High-Speed Rail Takes Californians for a Ride
BloombergApr 10

Somalia's mighty shilling: Hard to kill
The EconomistApr 10

Don't Catch Recovery Fever
Peter SchiffApr 09
Gold has been holding steady in the the $1,600-$1,800 band since early October. This could be attributed to consolidation after last summer's historic run up to $1,895, but I think this wait-and-see attitude reflects current market sentiment toward the US dollar.

In fact, the first few days of April have seen a sharp dollar rally and decline in gold. This is rooted in deflated expectations of a third round of Quantitative Easing (QE3) after the most recent Fed
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19 Signs Of Very Serious Economic Trouble On The Horizon
The Economic CollapseApr 09
Most Americans have no idea how much economic trouble is heading our way.  Most of them just assume that everything will eventually "return to normal" just like it always has before and that those running our economy "know what they are doing" and that we should trust them to do their jobs.  Unfortunately, these beliefs are being reinforced by the bubble of false hope that we are experiencing right now.  For example, it is being reported that weekly unemployment claims in the United States have ... (more)

Dr. Marc Faber: Global Central Banks Are In The Money Printing Business--There Will Be More QE
FSNApr 07
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Jim welcomes back Dr. Marc Faber of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report this week. Dr. Faber believes shorting the markets can be a risky proposition when the global central banks will print money at the drop of a hat. He believes it is very important to stay diversified in this environment. Dr. Faber recomm
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Obama's Pretzel Logic
Peter SchiffApr 05
As this fall’s presidential election takes shape as a contest between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, the rhetoric out of both camps is becoming sharper and more ideological. Looking to exploit Governor Romney’s increasingly close association with Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan (who has been mentioned as a potential vice presidential nominee), the President dedicated a lengthy address earlier this week to specifically heap scorn on Ryan’s budget plan (Ryan is the chairman of the House Budget C... (more)

Peter Schiff - The Fed Unspun: The Other Side of the Story
YouTubeApr 04

"Ben Bernake fancies himself as a student of the Great Depression," says renowned investment broker, global strategist, author, and Austrian economist Peter Schiff, "but... if he were my student he would have gotten an F."

During a lecture entitled "The Fed Unspun: The Other Side of the Story", Schiff responded to Bernake's recent four-part college lectu
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Gold Takes A Slide On The Bernank
InformationLiberationApr 04

Bernanke came out yesterday to say there would be no more QE unless the market slides, the market is now giving him what he wants with stocks down across the board, gold is leading the way down 3.13%.

Marc Faber on AJ: "If I Were A Conspiracy Theorist, I Would Argue The Elite Are Intentionally Impoverishing & Enslaving the Population Through Higher Debts"
YouTubeApr 04

Marc Faber gives a superb interview to Alex Jones.

Part 2 :
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Marc Faber, "The Ego of Mr. Bernanke has been Badly Inflated"
YouTubeApr 04

US President Barack Obama gave a speech accusing Republicans of "social darwinism" with budget cuts they are proposing, calling them antithetical to the country's history as a land of opportunity. But how much opportunity is there left exactly? We speak with Dr. Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom report. He says that wealth destruction and social unrest may
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Two Legendary Market Gurus Say It's All Over For US Treasuries
Business InsiderApr 04

No Escape: Bill in Congress could suspend your passport if you owe taxes to the IRS
The Daily EconomistApr 03
There is a new bill in Congress that is expected to pass that would allow the government to suspend your travel outside the country if you owe taxes to the IRS.

Senate Bill 1813 (Highway trust fund), which was passed by the Senate last week and is now pending in the House of Representatives contains a provision that would allow the IRS to order the State Department to refuse to grant, refuse to renew, revoke or restrict the passport of any US citizen which the
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Americans Must Work Until April 17 This Year Just to Pay for Government
CNSNews.comApr 03
Americans have until April 17 to file their federal tax returns this year, and ironically, according to the Tax Foundation, the average American will have to work from Jan. 1 until exactly that day just to pay his or her share of the taxes that government will absorb this year.

Each year, the Tax Foundation calculates "Tax Freedom Day." It determines this date by adding up all the taxes Americans pay to local, stat
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Feudal serfs were generally taxed 20%, the average American pays over 40%, even at the lowest income levels. - Chris

Another Look At Street-Legal Airplane/Flying Car
YouTubeApr 03

From home, to the airport, to where you really want to be. All in the Transition(R) Street-Legal Airplane, all on super unleaded autogas, all on your schedule. www.driventofly.com

Will Whole Foods Destroy Brooklyn?
YouTubeApr 03

Whole Foods will open its first location in Park Slope, Brooklyn next year, following an eight-year battle with community activists, preservationists, and some leaky subterranean oil tanks.

