Germany's Repatriation of Gold
Jacob G. HornbergerJan 21

The Trillion Dollar Trick
Peter SchiffJan 17
The birth, and the apparent death, of the trillion dollar platinum coin idea may one day be recalled as a mere footnote in the current debt crisis drama. The ultimate rejection of the idea (which was to use a loophole in commemorative coinage law to mint a platinum coin of any denomination) by both the the President and the Federal Reserve seems to offer some relief that our economic policy is not being run by out-of-touch academics and irresponsible congressmen. In reality, our governm... (more)

Jon Stewart Smacks Paul Krugman Over Trillion Dollar Coin: It's 'A Stupid F*cking Idea'
The Daily ShowJan 16

Bundesbank Official Statement On Gold Repatriation
Zero HedgeJan 16

There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
YouTubeJan 15

Everything you need to know that the media is not telling you...

Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio - and winner of the 2012 Liberty Inspiration Award - breaks down the unspoken facts about the end of freedom, opportunity and trade in the modern United States. There will be no economic recovery, prepare yourself accordingly.
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Gold Lures Japan’s Pension Funds as New PM Targets Inflation
BloombergJan 15

Americans Used to Tar-and-Feather Tax Collectors
William GriggJan 14
Last September, Deputy IRS Commissioner Steven Miller promised a Republican-controlled congressional subcommittee that the agency would not enforce the Obamacare mandate. He lied, of course.

Despite the fact that the agency is not a legislative body, last December it created 159 pages of Obamacare-related regulations. That dense and confusing welter of words contains countless wa
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Section 8 housing voucher distribution canceled after thousands waiting in line get out of control
WXYZJan 14
TAYLOR, Mich. (WXYZ) - A chaotic scene erupted at the Taylor Human Services Center when the crowd waiting for a Section 8 housing voucher distribution got out of control.

The center is located at Eureka and Lange Roads. That's on Eureka, between Beech Daly and Inkster.

Police say thousands of people from all over the area were at the center. Many were homeless, single moms, or disabled. They were hoping to get help paying for their housing from the government.
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A Man's Home Is His Subsidy
John StosselJan 14

Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress
CNS NewsJan 14

Headphones: Paradigm of Market Progress
Jeffrey TuckerJan 14

Krugman Scolds Jon Stewart for Trillion Dollar Coin Coverage
ABC OTUS NewsJan 14

Marc Faber: Here's What Will Happen in 2013
CNBCJan 12
Marc Faber, editor of the "Gloom, Boom & Doom Report," offers up his predictions for the coming year. With Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific Capital, CNBC's Mandy Drury and the Futures Now Traders, Rich Ilczyszyn at the CME and Anthony Grisanti at the Nymex.
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The Plunder Continues
Tim KellyJan 12

Bitcoin: Making Online Gambling Legal in the U.S.?
Business WeekJan 12

Glenn Beck is Planning a $2 Billion Libertarian Commune in Texas
Dallas ObserverJan 12
Only problem with this is Glenn Beck is not a libertarian. - Chris

The Great Robbery of Wage-Earners
Jeffrey TuckerJan 11
If you think of American wage-earners as swimmers, they were mostly underwater after 2008. Then last year, wages increased a bit. It was only 2.4% for the year, but it was like coming up for a slight gulp of air.

Now think of Congress and the president as the people in a boat pushing the swimmers’ heads back underwater. That’s exactly what they did when they let the payroll tax arrive on the first day of 2013.

The 2% increase wiped out virtually the whole wage gain
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The Federal Government Hands Out Money To 128 Million Americans Every Month
The Economic CollapseJan 11
The number of Americans receiving money directly from the federal government has grown from 94 million in the year 2000 to over 128 million today.  A shocking new research paper by Patrick Tyrrell and William W. Beach contains that statistic and a whole bunch of other very revealing numbers.  According to their research, the federal government ha... (more)

Illinois Government Wants Gold Registration
InfowarsJan 11
Prior to the failure of the Illinois legislature to force citizens to register outlawed firearms, the state moved to place restrictions on the sale of gold.

In 2012, the Illinois General Assembly passed the Precious Metal Purchasing Act. SB3341 states
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Peter Schiff: Inflation Propaganda Exposed
YouTubeJan 11

The CPI is no longer a tool to accurately measure inflation, but an instrument of propaganda the government uses to hide accelerating inflation from the public and financial markets. Modest CPI increases over the past several years do not reflect an absence of inflation, but a design flaw in the index that fails to fully capture the magnitude of price increases. Centra
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Ron Paul Interviewed by Alex Jones
YouTubeJan 11

Alex talks with Rep. Ron Paul about Obama's re-anointment and the economic implosion now slowly taking out the pinions of the once mighty U.S. economy.

60% of cigarettes sold in New York are smuggled: report
CNNJan 11
But I thought prohibition worked?!

$274 Million Raised Via Kickstarter In 2012
TechdirtJan 11

Krugman's Coin
The BeaconJan 10
Paul Krugman has made a tongue-in-cheek proposal that has set tongues wagging--having the U.S. Treasury Department mint a $1 trillion platinum coin in order to circumvent the federal debt ceiling. Actually, Krugman was not the first to propose this solution he himself calls "silly" but he has given it wider exposure.

In these weird monetary and fiscal times, no proposal is so craz
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This would amount to a trillion dollar heist of purchasing power in the blink of an eye. It's so criminal it sounds just like something they might do. - Chris

CNN Contributor Pete Dominick On Taxes: "Everyone Wants to Use Force To Take Other Peoples' Money"
YouTubeJan 10

A statist's view of the world.

Nebraska Wendy's franchisee slashes worker hours to sidestep ObamaCare
Fox NewsJan 10

India's Gold Mania
Douglas FrenchJan 09
Less than 1% of the world’s gold is mined in India. The rest comes from somewhere else. Still, India can’t get enough. It is the largest consumer of gold in the world, buying nearly a third of production in recent years. Some estimates say that 10% of all gold is held in India.

Indians save roughly 30% of their income, as opposed Americans, who save 5%. Plus, Indians are getting richer all the time. Once a very poor country, the rich and middle classes now outnumber the poor in th
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Cato Releases Human Freedom Index, NZ Ranks #1, US #7
Cato.orgJan 09

On the Economic Calculation of "Fair Share"
Dušan PetrovskiJan 08
When one speaks of a concept it is important that it is properly qualified so as to be correctly understood. Failure to accomplish that makes impossible for either the problem to be identified or a desired solution to be found. Perhaps this is why politicians have a tendency to speak of ill-defined and oft muddled concepts, like "social justice," "a living wage" or "fair share." These concepts are impossible to define in a way consistent with how they are represented, since their proponents repr... (more)

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