Gold Prices May Be Falling on Momentum, James Grant Says
BloombergApr 15

April 15 (Bloomberg) -- James Grant, publisher of Grant's Interest Rate Observer, talks about gold prices, inflation and credit markets. He speaks with Deirdre Bolton on Bloomberg Television's "Money Moves." Bloomb
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Excellent interview. - Chris

Drudge Headlines 'Gold Panic'...
InformationLiberationApr 15

Drudge is headlining the recent drop in the price of gold to below $1400, the price right now is hovering a little above $1,400. The HUI index just opened down over 7%, it's at a four year low of 280.

I've thought for a while now the imaginary number in my head for gold to become attractive again was $1,500, we cleared it a few days ago and there seems to be a mini-panic ensuing, especially in gold s
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Related: Investor Jim Rogers Says Gold Needs Correction, Isn’t Buying Yet

Global Economic Policy Now Firmly In The Hands of Money Cranks
DetlevSchlichter.comApr 15
The lesson from the events of 2007-2008 should have been clear: Boosting GDP with loose money -- as the Greenspan Fed did repeatedly between 1987 and 2005 and most damagingly between 2001 and 2005 when in order to shorten a minor recession it inflated a massive housing bubble -- can only lead to short term booms followed by severe busts. A policy of artificially cheapened credit cannot but cause mispricing of risk, misallocation of capital and a deeply dislocated financial infrastructure, all of... (more)

What's Going on with Gold?
Mises InstituteApr 15
For those of us who think that the world's central banks have been placing too much faith in the money printing press as a means of rousing sluggish economies, last week was bewildering. Gold closed the week below US$1500 per ounce. Not since June 2011 has the yellow metal traded beneath that level. Indeed, well before the breach of $1500, gold had been languishing after hitting an all-time high of $1900 in September 2011, stuck as it was within a range between $1800 and $1520.

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Ex-Soros Advisor Sells "Almost All" Japan Holdings, Shorts Bonds; Sees Market Crash, Default And Hyperinflation
Zero HedgeApr 15
Moments ago, it was none other than Takeshi Fujimaki, Soros' former advisor on all matters Japanese, who tripled down on the warnings, and told Bloomberg that the Bank of Japan's "huge bet" by boosting quantitative easing won't turn the economy around and is instead sending the nation toward default.
"By expanding the monetary base... (more)

Gold Bulls Endure Bear Market as Goldman Says Sell
BloombergApr 15

Germany's 'Five-Wise-Men' Confirm Wealth Tax Is Coming
Zero HedgeApr 15

Homeland Security's New $3.9 Billion Headquarters
Business WeekApr 15

Crash Indicator: Mom and Pop Take the Plunge Back Into Stocks For Fear of "Being Left on the Sidelines"
SHTFplanApr 14
Americans are scared.

Their concerns aren’t centered around the possibility of an economic collapse, another down leg in the real estate market, continued deterioration of the labor market, or a US dollar currency meltdown.

With markets at all time highs and financial experts around the world predicting a turn-around in the global economy, a lot of “Mom and Pop” investors who experienced major losses in personal investment funds and home prices during the crash of 2
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Faber: Gold Isn't Down as Much as Apple
BloombergApr 14

April 12 (Bloomberg) -- Gloom, Boom and Doom Report Publisher marc Faber discusses the markets, gold and his investment strategy on Bloomberg Television's "Street Smart." (Source: Bloomberg)

Peter Schiff: The Gold Bull Market is Dead -- Long Live the Bull Market
YouTubeApr 14

Why the recent sell-off in gold and silver defies the fundamentals, ignores the facts, is predicated on a myth, and has succeeded in creating the necessary level of scepticism and fear to finally propel precious metals to new record highs.

The Great Gold vs Bitcoin Debate: Doug Casey vs Jon Matonis
YouTubeApr 14

Why Chemotherapy That Costs $70,000 in the U.S. Costs $2,500 in India
The AtlanticApr 14

Talking Taxes with California Beach Goers
YouTubeApr 14

What's April 15th? Apparently lots of people have no clue.

