Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on Trump UK Visit: 'Leaving The UK Today. I Will Be Back When He Leaves.'Chris MenahanInformationLiberation Jun. 03, 2019 |
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Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said late Sunday night in advance of President Trump's visit to the United Kingdom that he was "leaving the UK today" and would be "back when he leaves." "I am going to the airport," Wales said. "Leaving the UK today. I will be back when he leaves."
After getting pushback, Wales said he was just "trolling the MAGA bots."
He went on to retweet a bunch of posts attacking Trump, including this one from crazed Russiagate conspiracy theorist Louise Mensch:
Here's some more:
If you're wondering why Wikipedia is so incredibly biased, this should clue you in. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |