated Buffett Tax, now appearing in non-populist literature as "Surtax on Millionaires." According to the Budget Office, said tax which is the source of substantial consternation among the population, would generate, over the next decade, a grand total of... drum roll... $453 billion. Why the drum roll? Because as we pointed o... (more)

Peter Schiff On New 5.6% Millionaire Surcharge Tax
YouTubeOct 09

Wrong Medicine for a Sick Economy
Mises InstituteOct 09
"Middle-class families shouldn't pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires," repeatedly proclaims President Obama, arguing for his proposed $1.5 trillion tax increase over the next 10 years. "That's pretty straightforward. It's hard to argue against that."

In fact, Mr. Obama's statement is anything but straightforward.

Seeking to reverse his declining poll numbers, especially among his increasingly disillusioned base, Obama is attempting to give the impres
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Hiding Gold in All the Unusual Places
BloombergOct 09
If you’re looking for a safe place to put your investments, Chad Venzke has a suggestion: Dig a hole in the ground four feet deep, pack gold and silver in a piece of plastic PVC pipe, seal it, and bury it.

The 30-year-old central Wisconsin resident trusts no one but himself to store and protect his gold and silver—not banks, not investment funds, and certainly not the government. It’s precisely because of this suspicion of institutions that he invests in those metals to begin with
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Property tax bills anger Cook County homeowners
Yahoo! NewsOct 09

An entire system of global trade is at risk
The TelegraphOct 09
Where have we heard this garbage before?

The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Should Know
The Economic CollapseOct 07
The U.S. economy is dying and most American voters have no idea why it is happening.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media and most of our politicians are not telling the truth about the collapse of the economy.  This generation was handed the keys to the greatest economic machine that the world has ever seen, and we have completely wrecked it.  Decades of incredibly foolish decisions have left us drowning in an ocean of corruption, greed and bad debt.  Thousands of businesses and millions of job... (more)

Property, Freedom and Society | Jeffrey Tucker Interviews Hans-Hermann Hoppe
YouTubeOct 07

Jeffrey Tucker interviews Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Distinguished Fellow with the Ludwig von Mises Institute and Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Recorded at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 28 July 2011.

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