Tax Freedom Day 2013 is April 18, Five Days Later Than Last Year
Tax FoundationApr 14

Kudlow Calls Bitcoin "The Way Of The Future"
YouTubeApr 14

Paulson Loses More Than $300 Million as Gold Declines
BloombergApr 14

Pirate Party Crowd-Sources File-Sharing Fine Settlements
TorrentFreakApr 14

Sam Zell: "The Stock Market Feels Like The Housing Market Of 2006"
ZeroHedgeApr 12
Instead of the endless procession of "different this time", "buy-the-dip", "money-on-the-sidelines" asset-gathering, Muppet-fleecers that CNBC so typically trots out, Sam Zell graced them with his presence and the truth was allowed a voice for a few minutes. Joined by David Rosenberg, who clarifies the insanity that engulfs US equities, explaining in wonderment that it is "not surprising the market rises even in the face of bad ISMs, worse jobs, and worst NFIB data, because Japan and the US are ... (more)

Cyprus May Sell Majority Of Gold Reserves to Help Fund Bailout
BBC NewsApr 12
Cyprus may sell off some of its gold reserves to help finance part of its bailout, according to reports.

An assessment by the European Commission says Cyprus must sell about 400m euros (£341m) worth of gold.

The country has already been forced to wind down one of its largest banks in order to qualify for a 10bn euro lifeline from international lenders.

Even with that bailout, it is predicted that the Cypriot economy will shrink by 8.7% this year.
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Bitcoin Crashes Down to $52 From $266, MtGox Exchange Down For Maintenance
InformationLiberationApr 11

Bitcoin just hit a low of $52.99 per Bitcoin on the exchange, it stands currently at $59. MtGox has been down for hours for maintenance and the price has been plummeting throughout. Bitcoin hit a high of $266 just yesterday before the ensuing crash. At this point the price is still double what it was two months ago, so it's yet to go through a full routing erasing all gains since going parabolic.

How The Market Creates Jobs And The Government Destroys Them
Walter BlockApr 11
If the media tell us that "the opening of XYZ mill has created 1,000 new Jobs," we give a cheer. When the ABC company closes and 500 jobs are lost, we're sad. The politician who can provide a subsidy to save ABC is almost assured of wide-spread public-support for his work in preserving jobs.

But jobs in and of themselves do not guarantee well-being. Suppose that the employment is to dig huge holes and filll them up again? What if the workers manufacture goods and services that no
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Playing Devil's Advocate - "Why Bitcoin Will Crash To $0" By A Bitcoin Supporter
r/BitcoinApr 11
OK, let me start by saying that I think the general idea of a cryptographic currency is a brilliant one. I can definitely see Bitcoin establishing itself as a major world currency, and basically doing to fiat currencies what email did to the postal system.

However, whenever I mention Bitcoin to anyone, I strongly encourage them not to invest more than they are prepared to lose. I myself only own 10 BTC. Why? Because Bitcoin has flaws, and it has potential enemies,
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Bitcoin Suffers A Correction Amid Apparent DDOS Attacks On Some Exchanges
TechCrunchApr 11
Latest: MtGox victims of their own success, not DDOS

The Maryland "Rain Tax"
GazetteApr 11
In 2010 the Obama administration's Environmental Protection Agency ordered Maryland to reduce stormwater runoff into the Chesapeake Bay so that nitrogen levels fall 22 percent and phosphorus falls 15 percent from current amounts. The price tag: $14.8 billion.

And where do we get the $14.8 billion? By taxing so-called "impervious surfaces," anything that prevents rain water from seeping into the earth (roofs, driveways, patios, sidewalks, etc.) thereby causing storm water run off.
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Oxford officer accused of saying he wanted $500 to help
MyFoxDetriotApr 11
OXFORD, Mich. (WJBK) - A man says when he called the Oxford Police Department for help, an officer told him he charged a $500 fee. The civilian recorded the phone conversation.

A rocky relationship turned into a bad breakup for 29-year-old Nathaniel Bennett, who on Sunday felt he had no choice but to call police for help getting back his property from his very angry ex.

"Did not want to have any communication to avoid [a] volatile situation, and so I attempted to u
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Peter Schiff On Bitcoin
YouTubeApr 10

Rick Rule On Bitcoin
YouTubeApr 10

What Bitcoin Is Teaching Us
Jeffrey TuckerApr 10

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