Mexico Joins the US and Others in Implementing Capital Controls
The Dollar VigilanteOct 31

The Virtual Recovery
Paul Craig RobertsOct 30
Since mid-2009 the US has been enjoying a virtual recovery courtesy of a rigged inflation measure that understates inflation. The financial Presstitutes spoon out the government’s propaganda that prices are rising less than 2%. But anyone who purchases food, fuel, medical care or anything else knows that low inflation is no more real that Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction or Gadhafi’s alleged attacks on Libyan protesters or Iran’s nuclear weapons. Everything is a lie to serve ... (more)

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and the Greenbackers
James E. MillerOct 29
In a recent article for The Telegraph, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard considers a recent IMF paper that, in his words, has "begun to acquire a cult following around the world."  This working paper, written by Jaromir Benes and Michael Kumhof, applies an almost century-old solution to what many consider a broken banking system today.  According to Evans-Pritchard, this propo... (more)

Extraordinary Demand to Hold Cash--The Mystery Persists
Robert HiggsOct 29

The Global IRS
Will GriggOct 24
One of the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto demands imposition of “A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.” Another mandates the “Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.” A third calls for “Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.” 

The first two of those provisions makes the third inevitable. A cen
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Get ready for euro zone break-up: Marc Faber
YouTubeOct 24

Oct. 24 - Veteran investor Marc Faber predicts some countries will have to leave the euro zone within five years and warns the S&P could plummet 20 percent from its recent highs in 2013.

The Knockoff Economy: How Copying Benefits Everyone
YouTubeOct 23

What do you think of copy-cats? Are they stealing property from the creator? Co-author of the book, The Knockoff Economy, Kal Raustiala, says no.

"A lot of innovation grows out of imitation," Raustiala tells Reason TV's Paul Detrick. "So it's not so much riding on the coattails as it is standing on the shoulders."

Raustiala and Christopher
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Is it Cronyism to Ride the Boom?
Douglas FrenchOct 23
After the bust of 2008, well-connected corporations and banks lobbied for and received many billions in bailouts from the government. The public was outraged. The term "crony capitalism" came into new prominence as a designation for capitalists who live off the taxpayer.

But how far do we want to take this language? In a mixed economy, no one is untainted by some association with government. And in a paper-money economy, every existing enterprise is compelled to ride the waves of
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Kirznerian Entrepreneurship?
The Circle BastiatOct 23

In an Onion spoof of a typical TED talk, the speaker explains a profit opportunity he has costlessly discovered.

For more serious discussion of costless discovery, the metaphor of entrepreneurial opportunities, and alternative Austrian attempts to understand the entrepreneurial function, see this and this.

Lessons from Black Monday
Peter SchiffOct 23
25 years ago, on another Monday in late October, the financial world seemed to disintegrate in a heartbeat. Though the 205 point drop in the Dow last Friday (the technical anniversary of the '87 Crash) was somewhat reminiscent of its 108-point drop on Friday, October 16, 1987, the real action in '87 was on the Monday that followed. And while this Monday is not nearly as black, it is important that we use the opportunity to recall the circumstances that nearly sent the stock market into cardiac ... (more)

Dow Drops Most Since June Amid Disappointing Earnings
BloombergOct 23

Wealthy Advised to Sell for Gains Before Unfriendly 2013
BloombergOct 22

That's the message from some financial advisers, who are telling wealthy clients that the remainder of 2012 amounts to a last-chance sale on federal tax rates. Taxes are set to rise in January in the U.S., pushing the top rate on dividends to 43.4 percent from 15 percent and the top rate on capital gains to 23.8 percent from 15 percent.

Even if Congress averts the so-called fiscal cliff of tax increases on investments, income and estates, pressure to reduce
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Run... Run away and never look back!

Power Hogs Targeted by France in Big Brother Legislation
BloombergOct 22

Another DOE-Backed Solar Company Goes Bankrupt
Heritage.orgOct 22

Report: Obama student debt-relief payment plan 'windfall' to wealthy borrowers
The Raw StoryOct 22

It's a Wonderful Life! (with capitalism)
YouTubeOct 18

Ever wonder what life would be like without capitalism? Join The Fund for American Studies on a journey to an alternate universe -- one where capitalism no longer exists. You may find it's not quite what you expected. For more information, visit
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And just think how much better it could be if some five trillion wasn't siphoned out of the economy every year to fund mass murder and socialism. - Chris

Inflation: Washington is Blind to Main Street's Biggest Concern
Peter SchiffOct 16
Journalists, politicians and economists all seem to agree that the biggest economic issue currently worrying voters is unemployment. It follows then that most believe that the deciding factor in the presidential race will be the ability of each candidate to convince the public that his policies will create jobs. It seems that everyone got this memo…except the voters.

According to the results of a Fox News poll released last week (a random telephone sample of more than 1,200 regis
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Obama: 'We Got Back Every Dime' of Bailout; CBO: Bailout Will Lose $24 Billion
CNSNews.comOct 16

Marc Faber: Obama, Romney & the US Fiscal 'Grand Canyon'
YouTubeOct 16

Dr. Marc Faber on Yahoo's Daily Ticker Financial Show. Topics include Europe, Asia and US markets along with US Election 2012. 10/15/2012

Can Government Create Opportunity?
James E. MillerOct 15
Last year, the Boston branch of the Federal Reserve put out a working paper which contained detailed data on the declining trend of economic mobility in the United States.  According to the paper, the percentage of Americans who reside in the lowest income quintile and move up either to the middle quintile or higher has been in decline over the past three decades.  This statistic should be alarming as it is indicative of stagna... (more)

Austrian Influence: China and the WSJ
Mises.orgOct 15
More signs that the writings of Hayek, Mises, and modern Austrian economists are beginning to have some influence even in places where it might be least expected despite the efforts of Professors  DeLong and Krugman to discredit these ideas.

Today's Wall Street Journal  "Weekend Interview", "Zhang Weiying: China’s Anti-Keynesian Insurgent" highlights the work of thi
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2012: Another Year Older and Deeper In Debt
PNAR.orgOct 15

PIMCO On Gold - The Simple Facts
ZeroHedgeOct 12

Who's the villain? [Pic]
r/LibertarianOct 12

Regulators Destroying Your Home Appliances
Jeffrey TuckerOct 10
Ayn Rand's novella Anthem, the ebook of the week in the Laissez Faire Club, is a story about a government that hates, fears, and bans technology precisely because it wants to keep the people enslaved in a primitive state of being. Preposterous right? Wrong: this is going on every day right in the United States, as the regulatory machine continually wrecks technological advances, past, present, and future. This article discusses two such cases.

The material discussed in this articl
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Riding Into the Sunset or a Brick Wall?
Peter SchiffOct 10
A month ago, I presented the case for why Fed Chairman Bernanke would have strong motivation to launch another round of quantitative easing (QE) before the election. In short, it would save him his job. Now, I didn't predict with certainty that he would do so – only the few men at the FOMC knew that for sure – but it seemed likely. Shortly thereafter, Bernanke not only announced more stimulus, but promised to keep it flowing to the tune of an additional $40 billion a month until conditio... (more)

Parasites Killing The Host: Washington DC Tops List of America's Richest Cities

The Inflation Rate Is A Lie Too
The American DreamOct 09
Can we believe any of the economic numbers that the government is feeding us these days?  Most of the focus recently has been on the bizarre jobs report that the government released last Friday, but the truth is that the inflation rate is a lie too.   In fact, the way that the government calculates inflation has changed more than 20 times since 1978.   The government is constantly looking for ways... (more)

CNBC: Jim Rogers vs. Marc Faber
YouTubeOct 09

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