Brian Dowling, 18, Charged With Murder of Self-Described 'COO of Antifa' Ryan CarsonChris MenahanInformationLiberation Oct. 05, 2023 |
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Brian Dowling, 18, was arrested at his apartment in Brooklyn on Thursday morning and charged with murder in the stabbing death of self-described "COO [Chief Operating Officer] of Antifa" Ryan Thoresen Carson. From The Daily Mail, "EXCLUSIVE: Cops remove knife and sweatshirt from home of Brooklyn stabber Brian Dowling, 18, before charging him with murder of social justice activist Ryan Thoresen Carson in unprovoked 4am attack": [Police] were seen removing [a black Champion sweatshirt] in a brown paper bag, and the knife [Dowling is] said to have used in the attack.A GoFundMe organized on behalf of his girlfriend and a "collective of Ryan's close friends" raised over $66,000 to "offset the costs of working class people taking time off of work to properly mourn."
CBS New York blurred Dowling's face out while reporting on his arrest:
They said they blurred it because "charges are pending" -- even though this arrest was made in public and Dowling is an adult.
I can only assume they're following the Poynter Institute's post-Floyd guidelines for media outlets to avoid "amplifying narratives that connect Black and brown communities to crime." After George Floyd's death, the Neiman Journalism lab called on local media outlets to "abolish" the local crime beat to avoid advancing "racism" and "white supremacy" and Poynter followed their lead. CBS News was one of many major outlets who announced in Jan 2023 that they were going to abandon "objectivity" because it's an outdated concept and a relic of "white newsrooms." Though CBS New York censored Dowling's pictures, The New York Post and The Daily Mail have multiple photos of his ugly mug. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Minds and Telegram. |