CNBC: Marc Faber 'Global Crash Coming!'
YouTubeOct 08


What Is Money?
YouTubeOct 08

Nielsio — May 12, 2010 — Division of Labor and Money (by Hans-Hermann Hoppe)

Business Cycle Theory (by Jörg Guido Hülsmann)

Theory and History (by Hans-Hermann Hoppe)
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Related: Intro to Austrian Economics

Warnings That A Massive Stock Market Crash Is Imminent
The Economic CollapseOct 04
In the financial world, the month of October is synonymous with stock market crashes.  So will a massive stock market crash happen this year?  You never know. The truth is that our financial system is even more vulnerable than it was back in 2008, and financial experts such as Doug Short, Peter Schiff, Robert Wiedemer and Harry Dent are all warning that the next crash is rapidly approaching.  We are living in the greatest debt bubble in the history of the world and Wall Street has been transform... (more)

The Fed Plays All Its Cards
Peter SchiffOct 03
There never really could be much doubt that the current experiment in competitive global currency debasement would end in anything less than a total war. There was always a chance that one or more of the principal players would snap out of it, change course and save their citizenry from a never ending cycle of devaluation. But developments since September 13, when the U.S. Federal Reserve finally laid all its cards on the table and went "all in" on permanent quantitative easing, indicate ... (more)

Only Place In America You Can Legally Make Your Own Whiskey
YouTubeOct 02

A Crash Course in Piracy [Infographic]
OnlineGraduateProgramsOct 02
... (more)

Free Obama Phones For Everyone!
YouTubeOct 01

Another Call For Abolishing Patents, This One From the St. Louis Fed
SlashdotOct 01

Philip DeFranco Entertains Idea Taxes Are Theft
InformationLiberationSep 28

Part two of Jan Helfeld's Interview with Philip DeFranco, host of the Philip DeFranco Show. Jan explains to him how (redistributive) taxes are theft, and he says he's against "legalized theft" in the form of farm subsidies, etc. Philip responds, "that's interesting ... that's very intere
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The State of Economic Freedom
Jeffrey TuckerSep 28
The great news for humanity: Economic freedom around the world is on the rise. This means liberation for millions and billions of people. What a change from 20 years ago, when so many lived under despotism and socialist slavery. These people are freer, and getting freer. More people avail themselves to the global division of labor than ever before. Poverty, hunger, and violence are falling. Technology is linking people as never before. The future is bright.

All of this information
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The Real Fiscal Cliff: How to Spot the Ledge | Peter Schiff
YouTubeSep 28

Archived from the live broadcast, this lecture by Peter Schiff was presented at the Mises Circle in Manhattan: "Central Banking, Deposit Insurance, and Economic Decline." Includes an introduction by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

How Crony Capitalism (Or The 'Undiluted Lunacy' Of The Fed) Corrupts The Free Markets
ZeroHedgeSep 28
"This is the final abomination" is how David Stockman begins his epic rant on the Federal Reserve and crony capitalism in this clip. The "undiluted lunacy" of their actions prompted him to address the Fed's decision to "print ourselves to death" by saying "this has gone too far, it's street-fighting time" as he decides, instead of the erudite philosophical view of how capitalism is being destroyed by statist philosophies of one type or another, to launch into a full-strength tir... (more)

Argentina's New Currency Rules Have Backfired Horribly
The TelegraphSep 28

Adele on Taxation [Pic]
Capitalism is FreedomSep 28

What Happened to Virtue?
James E. MillerSep 27
In the midst of the Great Depression, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon famously advised President Hoover to "liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate" instead of propping each industry up with tax dollars.  This liquidation doctrine would "purge the rottenness out of the system" and make certain that "people will work harder" and "live a more moral life."  Contrary to popular belief, Hoover did not take Mellon's advice and went forth with his own version of the... (more)

Marc Faber Dispels The Stimulus Illusion
YouTubeSep 27

9/18/2012 - Great interview with Dr. Marc Faber , of Marc Faber LTD and Editor/Publisher of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report. Australia Financial Radio.

Health Premiums Up $3,000 Under Obama; He Had Vowed $2,500 Cut
Investors.comSep 26

Microsoft deliberately wasted energy at data center to avoid fine, says NY Times
EngadgetSep 26

North Korea 'to allow farmers to keep half their produce'
The TelegraphSep 25
Good for them, now they're on par with the U.S. with our 50% tax rate! - Chris

The Return Of Dumb Ideas: A Broadband Tax To Save Failing Newspapers
TechdirtSep 25

Oakland, California Raises, Then Shortens Yellow Time for Revenue
TheNewspaperSep 24

Man allegedly steals $100K coin collection, then spends at face value on pizza and a movie
The SideshowSep 24
Proof the "average Americans" in Mark Dice's gold videos are indeed clueless!

Head Of World's Largest Hedge Fund Fears Social Unrest That Led to Hitler's Rise
CNBCSep 24

Jim Rogers: Conditions Will Worsen In 2013 & 14
YouTubeSep 24

Jeff Berwick: 0% Interest Rates Until the System Dies
YouTubeSep 21

Jeff Berwick of says, “We’re on 0% interest rates . . . and quantitative easing (money printing) until the system dies.” Berwick is predicting “chaos” when it all comes down. He doesn’t know how exactly it will all shake out because, “We’ve never had a global system like this die before.” One way to protect your assets is to buy precious metals,
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City may sue developer who spent $20,000 to remove 40 tons of trash from vacant lot
The SideshowSep 21
A business developer in the Philadelphia neighborhood of Point Breeze is facing legal action after voluntarily cleaning up more than 40 tons of trash from a vacant lot neighboring his local business.

As the old adage goes, no good deed goes unpunished. Ori Feibush says he visited the local offices of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority four times, sent in seven written requests and made 24 phone calls to the agency asking them to take care of a major eyesore: an empty lot nex
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MPAA & RIAA: If People Can Sell Foreign Purchased Content Without Paying Us Again, US Economy May Collapse
TechdirtSep 21

Silicon Valley Titans Join Internet Lobbying Group
INC.comSep 21

Fake Gold Bars Turn Up in Manhattan NYC
YouTubeSep 20

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