Opponents of the project are concerned the upscale grocer will destroy the bucolic landscape, chase away the thriving manufacturing industry, and forever conceal the
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'Apple Fever' Prompts Predictions of $1 Trillion Value
BloombergApr 03

World's Largest Solar Plant, With Second Largest Ever Department of Energy Loan Guarantee, Files For Bankruptcy
ZeroHedgeApr 02
Solyndra was just the appetizer. Earlier today, in what will come as a surprise only to members of the administration, the company which proudly held the rights to the world's largest solar power project, the hilariously named Solar Trust of America ("STA"), filed for bankruptcy. And while one could say that the company's epic collapse is more a function of alternative energy politics in Germany, where its 70% parent Solar Millennium AG filed for ba... (more)

'Massive Wealth Destruction' Is About to Hit Investors: Marc Faber
CNBCApr 02
Runaway government debts have triggered uncontrolled money printing that in turn will lead to inflation that will decimate portfolios, according to the latest forecast from "Dr. Doom" Marc Faber.

Investors, particularly those in the "well-to-do" category, could lose about half their total wealth in the next few years as the consequences pile up from global government debt problems, Faber, the author of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report, said on CNBC.

Efforts to stem the
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Marc Faber Previews Q2, Is Long Japan, Cautious The US And Gold, And Sees A 5-10% Increase In Inflation
ZeroHedgeApr 02
Mark Faber was on Bloomberg TV earlier, presenting his latest outlook on markets and the economy, but first he summarizes 2011's first quarter which as repeatedly observed here before has so far been a mirror image of 2012, with the only different that while it ran up on 2010's QE2 back then, now it has surged on the transitory flow (not stock) impact of two back to back $1.3 trillion LTROs. "I think that if you look back at a year ago we made a peak of 1370 on S&P on May 4 an... (more)

RICHARD RUSSELL: A Massive Stock Market Collapse Will Wipe Out 60 Years Of Inflation And Leveraging
Business InsiderApr 02

New York yoga studios face sales tax
Wall Street JournalApr 02

Obama: "You're On Your Own" Economics Doesn't Work
RealClearPoliticsMar 30
"You know, each of us is only here because somebody somewhere felt responsibility, yes to their families, but also to their fellow citizens. Also to our country's future. That's the American story. The American story is not just about what we do on our own. Yes, we're rugged individualists, we expect personally responsibility and everybody out there has got to work hard and carry their weight," President Obama said at a fundraiser with college students at the University of Vermont.

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No Subway $5 Footlongs In SF, 'Cost of Doing Business' Too High
NBC Bay AreaMar 30

We're No. 1: In highest corporate taxes
Washington ExaminerMar 30

Jeffrey A. Tucker Says Money Launderers Prefer Tide 2 to 1 Over the Competition [Audio]
Financial Survival RadioMar 30
Drug dealers and other citizens outside the main stream economic system are cleaning up money laundering's new image with Extra-Strength Tide. It really gets the Feds out; seems stolen Tide laundry detergent has almost become an alternative currency in certain parts of the Country. While it's not exactly portable or very convenient either, it has its uses. While the government is attempting to phase out physical cash, entrepreneurs of every walk of life will seek substitutes. This is just a basi... (more)

Funding Government by the Minute
YouTubeMar 29

At the rate the federal government spends, it runs out of money on July 31. What programs should be cut to balance the budget and fund the government for the remaining five months of the year? Cutting NASA might buy two days; cutting the Navy could buy fifteen. It seems that balancing the budget may require more than just cutting government programs. What should be don

Californians Love Taxes, Not Government Reform
Steven GreenhutMar 29
A funny thing happened after California officials announced the shutdown of 70 state parks in the face of an estimated $33 million in budget cutbacks: Private companies, wealthy donors, nonprofit organizations and local governments came up with ways to keep many parks open.

Eleven parks have already been dropped from the closing list, and the parks agency is holding workshops to teach community groups how to run a state park.

Unfortunately, such creative solutions
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Bill O'Reilly: Exporting Nonsense on Gas Prices
Institute for Energy ResearchMar 29

Sturm, Ruger & Co. hit new high on 1st-qtr orders
BusinessWeekMar 28

10 Reasons Why The Reign Of The Dollar As The World Reserve Currency Is About To Come To An End
The Economic CollapseMar 27
The U.S. dollar has probably been the closest thing to a true global currency that the world has ever seen.  For decades, the use of the U.S. dollar has been absolutely dominant in international trade.  This has had tremendous benefits for the U.S. financial system and for U.S. consumers, and it has given the U.S. government tremendous power and influence around the globe.  Today, more than 60 percent of all foreign currency reserves in the world are in U.S. dollars.  But there are big chang... (more)

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