Tucker Backs AOC Usury Ban: 'There Is a Reason Why The World's Great Religions Condemn Usury'
InformationLiberationMay 11
Tucker Carlson came out in support of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders' bill to outlaw usurious high interest loans on his show Friday night.
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AOC Comes Out Against Usury
InformationLiberationMay 09
New York Democratic Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday called for an end to usurious high interest credit cards and said the usury laws of the 1970's (where usury ceilings were generally around 8 to 10 percent) were "common sense."
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Latest Trump H-2B Increase Again Betrays American Workers
Center For Immigration StudiesApr 01

"This Is A System-Wide Collapse" – Texas Border City Overwhelmed By "Surge" Of Central American Migrants...

Over 1M Illegal Aliens Expected to Arrive in U.S.: 'Merkel-Style Disaster'...

Pew Research: U.S. Home to Nearly 20% of World's Migrant Population...

Trump Cuts Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras...

Dems Unveil The Stupidest 10-Year-Plan In The History Of The World
InformationLiberationFeb 08
The Democrats' "Green New Deal" is so stupid you have to applaud Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for having the temerity to release it to the public.
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Buzzfeed Announces They're Hiring Low-Paid Editorial Writers After Firing Higher-Paid Salaried Staff
InformationLiberationJan 29
Just days after firing tons of salaried journalists and editorial writers, Buzzfeed announced Monday that they're looking to hire a bunch of new writers who will be "paid hourly wages" and receive "no benefits."
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2017: Women Start Paying More Than Men For Car Insurance - 2019: 'Gender Discrimination' Outlawed
InformationLiberationJan 14
The age-old trend of men paying more for car insurance reversed itself in 2017 as women started having to pay higher premiums in most states.
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Trump Backs 'Path To Citizenship' For H-1B Recipients: 'Rest Assured That Changes Are Soon Coming'
InformationLiberationJan 11
President Trump did a complete 180 on the "America First" visa policies he ran on by announcing Friday that H-1B holders "can rest assured that changes are soon coming" which will give them a "path to citizenship."
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Tucker: 'In 2003, Warren Wrote A Book About How The Entry of Mothers Into The Workforce Has Been a Disaster For Families'
InformationLiberationJan 08
On his show Monday, Fox News host Tucker Carlson highlighted a 2003 book from Elizabeth Warren and her daughter where they argued "the entry of mothers into the workforce has been a disaster for families and the country."
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Harvard Study: "Gender Wage Gap" Explained Entirely by Work Choices of Men and Women
Foundation For Economic EducationDec 11
“Gender pay gap is worse than thought: Study shows women actually earn half the income of men,” NBC announced recently in reference to a report titled “Still a Man’s Labor Market” by the Washington-based Institute for Women’s Policy Research, which found that women's income was 51 percent less than men’s earnings.
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Trump 'Halts' Trade War: China Agrees to Buy 'Very Substantial Amount' of US Goods, Regulate Fentanyl
InformationLiberationDec 02
President Donald Trump agreed to temporarily halt planned additional tariffs against China after President Xi agreed to regulate fentanyl and purchase "a not yet agreed upon, but very substantial, amount of agricultural, energy, industrial, and other product from the US."
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Trump: 'China has agreed to reduce and remove tariffs on cars coming into China from the U.S'...

Trump Says He'll Be 'Formally Terminating NAFTA,' Congress Can Either Replace Or Have Nothing
InformationLiberationDec 01
"President Donald Trump says he will shortly be providing formal notice to Congress that he will terminate the North American Free Trade Agreement, giving lawmakers six months to approve the replacement he recently signed," the AP reports. ... (more)

Trump Winning Trade War With China: Pres. Xi Vows to Lower Tariffs, Increase Imports
InformationLiberationNov 06
President Trump is winning his trade war with China a new report suggests and it's forcing libertarians like John Stossel to rethink their beliefs on free trade.
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BOOM: Highest Economic Optimism in Nearly 18 Years, 85% Doing Well
Washington ExaminerNov 04

Bezos Hikes Amazon's Minimum Wage to $15 After Criticism From Trump, Bernie And Tucker
InformationLiberationOct 02
Thank you President Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Tucker Carlson!
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Trump Mocks "Da Nang Richard" Blumenthal, Defends Kavanaugh At Epic USMCA Press Conference
InformationLiberationOct 01
President Trump was on fire Monday during his news conference unveiling his new NAFTA agreement dubbed the USMCA (The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement).
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Get Woke, Go Broke: Starbucks Plans 'Significant Changes' Due to 'Stagnant Sales'
InformationLiberationSep 26
No one could have predicted this!
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Ohio State Employs 88 Diversity-Related Staffers At a Cost of $7.3M Annually
The College FixSep 06

Nike Laid Off 1.4K American Workers Last Year, Outsourced NY Factory to Honduras
BreitbartSep 05

Dick's Sporting Goods Sales Drop Thanks to Gun Control Push
InformationLiberationAug 29
No one could have predicted this!
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Study: 'Medicare For All' Would Cost A Moderate $32.6 Trillion Over 10 Years
InformationLiberationJul 30
This is a small price to pay to ensure every illegal alien who has five anchor babies in America gets free healthcare for life along with their entire family (and extended family through chain migration)!
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Trump Secures 'Major Concession' From EU to Avoid Trade War, Foists Our Soy Onto Them!
InformationLiberationJul 25
Please Mr Trump, this is too much winning!
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Trump 'Not Thrilled' With Fed Rate Hikes: 'It Puts Us At A Disadvantage'
Free BeaconJul 19

'American Money Flowing Back Into America': $300 Billion Repatriated In First Quarter
InformationLiberationJun 27
It turns out people respond to economic incentives. Who knew?
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A Day Late And A Dollar Short: Supremes Approve Online Sales Tax
InformationLiberationJun 21
The damage has already been done.
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Stripe Payment Processor Boots Alt-Tech Sites FreeStartr, BitChute And MakerSupport
InformationLiberationJun 19
Payment processor Stripe has given the boot to a host of alt-tech websites created by Trump supporters fighting political censorship from YouTube, Patreon and Kickstarter.
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World's Richest Man Makes Seattle Libs His B*tch
InformationLiberationJun 13
Democrats in Seattle got b*tch slapped by Amazon's Jeff Bezos and decided to repeal a new tax on big business just weeks after passing it into law.
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Melinda Gates Bashes 'White Guys,' Says She'll Discriminate Against Them
The FederalistJun 05

University of Florida Gets New $280k-Per-Year Diversity Officer...

Costco Raises Minimum Wage For 130,000 Employees to $14 An Hour, Cites Republican Tax Cuts
InformationLiberationJun 02
Were the Russians behind this? Is Costco run by white supremacists? Did the Russians working together with Costco and white supremacists do this just to make Trump look good? We demand answers!
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Canada Says "Trade Wars Don't Work," Then Launches Trade War With U.S.
InformationLiberationJun 01
According to free traders, tariffs are terrible and hurt the countries who put them on, yet for some reason Canada, Mexico, China and the EU are all moving to retaliate against Trump's tariffs with tariffs of their own.
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NFL Owners Bend The Knee: Teams Whose Players Kneel On Field During Anthem To Be Fined
InformationLiberationMay 23
NFL owners bent the knee before President Donald Trump on Wednesday by announcing they have voted to punish players who kneel during the national anthem while on the field.
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