CIA Gave Afghan Warlords Viagra to Help Them 'Rape More Boys More Often'
InformationLiberationAug 20
The Taliban's rise to power was driven in part by their opposition to Afghan tribal leaders' systematic rape of young boys.
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"Patsy" Behind Capitol Threat Told Feds His "Bomb" Was "Built by Y'all's People," "The People Y'all Had in The Military"
InformationLiberationAug 19
Floyd Ray Roseberry, the mentally disabled "patsy" behind the conveniently-timed bomb threat to the Capitol on Thursday, said repeatedly during a Facebook livestream that someone "in the military" built the (inoperable) "bombs" he was threatening would automatically go off if he was shot and he was "chosen" to "talk" on behalf of those military experts.
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Jabbed Australian Official Develops Bell's Palsy in Middle of CV Press Conference
InformationLiberationAug 19
"That means it's working!"
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DHS Secret Terror Watchlist With Nearly 2 MILLION People On It Exposed Online With NO PASSWORD
InformationLiberationAug 18
The Department of Homeland Security under Alejandro Mayorkas earlier this year revealed plans to declare their political opposition "suspected domestic extremists" and strip them of their rights by placing them on the No Fly List.
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Stephen Colbert: U.S. Troops Leaving Afghanistan Should 'Fight' Radical Trump Voters Here At Home
InformationLiberationAug 18
Late Show hack Stephen Colbert on Monday night used the thin veneer of "comedy" to shill for the Biden regime using our military to launch a domestic War on Terror against "radical" Trump voters.
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"Actually, That's A Good Idea": Jimmy Fallon Shills NYC's Mandatory Vaccine Passport Scheme
InformationLiberationAug 18
Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday used the thin veneer of "comedy" to shill Big Pharma's plans for a third round of experimental booster mRNA injections and suggested New Yorkers view Bill de Blasio's mandatory vaccine passport scheme as "a good idea."
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WashPo's Jennifer Rubin: Whites Must Accept That a 'Demographic Tide' is 'Washing Over Them,' Admit America Was 'Never Theirs'
InformationLiberationAug 17
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin has transitioned seamlessly in the span of a few months from insisting the Great Replacement is a "myth" to praising it as a demographic fact worthy of celebration.
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George Soros Labels President Xi 'The Most Dangerous Enemy of Open Societies in The World'
InformationLiberationAug 17
Chinese President Xi Jinping has earned the distinct honor of being labeled "the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world" by globalist billionaire George Soros.
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The Atlantic: "Afghanistan Is Your Fault"
InformationLiberationAug 17
The Atlantic editor-and-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, a neocon propagandist who helped lie America into forever wars in the Middle East, on Monday published an article from NeverTrumper Tom Nichols blaming the American people for the failure of the war in Afghanistan. ... (more)

