Revealed: Mike Johnson and Hakeem Jeffries Made Private Agreement Not to Disparage One Another

Chris Menahan
Sep. 26, 2024

Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson and Democratic House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries reportedly made a private agreement not to disparage one another as they worked in unison to ram through Israel First, America Last legislation over the past year.

From Axios, "Mike Johnson's secret admirer: Hakeem Jeffries":
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has promised Speaker Mike Johnson that their relationship will be governed by two rules: No lies and no smack talk.

Why it matters: It's an old-school pledge that has helped the new leaders build trust in a Congress in which it's in short supply, especially among Johnson's own leadership team.

- It's also the kind of code that demands reciprocity, if the tables are turned in the new Congress and it's Jeffries attempting to lead with a narrow majority.

Jeffries has spoken glowingly about his working relationship with Johnson at fundraisers around Washington, multiple sources who attended the events told Axios.

- That rapport is better than the one that Jeffries had with former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the sources said, helping along bipartisan deals when Congress has needed them most.

The big picture: The House voted on Wednesday to avert a government shutdown at the end of the month, with Jeffries delivering an overwhelming Democratic vote to get the bill through the chamber.

- The House leaders also combined on a bipartisan deal in March to avoid a partial government shutdown.

- Jeffries coming to the rescue on government funding has been helped along by the "straightforward" relationship between he and Johnson, one of the sources said.

- Jeffries would make the commitment to not lie or disparage any leader of his opposing conference, a source familiar with his thinking told Axios.
Johnson opened his House Speakership by announcing his first priority would be Israel and followed through on his promise by working with Democrats to ram through a wildly unpopular foreign aid bill to give $95 billion to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan and ban TikTok for allowing criticism of Israel to go viral.

He then worked with Democrats to ram through a wildly unpopular FISA bill to spy on Americans to "protect Israel" as well as another bill to ban criticism of Israel as "hate speech."

Johnson and Jeffries also attended the astroturfed "March for Israel" together in Washington, DC to pledge their allegiance to a foreign power.

Now we learn they made a private agreement not to criticize one another while they sold us down the river.

"Our democracy" is completely fake.

As Republican Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie detailed in a bombshell interview earlier this year, every congressman has an "AIPAC babysitter" who guides them on how to vote in the interests of Israel.

We could replace our entire congress (save Massie) with their AIPAC babysitters and would see zero changes in policy.

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