Nancy Pelosi Moves to Impeach Trump, Snaps At Reporter For Asking If She 'Hates' The PresidentChris MenahanInformationLiberation Dec. 05, 2019 |
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Nancy Pelosi snapped at a Sinclair TV reporter on Thursday after being asked, "Do you hate the president?" The pro-abortion Democrat responded by suggesting she was a TradCath who prays for the president daily. Trump described her outburst as a "nervous fit."
Earlier in the day, Pelosi announced the Democrats were going to move forward on impeaching President Trump: Trump told her to hurry up and get on with it:
What exactly is driving the Democratic Party other than hate?
UPDATE: Democrat Texas Rep Al Green says the Dems may impeach Trump repeatedly: Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |