Hip Hop: A Free-Market History
The FreemanFeb 07

The Bernanke Shock
Peter SchiffFeb 06
The financial world was shocked this month by a demand from Germany's Bundesbank to repatriate a large portion of its gold reserves held abroad. By 2020, Germany wants 50% of its total gold reserves back in Frankfurt – including 300 tons from the Federal Reserve. The Bundesbank's announcement comes just three months after the Fed refused to submit to an audit of its holdings on Germany's behalf. One cannot help but wonder if the refusal triggered the demand.

Either w
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Man Offers Random People A Free One Ounce Gold Coin
YouTubeFeb 06

Mark Dice hit the streets in Oceanside, California and offered a free one ounce gold Canadian Maple Leaf coin to the first person who knew how much it was worth within twenty five percent of it's value. Here's what happened. Shot on 2-4-20.

Peter Schiff Discusses World Markets on CCTV
YouTubeFeb 06

D.C. anchor Phillip Yin and Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, discuss rallying world stock markets.

Sneaker tax? Illinois considers a 25-cent charge
STLTodayFeb 06

When Will the Rest of Us Get Google Fiber?
MIT Technology ReviewFeb 06

Central Bank Snuffs Out Vietnam's Thriving Gold Market
Kel KellyFeb 05
In recent years gold has become a sought-after currency in Vietnam. Why? The usual reason: its government has been printing too much money, causing prices to rise, and causing its currency, the Vietnamese dong, to plummet in value.
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Krugman turns to his babysitter again
The Circle BastiatFeb 05
In today’s column on “Money, Wealth, and Models,” Paul Krugman lashes out “the Austrianish horde” for being critical of his view “that you can create real wealth by printing more pieces of paper." He is addressing Hans Hoppe’s critique of Krugman that as a society you cannot turn pieces of paper into wealth, but not by name. Krugman defends himself by resorting once again to the model of a babysitter coop that... (more)

Argentina Freezes Supermarket Prices To Halt Soaring Inflation; Chaos To Follow
Zero HedgeFeb 05
This will lead to empty store shelves Zimbabwe-style, additionally it will create a massive black market in food, criminalizing almost everyone, and raising the price of food due to the increased risk of "trafficking" in it. Of course, the government says call them to report any "criminal" grocers trying to skirt the law. - Chris

"Hurry Up and Die"¯: The Inescapable Outcome of Socialized Medicine
Michael TennantFeb 05

Doug Casey & Jeff Berwick Interviewed on HoweStreet
YouTubeFeb 04

Doug Casey -- We're in the eye of the hurricane. Jeff Berwick -- What's patriotism got to do with it?

It's Coming: The Government Wants to "Help Manage" Retirement Accounts
Liberty BlitzkriegFeb 04

How to Keep Milk Prices Low by Raising Them
Michael TennantFeb 04

IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family
CNS NewsFeb 04

Peter Schiff & Doug Casey On Gold, Investor Cluelessness, And The "Escape From America" Plan
Zero HedgeJan 31
In just under 30 minutes, Peter Schiff and Doug Casey muse on many facets of the crumbling edifice of the status quo that is our current world.

From Gold's relatively imminent rise to $5,000 and beyond, to investor ignorance of reality, Casey & Schiff swing from discussions of the US as political entity going forward to 'escape from America' plans for personal and wealth assets, and the realization that the biggest casualty (of US indebtedness), aside from individual liberty, is t
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Bankruptcy: The Glorious New Beginning
Douglas FrenchJan 31
You remember when Hostess declared bankruptcy last November? There were outcries that the iconic snack pastry would be gone forever. Speculators began to stockpile the tasty treats.

As Zero Hedge documented, eBay featured the following items:
  • For a price of $89.95, three boxes of SEALED Box of Hostess Chocodiles 3x10 Chocolate Twinkies
  • For a price of $... (more)

US Ends 2012 With 103.8% Debt To GDP
Zero HedgeJan 31

Better Enjoy the Market Rally While You Can: Faber
CNBCJan 30

Investor "euphoria" is taking stocks higher but eventually will be their undoing, market bear Marc Faber told CNBC.

The author of the widely followed Gloom Boom & Doom Reportsaid the current rally, which has seen the Standard & Poor's 500 gain more than 5 percent in 2013 and 12 percent since its November 2012 low, is getting tired and will run out of
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Bernanke To Oprah: "I've Been Doping for Years"
ZeroHedgeJan 29
Beginning with the "Yes or No" questions only, everyone's favorite talk-show host takes on The Bernank in this earth-shattering interview. While Lance Armstrong managed to keep the dream alive for over a decade as all around him showed point-blank-proof of artificial stimulation, it took Oprah to get the truth from his lips (oh and a USADA threat). It seems The Federal Reserve has been forced to 'fess up in this entertaining interview as Bernanke sits sobbing across from Ms. Winfrey - a... (more)

How Business "Recesses" Itself
Jeffrey Tucker Jan 29
There’s a jewelry store in town with a long tradition, a devoted client list, and a good record of solid profitability. But during the last year, it’s moved around like the “oldest established permanently floating crap game” from the musical Guys and Dolls.

It was downtown. Then it was not. It was reestablished on the other side of town, in a low-traffic area where people couldn’t find it. Then, 14 months later, it moved back to its old location.

Why? It was all abo
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Keynesian Policies Are a Flop
Douglas FrenchJan 28
World unemployment is on the verge of breaking new records. This trend will continue until 2017. That’s the news from the International Labour Organization (ILO) in their annual employment report.

Currently, 2009 is the record year for world joblessness, at 198 million. In its 2012 Global Employment Trends report (source), the ILO believes unemployment numbers will rise by over 5 million this year to reach 202 million, topping 2009′s record.

The report goe
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We get £17,680 a year in benefits, buy 40 cigs a day, have a laptop and a home with 47-inch TV.. why work?
The SunJan 28
I can't argue with their logic. - Chris

How Newegg crushed the "shopping cart" patent and saved online retail
Ars TechnicaJan 28

Apple Is No Longer The World's Most Expensive Company
Zero HedgeJan 25

Fitness Crackdown: Santa Monica Gets Tough On Trainers
YouTubeJan 23

Keeping up New Year's resolutions to get in shape might get tougher thanks to Santa Monica City Council's proposition to ramp up regulations on outdoor fitness classes this spring.

The council is considering banning all classes with more than two participants in the city's most popular workout spot, Palisades Park.

"Palisades park is a pub
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37 Statistics Which Show How Four Years Of Obama Have Wrecked The U.S. Economy
The Economic CollapseJan 22
The mainstream media covered the inauguration of Barack Obama with breathless anticipation on Monday, but should we really be celebrating another four years of Obama?  The truth is that the first four years of Obama were an absolute train wreck for the U.S. economy.  Over the past four years, the percentage of working age Americans with a job has fallen, median household income has declined by more than $4000, poverty in the U.S. has absolutely exploded and our national debt has ballooned to rid... (more)

Doug Casey: 'We are living in the middle of the biggest bubble in history'
YouTubeJan 22

GoldMoney's Andy Duncan talks to Doug Casey, the founder and chairman of Casey Research and the author of a new book called Totally Incorrect. They discuss the current state of global finance and the chances of an upcoming paper money collapse.

Casey points out that the recovery after the 2008 financial crisis is just an illusion created by central bank
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SEC Bars Egan-Jones From Rating The US And Other Governments For 18 Months
Zero HedgeJan 22

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