Historic wave of Mexican immigration at a standstill, report says
Los Angeles TimesApr 24

Wal-Mart, Victim of Extortion
Jeffrey TuckerApr 23
To do serious business in America requires vast campaign contributions to several layers of elected politicians, an army of lobbyists in Washington, retired government employees on your board and public devotion to the American civic religion. It goes on every year and restarts every election cycle.

Even then, it is hard to know if you are going to get what you pay for.

It's easier and more efficient in Mexico. You pay bribes directly. The decision maker gets the mo
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Turning Rich Natural Resources Into Scarcity
Douglas FrenchApr 23
In the modern world, a country's natural resources have very little to do whether goods are on the nation's shelves for people to buy.  Singapore isn't rich in resources, neither is Hong Kong, but both have vibrant market economies and shoppers can find whatever their collective heart's desire on the shelves of stores in these two cities.

On the other hand, there is Venezuela, a country rich in resources.  It is one the world's top oil producers at the same time gas prices are soa
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Marc Faber: Economy Will Be Worse Than The Great Depression
YouTubeApr 22

There will be winners and losers.

53 Percent Of All Young College Graduates In America Are Either Unemployed Or Underemployed
The Economic CollapseApr 22
If you are in college right now, you will most likely either be unemployed or working a job that only requires a high school degree when you graduate.  The truth is that the U.S. economy is not coming anywhere close to producing enough jobs for the hordes of new college graduates that are entering the workforce every year.  In 2011, 53 percent of all Americans with a bachelor's degree under the age of 25 were either unemployed or underemployed.  Millions upon millions of young college gradua... (more)

Is Gasoline Cheaper Than Water?
Dom ArmentanoApr 19

The Bizarre World of Plastic Fees
Jeffrey TuckerApr 18
Most everyone is really down on financial companies these days. What kind of scam are they running, anyway? It seems as if everywhere we turn, there are fees, fees, fees. Because most everyone has some kind of credit or debit card, the popular mind is particularly focused on them, expecting to find signs of exploitation and graft.

Let's look a bit closer.

A friend of mine is in a Virginia diner and receives an odd offer with the check. There is a note: If you pay wi
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The Too Big To Fail Banks Are Now Much Bigger And Much More Powerful Than Ever
The Economic CollapseApr 18
The Democrats, the Republicans and especially Barack Obama promised that something would be done about the too big to fail banks so that they would never again be a threat to destroy our financial system.  Well, those promises have not been kept and the too big to fail banks are now much bigger and much more powerful than ever.  The assets of the five biggest U.S. banks were equivalent to about 43 percent of U.S. GDP before the financial crisis.  Today, the asse... (more)

From Innovation to Rent Seeking
Doug FrenchApr 18
It's often thought that the technology sector is the least regulated and therefore has been the most productive during the past couple of decades. Famously, Bill Gates had no interest in politics. "In the beginning, Microsoft tried to ignore the powerful political forces arrayed against it, hunkering down in Redmond, Washington, to focus on its core businesses," William F. Shugart wrote in the Freeman. Of course, the Department of Justice snapped Mr. Gates to attention.

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The $5 Trillion Man: Debt Has Increased Under Obama by $5,027,761,476,484.56
CNSNews.comApr 18

The Regulatory State Gone Wild
Laurence M. VanceApr 18

Keynes For Muppets: Elmo Explains The National Debt
ZeroHedgeApr 18

San Francisco subway system adopts 'buy American' policy
Fox NewsApr 18
"...and we don't care how much taxpayer money we need to waste to do it!"

Warren Buffett Has Stage 1 Prostate Cancer
ZeroHedgeApr 17

Tony Robbins, Ron Paul And Ben Bernanke All Agree: The National Debt Crisis Could Destroy America
The Economic CollapseApr 16
Is there one thing that Tony Robbins, Ron Paul and Ben Bernanke can all agree on?  Yes, there actually is.  Recently they have all come forward with warnings that the national debt crisis could destroy America if something is not done.  Unfortunately, our politicians continue to spend us into oblivion as if there will never be any consequences.  When Barack Obama took office, the U.S. national debt was 10.6 trillion dollars.  Today, it is 15.6 trillion dollars and it is rising at the rate of abo... (more)

