The Republicans Are Coming to Take Your GunsChris MenahanInformationLiberation Aug. 06, 2019 |
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Gun confiscation is picking up steam among congressional Republicans in the wake of President Donald Trump's call for "red flag" gun control laws which allow unelected government bureaucrats to seize people's guns after arbitrarily deeming them a "threat" to themselves or others. From New York Times, "Red Flag' Gun Control Bills Pick Up Momentum With G.O.P. in Congress": Congressional Republicans, under pressure to respond to this weekend's massacres, appear to be coalescing around legislation to help law enforcement to take guns from those who pose an imminent danger -- a measure that, if signed into law, would be the most significant gun safety legislation enacted in 20 years.Americans came out of the woodwork in droves to vote for Donald Trump on a platform of building a wall, deporting illegal immigrants, ending stupid wars, reforming trade deals, being tough on crime and protecting gun rights. We instead got record illegal immigration, significantly less deportations than Obama, massive tax cuts for Big Tech and Corporate America, the continuation of nearly all our previous wars and threats of new wars with Iran and Venezuela, Koch-Kushner criminal justice reform, a unilateral bump stock ban and now "red flag" gun seizure laws which blatantly violate the First, Second and Fifth Amendments. There is no getting around the fact we're getting the exact opposite of what we voted for.
Does anyone actually think gun confiscation is going to lead to less violence and not more? Americans have already been killed by cops trying to enforce these unAmerican "red flag" laws. I can't see any reason to support the GOP in 2020 at all at this point. We should be demanding they earn our vote just like all the other groups they're pandering to. The only high-profile figure addressing any of the real problems in our society and actually trying to get them solved is Tucker Carlson. If our government doesn't collapse Soviet-style over the next four years we need to draft Tucker to run for 2024.
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