HATE HOAX: Investigation Reveals Tennessee Vax Director Bought Muzzle She Claimed Someone Else Mailed to Her to 'Send a Message'
InformationLiberationAug 17
Tennessee's former top vaccine official Dr Michelle Fiscus claimed last month that someone tried to intimidate her by mailing a muzzle to her house to "send a message."
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Taliban Take Kabul, U.S.-Backed Afghan Puppet Government Sent Packing
InformationLiberationAug 15
The Taliban today have more control over the various provinces of Afghanistan than before the US invaded in 2001.
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Jimmy Fallon Audience Cheers News of 2020 Census Showing White Population in Decline
InformationLiberationAug 15
Jimmy Fallon's audience on the Tonight Show on Thursday cheered the news of the 2020 Census showing that "for the first time in American history the number of white people went down."
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DHS: Americans Opposed to CV Lockdown Measures Are Terrorists
InformationLiberationAug 14
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who recently declared "white extremists" to be America's greatest threat, is out with a new blood libel warning that all opponents of the regime are potential terrorists who could strike at any moment.
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Taliban Take to The Skies
InformationLiberationAug 15
The Taliban on Saturday took to the skies with helicopters they seized from the US-backed Afghan puppet government just two or three days ago.
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WATCH: School Board Meeting on Masks Erupts Into Laughter at Mention of a Certain 'Highly Educated Scientist'...
InformationLiberationAug 14
Just watch this video without reading the description, you'll want to watch it a few times!
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Taliban on Track to Capture Afghanistan Capital of Kabul in Just Days
InformationLiberationAug 14
The US spent over $2 trillion on the war and $143 billion propping up Afghanistan's puppet government over nearly 20 years only to see it all fall in a matter of days with little resistance.
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Double-Vaxxed Man Dies of Covid, Media Says His Condition 'Could Have Been Worse' If He Were Not Vaxxed
InformationLiberationAug 13
A fully vaccinated man died of covid on Tuesday but according to the media "doctors said" his condition "could have been worse if he was not vaccinated at all."
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CDC Urges 'Pregnant People' to Get Vaxxed, Claims There's 'Currently' No Evidence Shots Cause Fertility Problems
InformationLiberationAug 13
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is urging "pregnant people" to take Big Pharma's experimental jabs as she claims there is "currently" no evidence the shots cause fertility issues.
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Israel Sees 'Concerning' Surge in Cardiac Arrest And Heart Attack Emergency Calls Among Young People
InformationLiberationAug 13
Israel experienced a surge in cardiac arrest and heart attack emergency calls among young people in the wake of their mass vaccination campaign, according to research from MIT professor Retsef Levi.
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Schumer's 'Infrastructure' Bill Loaded With Anti-White Discrimination
InformationLiberationAug 13
If you thought white people might get generous amounts of welfare and affirmative action now that they've become minorities in most major cities across America, you'd be wrong.
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WashPo's Jennifer Rubin: White Population Falling And Becoming a Minority is 'Fabulous News'
InformationLiberationAug 12
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin on Thursday celebrated the "fabulous news" that the 2020 Census showed whites in America were becoming a minority at a rapid pace and had their total population numbers decline for the first time in our nation's history.
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Census Shows White Population Fell For First Time in Nation's History, Whites Rapidly Becoming A Minority
InformationLiberationAug 12
According to the new 2020 Census, America's total white population fell for the first time in our nation's history and whites are becoming a minority at a more rapid pace than previously projected.
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Pentagon Reveals How Military Service Members Can Get Religious Exemption to Mandatory Vaccines
InformationLiberationAug 12
Despite intimidating headlines meant to scare service members into thinking Big Pharma's experimental injections are mandatory and unavoidable, easy to claim religious exemptions are available.
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Lancet: Study Suggests Cheap Asthma Drug Budesonide Effective At Reducing CV Recovery Times
InformationLiberationAug 12
A Texas doctor who started using and promoting this treatment to patients back in March 2020 was pilloried for it and censored on social media.
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'America First' Host Says FBI Took Almost $500K From His Bank Account After He Attended Trump's DC Rally
National FileAug 12

CDC Admits It Massively Overcounted Florida's Covid Cases
InformationLiberationAug 11
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spread misinformation to millions claiming Florida was experiencing "record" coronavirus cases last week.
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White House 'Influencer' Recruitment Letter Allegedly Leaked
InformationLiberationAug 11
The White House's recruitment letter sent to popular "influencers" on TikTok, Twitch, YouTube and Instagram asking them to shill Big Pharma's experimental injections to their child audiences has allegedly leaked.
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Southwest Airlines, American Airlines And Delta Will Not Require Employees Get Vaxxed
InformationLiberationAug 11
Southwest Airlines, American Airlines And Delta have all said they will not be mandating their workers take Big Pharma's experimental shots.
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Reuters: Half of Paris Cafes And Bars Refusing to Comply With Vaccine Passport Scheme
InformationLiberationAug 11
Though you wouldn't know it from watching the media's highlight reels of compliant sheep going along with France's vaccine passport rollout, half of Paris cafes and bars are reportedly refusing to comply with the control scheme despite the government's terroristic threats.
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Catholic Parents of 7 Face Jail For Placing 2 Vax-Resistance Stickers Outside Small Town Library in Ohio
LifeSiteAug 11

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