LIAR: Paul Krugman Says FED Policy Does Not Effect Food & Oil Prices, The Dollar Hasn't Gone Down
Federal JackMay 03

(FEDERALJACK) Paul Krugman says FED policy does not effect food & oil prices, the dollar hasn’t gone down, inflation is good for workers. EPIC FAIL Paul.

Hugh Hendry On Europe "You Can't Make Up How Bad It Is"
ZeroHedgeMay 03

Wealthy Americans Queue to Give Up Their Passports
BloombergMay 03
Rich Americans renouncing U.S. citizenship rose sevenfold since UBS AG (UBSN) whistle-blower Bradley Birkenfeld triggered a crackdown on tax evasion four years ago.

About 1,780 expatriates gave up their nationality at U.S. embassies last year, up from 235 in 2008, according to Andy Sundberg, secretary of Geneva’s Overseas American Academy, citing figures from the government’s Federal Register. The embassy in Bern, the Swiss capital, redeployed staff to clear a backlog as Americans
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US citizenship has gone from a coveted asset to a liability. As they highlight in this article, it's only going to get worse as the new "FATCA" law will turn US citizens into untouchables. - Chris, InfoLib

Greedy Governments and the Double Irish
Jeffrey TuckerMay 02
Beginning last year, mainstream reporters began kvetching about a rather brilliant tax strategy used by Google, Apple and hundreds of other technology firms. It's been the path to survival for these companies. It relies on a feature of digital goods that would have otherwise been impossible with physical goods. Firms are setting up revenue-receiving subsidiaries in lower-tax states and countries as a means of lowering their overall tax liability.

The most-colorful tactic is called
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INFLATION GONE WILD: Look How Much Cheaper Everything Used To Be
Business InsiderMay 02
Not noted in this list is the fact every one of these products is made more efficiently than ever. If gold was still used as money, they would be a fraction of a fraction of their old price today. - Chris

Economics By and For Human Beings
Jeffrey TuckerMay 02
"Economics puts parameters on people's utopias."

Yes. That's exactly it. That's why the politicians hate economics. That's why the media are so… selective in which economists they call on to talk about policy.

That's why the economics departments in colleges are put down by the sociologists, philosophers, literature professors and just about everyone else who has romantic longings for a coerced utopia.

"The teachings of the principles of economics sho
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Krugman Whines Over Ron Paul Debate
Paul KrugmanMay 02

Florida Doubles Down on Cuba Restrictions
Laurence M. VanceMay 02

Ron Paul Debates Arch-Statist Paul Krugman
InformationLiberationMay 01

Finally an Austrian gets to debate arch-statist Paul Krugman. Ron successfully shows Krugman to be a complete idiot (not that we need any more evidence).

First, he owns his "Austrians want to go backwards in monetary policy by 150 years" quip by pointing out inflationists want to go back 1000-2000 years to the inflationary policies of the Roman & Gree
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Hugh Hendry Is Back - Full Eclectica Letter
ZeroHedgeMay 01
Good read.

Government Employees Should Not Be Taxed
Libertarian NewsMay 01

Harvard Got $5.6M in Federal Student Loans and Grants--Despite Its $31.7B Tax-Exempt Endowment
CNSNews.comMay 01

Funds Cut Positions In Gold By 4% And Silver By 20% - Gold Positions At 3 Year Low
ZeroHedgeMay 01

CITI: Gold will surge to $2,400 within 12 months
Business InsiderMay 01

Stopping Business in the Big Apple
Douglas FrenchApr 30
Today's New York Times is a treasure trove of stories of government standing in the way of commerce.  Anyone visiting the Big Apple knows hotel lodging costs an arm and a leg.  Some enterprising property owners in the city and outer boroughs have stepped in to fill consumer demand and make some money in the process.  And with the aid of internet search engines and websites devoted to helping travelers find cheap rooms, demand has been brisk.

Turns out this sort of private contract
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What Do California And Detroit Have In Common?
The American DreamApr 30
When most people think of the economic decline that is happening in America, most of them think of states like California and cities like Detroit.  In both cases, unemployment is rampant, government finances are a mess, and businesses and families are both leaving in droves.  So what is causing this?  What do California and Detroit have in common?  Well, for one thing, both the state of California and the city of Detroit have been run by anti-business socialist control freaks for decades.  Once ... (more)

Marc Faber Interview - Keynesian Clowns, Middle East to Blow Up, and Money Printing
YouTubeApr 30

Part 2:
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5 New Lies That The Federal Reserve Is Telling The American People
The Economic CollapseApr 27
The Federal Reserve says that everything is going to be okay.  The Fed says that unemployment is going to go down, inflation is going to remain low and economic growth is going to steadily increase.  Do you believe them this time?  As you will see later in this article, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has been dead wrong about the economy over and over again.  But the mainstream media and many Americans still seem to have a lot of faith in the Federal Reserve.  It doesn't seem to matter th... (more)

Paying Off One Handout With Another
Douglas FrenchApr 27
A year ago the Treasury Department bragged about an analysis that claimed the government's massive bank bailout in response to the 2008 financial crisis (TARP) would actually end up turning a $24 million profit.

At the time, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that while the government's overriding objective was to "break the back of the financial crisis and save American
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Jim Rogers On Whether China Is In Trouble
Business InsiderApr 27

Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings Inc. stopped by the Business Insider office yesterday to chat about China, commodities and his work life balance.

In this segment, he shares some fascinating thoughts on the transition of power to the fifth generation, the
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Baby Boomers face impoverished retirement in United States as Social Security, Medicare run out of funds
Financial PostApr 27

Labor Dept. withdraws farm child labor rule after Daily Caller report goes viral
The Daily CallerApr 27

Bernanke Takes On Krugman’s Criticism Ignoring Own Advice
BloombergApr 27

Socialists Seek To Prevent Humanity From Colonizing Space
InformationLiberationApr 26
Humanity will not be allowed to colonize outer space if socialist professors are allowed to have their way.

Does Asteroid Mining Violate Space Law?

Several well-known billionaires are forming the new company Planetary Resources with plans to send a robotic spacecraft to mine precious metals from an asteroid and bring them back to Earth.
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Obama Regime to Ban Children from Doing Work on Family Farms
CryptogonApr 26
Via: Daily Caller:

A proposal from the Obama administration to prevent children from doing farm chores has drawn plenty of criticism from rural-district members of Congress. But now it's attracting barbs from farm kids themselves.

The Department of Labor is poised to put the finishing touches on a rule that would apply child-labor laws to children work
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Orders for U.S. Durable Goods Drop by the Most in Three Years
BloombergApr 26

Bernanke Says 'Prepared to Do More' as Policy Unchanged
BloombergApr 26

The Death of All Banking Freedom?
Wendy McElroyApr 24
Last week, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) extended its reach and tightened its grip on every cent Americans earn or try to preserve anywhere in the world. The final regulations of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) were announced.

Enacted in March 2010 as part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, FATCA seeks to have foreign financial institutions report on accounts held by any American living in the United States or abroad. You can take your m
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Loving Sweatshops
Jacob G. HornbergerApr 24

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