NYT: 'The Case For Immigration As Reparations'Chris MenahanInformationLiberation Jun. 07, 2019 |
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![]() ![]() From The New York Times, "The Case for Immigration As Reparations," subheadline: "Immigration quotas should be based on how much the host country has ruined other countries": There is a lot of debate these days about whether the United States owes its African-American citizens reparations for slavery. It does. But there is a far bigger bill that the United States and Europe have run up: what they owe to other countries for their colonial adventures, for the wars they imposed on them, for the inequality they have built into the world order, for the excess carbon they have dumped into the atmosphere.So much for that whole "immigration enriches our culture" spiel. The West needs to be punished, so throw open your borders! Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |