A Rebuttal To Bitcoin: Money of the Future or Old-Fashioned Bubble?
Libertarian NewsApr 10

Market Crash Likelihood Goes Up If Stocks Continue to Rally: Marc Faber
CNBCApr 10
Marc Faber, Gloom Boom & Doom Report editor, reveals his bleak outlook on the markets this summer; and explains why events like Cyprus are likely to happen in more countries.

Jim Rogers: "I Suspect They'll Take The Pension Plans Next; I For One Am Worried, And I'm Taking Preparations"
Bull Market ThinkingApr 10

Search error: Feds pay for data they could have just Googled, audit finds
Washington TimesApr 10

Jeff Berwick: It's better to be a year or two early than a day too late
YouTubeApr 09

Jeff Berwick is interviewed by Thomas Pochari on World Affairs Daily

Topics discussed:

- The unsustainability of the financial system
- The growing number of people learning Austrian economics
- Are the financial string pullers stupid or evil?
- The world changing power of the internet
- The booming Chilean eco
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IRS Wants Tech Firms' Lunch Money
ReasonApr 09

Bitcoin: Money of the Future or Old-Fashioned Bubble?
Mises InstituteApr 09

Americans pile into silver, gold coins
CSMonitor.comApr 09

Trust in Gold Not Bernanke as U.S. States Promote Bullion
BloombergApr 09

One Ton of Gold Worth $7.5M Seized from Small Car
BloombergApr 08

April 4 (Bloomberg) -- Betty Liu reports on Italian police finding one ton of gold in a car. She speaks on Bloomberg Television's "In The Loop. (Source: Bloomberg)

The Stockman Backlash
Peter SchiffApr 05
This week, while economists should have been closely considering the implications of the actual bankruptcy of Stockton, California, they instead heaped scorn on the perceived ideological bankruptcy of David Stockman. In other words, Stockman trumped Stockton.

Ronald Reagan’s former Budget Director contributed “Sundown in America” a multi-page opinion piece to the Sunday New York Times which loudly and eloquently described the illusions of our current economic system. While I
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Doug Casey: All Banks Are Bankrupt
Casey ResearchApr 05
L: Doug, there is considerable disagreement over the significance of the Cyprus crisis. A lot of people are saying that it's just a flash in the pan; Cyprus is a small country, far off, and doesn't really matter. Other people are saying it's very significant. The European Central Bank took unprecedented steps. What do you think?

Doug: I think this could be the spark that ignites the keg of dynamite under the current financial system.
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Bitcoin for Beginners, Part II
Jeffrey TuckerApr 05

Good riddance to deposit 'insurance'
DetlevSchlichter.comApr 04
Once the public furor and shrill media coverage have died down it will become clear that events in Cyprus did not mark the death of democracy or the end of the euro but potentially the beginning of the end of deposit 'insurance'. If so, then three cheers to that. It may herald a return to honesty, transparency and responsibility in banking.

Let us start by looking at some of the facts of deposit banking: When you deposit money in a bank you forfeit ownership of money and gain owne
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Marc Faber: 'I would probably choose gold'
YouTubeApr 04

Alasdair talks to Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom (new.gloomboomdoom.com) Report. Marc discusses his 40 years of experience in capital markets and the lessons he has learned.

He looks at the underlying nature of the American economy and details the problems arising since 2007. Money printing -- along with the insidious effects of underrepo
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The Money-ness of Bitcoins
Mises InstituteApr 04

Bitcoin Hits Astonishing $147 High Per Coin
InformationLiberationApr 03

Bitcoin hit an astonishing $147 per coin today on the MtGox exchange before easing back to $128 per coin. At $147 per coin the outstanding value of all Bitcoins was over $1.6 billion, currently it's just under $1.4 billion. Bitcoins have increased in value over fourfold in the past 30 days, making it by far the best performing currency in the world.

Jeff Berwick Talks Bitcoin on FOX Business
InformationLiberationApr 03

Yes, you can buy drugs with Bitcoin, it's called the free market. Jeff Berwick schools Fox News on the wonders of decentralized currencies. (Of course, most illegal drugs and guns are payed for with U.S. dollars, but hey, we just ignore that cuz 'Murica's number one.)

Ron Paul: 'The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery'
Ron PaulApr 03
The dramatic recent events in Cyprus have highlighted the fundamental weakness in the European banking system and the extreme fragility of fractional reserve banking. Cypriot banks invested heavily in Greek sovereign debt, and last summer's Greek debt restructuring resulted in losses equivalent to more than 25 percent of Cyprus' GDP. These banks then took their bad investments to the government, demanding a bailout from an already beleaguered Cypriot treasury. The government of Cyprus then turne... (more)

What Happened In Cyprus Will Happen Everywhere: Marc Faber
CNBCApr 03

Growing wealth inequality means that the wealthy have nowhere to hide and that events like those in Cyprus will happen in more countries around the world, including developed nations, said Marc Faber, the contrarian investor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report.

"It will happen everywhere in the world, in Western democracies," Faber said "Squaw
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Jeff Berwick On CNBC: 'What's a Bitcoin? And How Did It Break $1 Billion?'
CNBCApr 03

Organized Labor: Still Statist Thugs After All These Years
The Dollar VigilanteApr 03

Bitcoin for Beginners
Jeffrey TuckerApr 03

Gold 'Bubble' Seen Turning to Bear Market by SocGen on Recovery
BloombergApr 03
Gold is in a “bubble” after the best annual run in at least nine decades and will head into a so-called bear market as a stronger U.S. economy helps increase interest rates and cut bullion demand, Societe Generale SA said.

Investors are unlikely to raise gold holdings because inflation has remained low, signs that the economy is improving may spur the Federal Reserve to curb stimulus and the dollar has strengthened, the bank said today in a report. Bullion is down 4.6 percent this
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Flying High on Borrowed Wings
Peter SchiffApr 02
After selling off an astounding 56% between October of 2007 and March 2009, the S&P 500 has staged a rally for the ages, surging 120% and recovering all of its lost ground too. This stunning turnaround certainly qualifies as one of the more memorable, and unusual, stock market rallies in history. The problem is that the rally has been underwritten by the Federal Reserve's unconventional monetary policies But for some reason, this belief has not weakened the celebration.

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Peter Schiff: We're Headed To A Currency Crisis One Way Or Another
YouTubeApr 02

CEO of Euro Pacific Capital Peter Schiff's latest gold call. As gold posts its first back-to-back quarterly losses since 2001, is the metal ready for a comeback? With CNBC's Jackie DeAngelis and the Futures Now Traders, Rich Ilczyszyn at the CME and Anthony Grisanti at the Nymex.

Stockman Warns of Crash Of Fed-Fueled Bubble Economy
BloombergApr 02

Canadian Deposits As Safe As Cypriot Deposits
Jeff BerwickApr 02

Paul Krugman in 1998: Internet will have no Greater Econ Impact than FaxMachines by 2005
DailyPaulApr 02
Gerald Celente-esque Trends Forecaster, Krugman definitely is not:

Fearless Krugman Forecasts (1998 Edition)

In 1988, Paul Krugman stepped up to the plate and told us:
The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in "Metcalfe's law"--which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to th... (more)

List Released With 132 Names Who Pulled Cyprus Deposits Ahead Of "Confiscation Day"
ZeroHedgeApr 02

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