Italy Votes to Fine Migrant Ships 1 Mil Euros For Illegally Entering Italian Waters, Arrest Captains, Seize ShipsChris MenahanInformationLiberation Aug. 06, 2019 |
Report: MAGA 'Influencers' Are Being Paid to Promote Israel, Wind Farms, Weed Legalization And More
Trump Shares Video Saying Netanyahu Conned America Into War with Iraq and is Pushing War with Iran
Facebook's 'Free Speech' Overhaul 'Opened Season on Just About Every Topic Except One'
Group That Plotted to "Kill Elon Musk's Twitter" Collaborated With Israeli Govt, Leaks Reveal
Judge Throws Out Title VI Suit Against Haverford College Aimed at Silencing Criticism of Israel
It's truly remarkable to see a Western government actually listen to its own people and enact real reforms. From Reuters: The Italian government on Monday won a confidence vote in the Senate on a decree targeting charities operating migrant rescue ships, in a victory for Interior Minister Matteo Salvini and his far-right League party.Who knew governments could actually listen to their voters? Americans in 2016 voted for a wall, deportations and restricted immigration but the GOP instead gave us virtually open borders, record illegal immigration and lower deportation numbers than Obama (which seems to be causing some people to lose their minds). This is not a sustainable social order. Now the GOP is joining with the Dems to push for a massive green card giveaway to benefit Big Tech, as well as "red flag" gun control laws. Trump on Monday also pretty much called for the Bill of Rights to be scrapped. The gap between what the people are asking for and our government is giving us is becoming so massive and creating so much discontent one can only hope the US empire collapses under the weight of its own malfeasance. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |