Trump's Mar-a-Lago Deplatforms Michelle Malkin to Please ADL, SPLC And CAIR

Chris Menahan
Oct. 08, 2019

President Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach is deplatforming his own supporters.

From Big League Politics:
#StandWithICE founder Michelle Malkin is no longer scheduled to speak at the annual banquet for ACT for America next month, after the Trump Organization reportedly caved to an anti-American left-wing hate campaign against the speaker.

Malkin was originally scheduled to appear at the event scheduled to take place on Nov. 7 at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, FL, but a smear campaign by the fake news and leftist special interest groups has caused the Trump Organization to fold under the pressure and ban Malkin from speaking at the event.

“This event will absolutely not be taking place at Mar-a-Lago,” a spokesperson from the Trump Organization told the New York Times.

[...] “It is totally inappropriate that an Islamophobic hate group would be in effect funneling money to the president of the United States by holding an event in one of his properties,” said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications director. “This is a group that has been associated with Islamophobia in the worst form for many years and has also been associated with white supremacists and racist groups.”

“ACT purports to advocate for national security and against the threat of radical Islam, but in fact promotes conspiracy theories about all Muslims, including the 3.3 million Muslims living in the United States,” the ADL said.
Malkin weighed in on Twitter:

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