Trump Proposes Releasing Illegals In Sanctuary Cities, Pelosi Says His 'Cruelty Cannot Be Overstated'Chris MenahanInformationLiberation Apr. 12, 2019 |
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So much for that whole "illegal aliens enrich our culture and our economy" bit! From The Washington Post: White House officials have tried to pressure U.S. immigration authorities to release detainees onto the streets of "sanctuary cities" to retaliate against President Trump's political adversaries, according to Department of Homeland Security officials and email messages reviewed by The Washington Post.Wait, I thought all these illegals had a "spark of divinity" inside them? I thought they "enriched our culture" and "enriched our economy"? Why would it be unbelievably cruel to send them to your district when you're demanding they all be let in to improve our culture and economy? This is literally the best plan ever. Whoever told Trump to scrap it should be fired and he should go ahead with it full steam. Make these leftoids live up to their own beliefs! After the news came out, Trump claimed he's still considering the plan:
I'm not going to hold my breath as Trump's been undermined on everything by Javanka and his own staff, but this is just the type of creative thinking we need to solve our immigration problem! Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |