'Operation Chokepoint Is Back Under Biden': Gab CEO Details Being Blacklisted From The Financial SystemChris MenahanInformationLiberation Mar. 09, 2021 |
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![]() ![]() "Operation Chokepoint is back under Biden," Torba said in a post to Gab, referencing an Obama regime ploy which subjected firearms dealers and other regime targets to financial blacklisting. "4 banks and 1 credit card shut down Gab in the past month alone. We have spoken to other alt tech platforms who are experiencing the same, but have not gone public with it yet. This is 100% targeted and political." ![]() "It's getting to the point where we are seriously considering buying our own bank," Torba said last week on Twitter. "I'm not kidding." ![]() Torba said that Gab was banned by the Evangelical Christian Credit Union last week after he "spent weeks speaking with multiple people, opening our account, wiring them a large sum of money for an initial deposit, and explaining our story and business model to them." "They wasted a whole lot of my time and ended up being just like all of the other banks," Torba said. ![]() Just minutes before that post, Torba said he would "be naming another bank that banned us for no reason again probably tomorrow once our money that was in the account clears," adding that "this one will surprise you." ![]() ![]() I'm not sure if that was the same bank or not. Regardless, there's no reason to believe this politics-based financial blacklisting operation isn't going to rapidly expand. In just the past four years, Google's went from being a portal to the world to a walled garden of establishment fake news sites. YouTube went from being a platform for cutting edge political debate to a platform where the majority of Americans are banned from expressing their political views. Big Tech is on an absolute rampage and the White House is pressuring them to censor even more. Gab has survived an absolutely relentless onslaught of Big Tech censorship and blacklisting. After multiple failed attempts to take Gab offline, the Anti-Defamation League in January pushed for the Justice Department to launch a criminal investigation into Gab and Torba in a blatant act of political intimidation and repression.
In February, hackers breached the site, stole a bunch of user data and demanded a $500,000 ransom in bitcoin before releasing the hacked info to journalists after Torba refused to pay. "I was just a middle class God-fearing man building a small website from my family farm and 4 years later, with no institutional support, after being blacklisted/deplatformed from almost everything, and without compromising my views, we built a website that 30 million people visit every month," Torba tweeted late Monday night. "They don't fear me. They fear you. When they attack me and Gab, they are attacking you." ![]() ![]() Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Minds, Parler and Telegram. |