The Pound Gets Pounded
Peter SchiffFeb 20
As the global currency war intensifies, the majority of attention has been paid to the 17% fall of the Japanese yen against the U.S. dollar over the past few months. The implosion has given cover to the sad performance of another once mighty currency: the British pound sterling. But in many ways the travails of the pound is far more instructive to those pondering the fate of the U.S. currency.

Japan has a unique economic and demographic profile which makes it a poor s
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Peter Schiff: Markets Will React Big When Reality Sets In
YouTubeFeb 20

Peter Schiff on Fox Business (2/18/13)

Jim Rogers On Fox Business News 2013
YouTubeFeb 20

Marc Faber: The Fed Party Is Over, Invest Overseas
YouTubeFeb 19

For four years the FOMC has been printing money to keep interest rates low in order to stimulate the economy. For just as long investors have been hand-wringing over the long-term dire implications of such quantitative easing. The basic idea is that the Fed will eventually stop printing and all assets would tumble, priced as they are relative to risk-free money. With t
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America's Food-for-Votes Program
Wendy McElroyFeb 19

Free $5 Bill or Free Silver Dollar? It's Up To You
YouTubeFeb 19

Mark Dice offers people a free $5 bill or a free once ounce silver dollar, their choice. What will they choose? The $5 bill worth $5 dollars, or the silver dollar worth $30? You may be surprised.

Now they want to tax jewellery: New wealth tax plan to target ALL assets - including buy-to-let homes
The Daily MailFeb 18

Is Today's Argentina Tomorrow's America?
Michael TennantFeb 16

The Basement Beneath the Wage Floor
Jeffrey TuckerFeb 16

Peter Schiff: The Real State of the Union
YouTubeFeb 15

The Misplaced Fear of "Monopoly"
Thomas E. Woods Jr.Feb 15

Yahoo! Finance: Should You Renounce Your Citizenship?
Yahoo! FinanceFeb 14

Questionable Tests Used to Shut Down Morningland Raw Milk Farm
Epoch TimesFeb 13

Gold Sellers in Houston Must Submit to Fingerprints and Mugshots
InfowarsFeb 12
Instead of reducing crime, the new law will instead put a damper on the sale of gold, silver and other precious metals

Last week the Houston City Council passed an ordinance requiring people who sell precious metals to be fingerprinted and photographed.

According to KTRK-TV, the ordinance is "meant to help track down criminals who try to resell stolen valuables. Gold-buying
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Put the Postal Service Out Of Its Misery
Jacob G. HornbergerFeb 12

Medicare Is Doomed
Sheldon RichmanFeb 12

Days After Freezing Prices, Argentina Bans All Advertising
Zero HedgeFeb 11

Putin Turns Black Gold to Bullion as Russia Outbuys World
BloombergFeb 11
When Vladimir Putin says the U.S. is endangering the global economy by abusing its dollar monopoly, he’s not just talking. He’s betting on it.

Not only has Putin made Russia the world’s largest oil producer, he’s also made it the biggest gold buyer. His central bank has added 570 metric tons of the metal in the past decade, a quarter more than runner-up China, according to IMF data compiled by Bloomberg. The added gold is also almost triple the weight of the Statue of Liberty.
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Messing with the Bull
Peter SchiffFeb 09
With the announcement this week of its massive $5 billion lawsuit against ratings agency Standard & Poor's, the Federal Government took a bold step to squelch any remaining independence of thought or action in the financial services industry. Given the circumstances and timing of the suit, can there be little doubt that S&P is paying the price for the August 2011 removal of its AAA rating on U.S. Treasury debt? In retaliation for the unpardonable sin of questioning the U.S. Treasury's credit wor... (more)

Jim Rogers and His Case for the Asian Century
Jeffrey TuckerFeb 09

Peter Schiff on Huff Post Live
YouTubeFeb 08

Automation: Destroying Jobs or Creating Productivity?

Peter Schiff debates crazy socialists who think technological advancement hurts the economy.

Short US Government Bonds "Right Now": Jim Rogers
CNBCFeb 08

With the Federal Reserve and now Bank of Japan printing massive amounts of money, billionaire investor Jim Rogers told CNBC's "Closing Bell," he is shorting U.S. government debt.

"It's all artificial what's going on right now," Rogers said. "The Federal Reserve is printing money as fast as they can. The Bank of Japan said 'we're going to print un
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The philosophy of economics with Stefan Molyneux
YouTubeFeb 07

GoldMoney's Andy Duncan talks to philosopher Stefan Molyneux, the host of, about his recent video on why the western world's economy is failing to recover. They also discuss the possibility of a Japanese-style long-term depression caused by government economic interference, and the chances of moving towards a true free market to clear out the malinv
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Facing the True Cause of Our Economic Problems
Jacob G. HornbergerFeb 07

Student Loans Going the Way of Housing
Douglas FrenchFeb 07
Colleges are good at getting people enrolled. They get kids lined up with education loans. The money goes to pay exorbitant prices on textbooks. It pays for meal cards. Tuition is crazy high. Parents go along and shell out until their bank accounts are barren.

What colleges are not good at is getting the kids degrees. And those without those degrees have a hard time getting a good job to pay back a student loan. Instead, they fall into delinquency, starting off life saddled with a
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Schiff on CNBC Asia: Dow at 14,000? Not a Big Deal
YouTubeFeb 07

Peter Schiff on CNBC Asia (2/5/13)

Jim Rogers Joins Bill Gross Warning on Treasuries
BloombergFeb 07

Virginia advances bill pushing for state to establish its own currency
Fox NewsFeb 07

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