The Future of Internet Censorship? Comcast Cuts Off User's Internet Connection For Downloading TorrentsChris MenahanInformationLiberation Jul. 01, 2021 |
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![]() ![]() From Torrent Freak, "Comcast Suspends Internet Connection For Downloading Torrents": Yesterday, a Comcast subscriber revealed that they had received a special notice from Comcast headed "Action is required" and informing the user that the document is an "alert under our DMCA repeat infringer policy." ![]() TorrentFreak has contacted the recipient of the alert for additional information, including precisely how many times they had previously received a DMCA notice and whether the temporary suspension caused any hardship. At the time of writing we have yet to receive a response but Comcast indicates that should any additional complaints come in, action against the account will be escalated."Sorry, you can no longer go to telework/teleschool or telemeet with your doctor because someone on your shared IP address got a DMCA notice from an automated bot farm run by Disney or Comcast NBC Universal." If Comcast is cutting people's internet off for civil copyright infractions, whose to say they won't start cutting people off for "hate speech" next? The same measures the US government used to seize the domains of torrent sites a decade ago are now being used to seize Middle East news websites the Biden regime doesn't fancy. ![]() The same censorship/blacklisting regime created to censor torrents from Google search is now used to censor all independent media. Google went from using an AI system to block copyrighted content from YouTube to using their AI system to censor everything the ADL deems "hate speech." Everything our overlords do in the name of fighting "copyright infringement" is eventually used to suppress their political opposition. Cutting off someone's internet, just like cutting off someone's power, should be illegal! Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Minds, Parler and Telegram. |