Marc Faber: Go East Young Man/Woman
YouTubeApr 16

The renowned Dr. Doom also known as Dr. Marc Faber joined FSN today to discuss his latest commentary that it might just be time to start looking at real estate investments in severely distressed markets such as Florida and Arizona. Dr. Faber explained his outlook for the Western Economies, his forecasts for Gold and Silver, and his take on "printing press" economics.... (more)

China loosens grip on its currency
ABC News AuApr 16

Executive Order: Federal Government To Take Control of Domestic Natural Gas Production; EPA Set To Move Within One Week
SHTFPlanApr 16

Fund Manager to Lose Hair After Betting on $2,000 Bullion
BloombergApr 16

It's a New World, and America Is Not Leading It
Jeffrey TuckerApr 15
In the last decade, something astonishing has happened that has escaped the attention of nearly every American citizen. In the past, and with good reason, we were inclined to imagine that if we were living here, we were living everywhere. We were used to being ahead. The trends of the world would follow us, so there wasn't really much point in paying that close attention. This national myopia has long been an affliction, but one without much cost. Until very recently.

One symptom
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And this is good news, great news, it was freedom which created the prosperity in America and now that it's being murdered the previously least free places on earth are going in the opposite direction because they're sick of being poor. These other countries are now the "new America" and these trends will only continue as the U.S. spends itself into bankruptcy. - Chris

Austrian AV Club - Jeffrey Tucker on Flying Cars and the Decline of the USA
YouTubeApr 15

Jeffrey Tucker gives an excellent interview to the president of The Mises Institute of Canada.


PBS on the Industrial Food Machine
Karen De CosterApr 14
PBS just ran an interesting episode of "America Revealed: Food Machine," in which Yul Kwon explores how the industrial food machine manages to feed so many people through technology and engineering marvels. The show is mostly an endorsement of the food machine without delving into the politics of government intervention or the costs of the corporate state industrial food machine in terms of human health and the problems of long-term sustainabi... (more)
Wow, this show is amazing! - Chris

Mega Millionaires' Big Tax Bills
SmartMoney.comApr 13

Hot Dog Vendor Shut Down "To Protect Existing Restaurants From Competition"
InformationLiberationApr 11
Here's a good example of "unrestrained free market capitalism destroying America"... oh wait never mind, it's the exact opposite.
MONROE, Mich. (WXYZ) - It's The Dog Pound vs. the City of Monroe, and it's been tied up in a legal battle for nearly two years.

All over a hot dog cart stand.

[...]Detroit attorney John Gillooly, who was hired to represent the city, says a number of reasons went into council's decision not to allow the hot dog cart in d
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Regulators Take on the E-Book
Jeffrey TuckerApr 11
Get this: The federal bureaucrat who last month started the litigation against Apple and book publishers for e-book pricing is the same person who, back in the stone age, represented Netscape in its lawsuit against Microsoft.

Recall that Microsoft was trying to give away its Internet Explorer to computer users for free. Netscape went nuts and got the government to clobber Microsoft for being so nice to consumers. It put the company through litigation hell and even demanded that Mi
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Speak No Evil of the Fed, Decrees Keynesian High Priest Paul Krugman
Will GriggApr 11
Outside of an asylum for the clinically deranged, it's difficult to find anyone as reality-impaired as Paul Krugman, the purported economist and apologist for the Federal Reserve who was awarded a Nobel Prize for peddling Keynesian nostrums from his perch on the New York Times editorial page. Actually, that comparison is unfair: Even those who suffer from acute mental illness have a better understanding than Krugman of the relationship between cause and effect.

In his most recent
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Our Marxist Tax Code
Laurence M. VanceApr 11
Tax season is winding down once again, but the progressivity of the tax code is still with us. Most Americans who had more taxes withheld from their paychecks than they owe in taxes have already filed for their refunds. But not only did many Americans have no tax liability, some of them who didn’t owe any taxes to begin with still received a refund, all thanks to our Marxist tax code.

At the end of section two of Marx’s Communist Manifesto, in addition to calling for the abolition
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More Illegal Immigrants Are Leaving America Than Are Coming The Other Way
Christian Science MonitorApr 10

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