Trump 'Posts Debate Prep Talking Points' on Truth Social

Chris Menahan
Jun. 27, 2024

Former President Donald Trump, 78, oddly shared what appears to be debate prep talking points on climate and energy issues to his Truth Social page on Thursday afternoon.

"The talking points were from former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler and Trump shared them without comment to his Truth Social platform," Mediaite noted.

Was this a senior moment? Everyone talks about Biden's age (81) all the time due to his markedly clear cognitive decline but Trump is clearly having issues as well.

His interview with Hannity where he pledged to restore the Israel Lobby's power over our Congress was just insane.

Both Trump and Biden are going to have to debate for 90 minutes on CNN Thursday night with no studio audience and the microphones set up to cut out when a candidate's speaking time is over.

During their last debate, Trump's interruptions may have actually helped to mask Biden's cognitive decline, so it's possible that in aggregate it will actually work in Trump's favor.

[Header image by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0]

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